1 Scope
This part of GB/T 10357 specifies the test method for stability of storage units.
This part is applicable to the delivered finished products of various single storage units, and may also serve as reference for other storage units.
2 General Test Conditions
2.1 Specimen
The specimen shall be the delivered finished product completely-assembled, and shall meet the requirements of product design drawing.
All ironware connecting pieces shall be firmly installed before the test.
2.2 Precision
Unless otherwise specified, the measurement of size less than 1m shall be accurate to ±0.5mm while that of size greater than or equal to 1m shall be accurate to ±1mm. The measurement of force shall be accurate to ±5% while that of mass shall be accurate to ±1%.
3 Test Facilities
3.1 Loading device
The equipment vertically or horizontally applying force on specimen according to the specified value and gradually increased, and its structure shall not prevent the stressed specimen from freely tilting.
3.2 Chock block
The device used to prevent specimen from moving but not restricting its tilting. Its height is not greater than 12mm. If the structure of specimen is special, larger size is allowable, but its maximum height should exactly prevent the specimen from moving.
3.3 Ground requirements for test position
The ground of test position shall be level and flat.
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 General Test Conditions
3 Test Facilities
4 Test Items and Procedure