is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard replaces "Maximum Levels of Mycotoxins in Foods" (GB 2761-2011).
Compared with GB 2761-2011, the following main changes have been made with respect to this standard:
——Application principle is modified;
——Requirements on maximum levels of ochratoxin A in wine and coffee are added;
——Requirements on maximum levels of mycotoxin in formula foods for special medical use, complementary food supplement, sports nutrition food, food supplement for nutrition of pregnant women and wet nurses are added;
——Note in the parenthesis behind fermented bean paste in Table 1 is deleted;
——Inspection method standard No. is updated;
——Annex A is modified.
National Food Safety Standard-Maximum Levels of Mycotoxins in Foods
1 Scope
This standard specifies indexes for maximum level of aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin M1, deoxynivalenol, patulin, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in foods.
2 Terms and Definitions
2.1 mycotoxin
the secondary toxic metabolites generated by fungus in the growth and reproduction process
2.2 edible part
the edible part of food material obtained after the nonedible part is removed mechanically (milling of cereal, peeling of fruit, shelling of nuts, boning of meat, boning of fish and shelling of shellfish) from food material
Note 1: nonedible part shall not be removed by any non-mechanical means (e.g. refining process of rough vegetable oil).
Note 2: the quantity of edible part varies with different production processes where the same food materials are applied to produce different products. For example, where wheat is applied to process oatmeal and whole wheat flour, the edible part is calculated as 100%; where wheat flour is processed, the edible part is converted according to flour yield.
2.3 maximum levels
the maximum allowable content of mycotoxin in food material and/or edible part of food product
3 Application Principle
3.1 No matter whether the maximum level of mycotoxin is specified, food producer and processor shall take control measures to minimize mycotoxin content in foods.
3.2 This standard lists mycotoxin which may pose a larger risk to public health; maximum levels will be specified for foods which have larger influence on the exposure of consumers' diet .
3.3 Food category (name) description (Annex A) is used to demarcate application scope of the maximum level of mycotoxin and is only applicable to this standard. When some mycotoxin limit is applied to some food category (name), all the categories in this food category (name) will apply, except for those under special regulations.
3.4 The maximum levels of mycotoxin in foods are calculated based on the common edible part of foods, except for those under special regulations.
4 Index Requirements
4.1 Aflatoxin B1
4.1.1 Maximum-level indexes of aflatoxin B1 in foods are detailed in Table 1.
Table 1 Maximum-level Index of Aflatoxin B1 in Foods
Food category (name) Maximum level
Cereals and their products
——Corn and corn meal (grit and flakes) and corn products 20
——Rough rice a, brown rice and rice 10
——Wheat, barley and other cereals 5.0
——Wheat flour, oatmeal and other skinned cereals 5.0
Beans and their products
——Fermented bean products 5.0
Nuts and seeds
——Peanut and their products 20
——Other prepared nuts and seeds 5.0
Grease and its products
——Vegetable fat (except peanut oil and corn oil) 10
——Peanut oil and corn oil 20
——Soy sauce, vinegar and fermented bean paste 5.0
Foods for special dietary supplies
——Formula foods for infants and young children
——Infant formula foods b 0.5 (calculated as powder products)
——Older infants and young children formula b 0.5 (calculated as powder products)
——Formula foods for infants and young children for special medical use 0.5 (calculated as powder products)
——Complementary foods for infants and young children
——Cereal-based complementary foods for infants and young children 0.5
——Formula foods for special medical use b (the varieties involved in infant formula foods for special medical use are excluded) 0.5 (calculated as solid products)
——Complimentary food supplement c 0.5
——Sports nutrition foods b 0.5
——Food supplement for nutrition of pregnant women and wet nurses c 0.5
a Rough rice is calculated as brown rice.
b Products mainly made of soybean and soybean protein products.
c Only limited to products containing cereals, nuts and beans.
4.1.2 Inspection method: according to the method specified in GB 5009.22.
4.2 Aflatoxin M1
4.2.1 Maximum-level indexes of aflatoxin M1 in foods are detailed in Table 2.
Table 2 Maximum-level Indexes of Aflatoxin M1 in Foods
Food category (name) Maximum level μg/kg
Milk and milk products a 0.5
Foods for special dietary supplies
——Formula foods for infants and young children
——Infant formula foods b 0.5 (calculated as powder products)
——Older infants and young children formula foods b 0.5 (calculated as powder products)
——Infant formula foods for special medical use 0.5 (calculated as powder products)
——Formula foods for special medical use b (the varieties involved in infant formula foods for special medical use are excluded) 0.5 (calculated as solid products)
——Complimentary food supplement c 0.5
——Sports nutrition foods b 0.5
——Food supplement for nutrition of pregnant women and wet nurses c 0.5
a Milk powder is converted as raw milk.
b Products mainly made of milk and milk protein product.
c Only limited to products containing milk.
4.2.2 Inspection method: according to the method specified in GB 5009.24.
4.3 Deoxynivalenol
4.3.1 Maximum level indexes of deoxynivalenol in foods are detailed in Table 3.
Table 3 Maximum-level Index of Deoxynivalenol in Foods
Food category (name) Maximum level μg/kg
Cereals and their products
——Corn and corn meal (grit and flakes) 1000
——Barley, wheat, oatmeal, wheat flour 1000
4.3.2 Inspection method: according to the method specified in GB 5009.111.
4.4 Patulin
4.4.1 Maximum-level indexes of patulin in foods are detailed in Table 4.
Table 4 Maximum Level Index of Patulin in Foods
Food category (name) a Maximum level μg/kg
Fruits and their products
——Fruit products (except for hawthorn roll) 50
——Fruit/vegetable juices and beverages 50
Liquor 50
a It is only applicable to products made of apple and hawthorn.
4.4.2 Inspection method: according to the method specified in GB 5009.185.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Terms and Definitions 3 Application Principle 4 Index Requirements Annex A Food Category (Name) Description