1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to implement the related national technical-economic policies in the geotechnical investigation activities, to accomplish state-of-the-art technology and economic feasibility, to ensure engineering quality and to improve investment benefit.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the geotechnical investigation of the engineering projects excluding hydraulic works, railway, highway, bridge and culverts.
1.0.3 Prior to the engineering and construction of the projects, the geotechnical investigation must be carried out according to the basic construction procedure.
1.0.3 A The geotechnical investigation shall, according to the requirements of each investigation stages of the engineering construction, exactly reflect the engineering geological conditions, and ascertain the adverse geological action and geological disaster. Through meticulous investigation and careful analysis, an investigation report presenting integral information and accurate assessment shall be provided.
1.0.4 For the geotechnical investigation, not only the requirements stipulated in this Code but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation shall be complied with.
Foreword 1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 3 Investigation Classification and Geotechnical Classification 4 Basic Requirements of Engineering Investigations 4.1 Building Construction and Structures 4.2 Underground Excavation 4.3 Shoreside Engineering 4.4 Road and Overhead Network Engineering 4.5 Waste Disposal Engineering 4.6 Nuclear Power Plant 4.7 Side Slope Engineering 4.8 Foundation Excavation Engineering 4.9 Pile Foundation 4.10 Foundation Treatment 4.11 Load Increasing and Protection for Pre-existing Building 5 Adverse Geological Action and Geological Disaster 5.1 Karst 5.2 Landslide 5.3 Dangerous Rock and Collapse 5.4 Mud-rock Flow 5.5 Worked-out Section 5.6 Land Subsidence 5.7 Seismic Effect of Site and Foundation 5.8 Active Faults 6 Special Rock and Soil 6.1 Collapsible Soil 6.2 Red Clay 6.3 Soft Soil 6.4 Fabricated Soil 6.5 Filling 6.6 Perennial Frost 6.7 Expansion Rock and Soil 6.8 Brine Salting Rock and Soil 6.9 Decayed Rock and Residual Soil 6.10 Pollute Soil 7 Groundwater 7.1 Investigation Requirements of Groundwater 7.2 Mensuration for Hydrogeologic Parameter 7.3 Evaluation for Functions of Ground-Water 8 Engineering Geological Mapping and Survey 9 Exploration and Sampling 9.1 General Requirements 9.2 Drilling 9.3 Costeening, Trenching and Cave Exploration 9.4 Adopting of Geotechnical Samples 9.5 Geophysical Exploration 10 In-situ Measurement 10.1 General Requirements 10.2 Load Test 10.3 Statically Cone Penetration Test 10.4 Circular Cone Dynamic Penetration Test 10.5 Standard Penetration Test 10.6 Vane Shear Test 10.7 Pressurementer Test 10.8 Flat Dilatometer Test 10.9 In-situ Direct Shear Test 10.10 Wave Celerity Testing 10.11 Rock Mass In-Situ Stress Testing 10.12 Testing with Shock Excitation Method 11 Indoor Test 11.1 General Requirements 11.2 Soil Physical Property Test 11.3 Soil Compress Consolidation Test 11.4 Soil Shear Strength Test 11.5 Soil kinetic Property Test 11.6 Rock Test 12 Assessment of Water and Soil Corrosivity 12.1 Sampling and Testing 12.2 Corrosion Evaluation 13 In-situ Inspection and Monitoring 13.1 General Provisions 13.2 Inspection and Monitoring for Foundation of Ground Base 13.3 Monitoring for Bad Geological Action and Geologic Hazard 13.4 Monitoring of Groundwater 14 Geotechnical Engineering Analysis Assessment and Result Report 14.1 General Provisions 14.2 Analyses and Adoption of Rock and Soil Parameter 14.3 Basic Requirements of Outcome Report Annex A: Rock/soil Classification and Verification Annex B: Blow Count Correction of Taper Dynamic Sounding Annex C: Engineering Classification of Debris Flow Annex D: Primary Distinguishing Method of Swelling Soil Annex E: Hydrogeologic Parameter Measurement Method Annex F: technical standards of the soil sampler Annex G: site environment type Annex H Explanation of Wording