is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB 19815-2005 Centrifuge—Safety requirements. In addition to editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB 19815-2005:
——The English name of the standard is modified from "Safety requirements for centrifuge" to "Centrifuge—Safety requirements", because the original English name is not uniform with two paragraphs for Chinese name, while one paragraph for English name (see the cover hereof; cover of Edition 2005).
——Some contents in Clause 1 “Scope” are modified (see Clause 1 hereof; Clause 1 of Edition 2005).
——Clause 3 “Terms and definitions” is modified (see Clause 3 hereof; Clause 3 of Edition 2005).
——Clause 4 "General" is deleted (Clause 4 of Edition 2005).
——The contents of Clause 5 “Hazard list” in the original standard (Clause 4 “Hazard list” in the current standard) are rearranged, deleted and added. The structure of this clause is changed to “4 Hazard list, 4.1 General; 4.2 Mechanical hazard; 4.2.1 Design factors; 4.2.2 Manufacturing factors; 4.3 Electrical hazard; 4.4 Noise hazard; 4.5 Vibration hazard; 4.6 Temperature and temperature rise hazards; 4.7 Material and substance hazard; 4.8 Other hazards" (see Clause 4 hereof; Clause 5 of Edition 2005).
——The Clause 6 “Safety requirements and measures in design and manufacturing” in the original standard is changed into Clause 5 “Safety requirements", which is structurally divided into eight parts: basic requirements, mechanical safety requirements, safety requirements of electrical system, requirements of noise, requirements of vibration, requirements of temperature and temperature rise, safety requirements of materials and substances, other safety requirements and archives "(see Clause 5 hereof, Clause 6 of Edition 2005).
——The sub-clauses “6.9” and “6.10” are deleted (see 6.9 and 6.10 of Edition 2005);
——The requirements of centrifugal casting drums are added (see hereof).
——The requirements of dynamic balance of drum are modified (see hereof; 6.11 of Edition 2005);
——Some contents of Clause 7 “Information for use” in the original standard are modified (see Clause 6 hereof; Clause 7 of Edition 2005);
——Clause 8 “Judgment of safety performance" in the original standard is modified, and the content given in 8.3 is moved to Annex A (see Clause 7 hereof; Clause 8 of Edition 2005).
——Some contents of Clause 9 in the original standard are modified (see Clause 8; Clause 9 of Edition 2005);
——Annex A is modified (see Annex A hereof; Annex A of Edition 2005).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
The previous edition of this standard is as follows:
——GB 19815-2005.
Centrifuges are widely used in food, medicine, chemical industry, metallurgy, mining, environmental protection, petrochemicals, beverages and other fields. There are many kinds of centrifuges, which can be classified into sedimenting centrifuges, filtering centrifuges and sedimentation-filtration centrifuges according to different separation principles or manual discharge centrifuges, peeler discharge centrifuges, pusher centrifuges, scroll discharge centrifuges, slip discharge centrifuges, tumbling discharge centrifuges and vibrating discharge centrifuges according to different discharge methods. The rotating speed of the centrifuge can range from hundreds of revolutions per minute to thousands of revolutions per minute. For example, the lowest rotating speed of a common three-column centrifuge with a drum diameter of 2,000 mm is only 500 r/min, while that of LW200 horizontal solid-bowl scroll discharge centrifuge can be as high as 7,000r/min, so its risk is very high. The formulation and implementation of GB 19815-2005 Centrifuge—Safety requirements is important for standardizing the design, manufacture, use and maintenance of centrifuges, and establish a market access system for centrifuge products to prevent unqualified products from entering the market avoid unnecessary safety accidents, and protect the safety of people's lives and property while to promote the improvement of centrifuge product quality and technical level in China.
The standard is revised from the aspects of design, development, manufacturing, use and maintenance of centrifuge products mainly based on the development level of centrifuges in China, and revises the contents of the standard.
When revising this standard, we also consulted EN 12547: 2014 Centrifuges—Common safety requirements, and partially referred to EN 12547: 2014.
This revision can effectively promote the development of China's centrifuge industry, encourage enterprises to develop, design and manufacture centrifuge products with higher technical level and performance quality, improve the quality of China's centrifuge products, and provide guarantee and basis for the export of China's centrifuge products.
At the same time, users of the standard shall be aware that the safety requirements contained in this standard are aimed for the main hazards that may occur in the use, transportation, installation, commissioning, maintenance, disassembly and disposal of centrifuges, but not all the risks.
Centrifuge—Safety requirements
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety requirements of all kinds of industrial centrifuges with metal drums (hereinafter referred to as centrifuges) in design, manufacture, installation and use, as well as the inspection and judgment methods of information for use and safety performance.
This standard is applicable to all centrifuges for industrial purpose (including industrial dehydrators).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3766 Hydraulic fluid power—General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
GB/T 4774 Terminology of filtration and separation
GB/T 5226.1 Electrical safety of machinery—Electrical equipment of machines—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 7932 Pneumatic fluid power—General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
GB/T 8196 Safety of machinery—Guards—General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
GB/T 9969 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB/T 10894 Determination method of noise emitted by separating machine
GB/T 12265.3 Safety of machinery—Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
GB 12476.1 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 15706 Safety of machinery—General principles for design—Risk assessment and risk reduction
GB/T 16754 Safety of machinery—Emergency stop Principles for design
GB/T 18209.2 Electrical safety of machinery—Indication marking and actuation—Part 2: Requirements for marking
GB/T 23821 Safety of machinery—Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs
GB/T 28695 Standard of strength calculation for centrifugal drum
GB/T 28696 Centrifuge separator drum balance—Inspection standard
JB/T 9095 Conventional nondestructive testing for forging and weldment of centrifuge and separator
JB/T 10411 Ultrasonic inspection and quality estimation for stainless steel forging of centrifuge and separator
JB/T 11874 Stainless steel centrifugal casting cylinder for separation machine
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 4774 and GB/T 15706 apply.
4 Hazard list
4.1 General
The following hazardous items are the results of risk assessment of centrifuges within the application scope of this standard according to the provisions of GB/T 15706, and are only some or major ones, not all hazardous items. These hazardous items may occur in the use, transportation, installation, commissioning, maintenance, disassembly and disposal of the equipment under the predetermined conditions specified in the instructions for use.
4.2 Mechanical hazard
4.2.1 Design factors The structural design is wrong or unreasonable, such as the strength and stiffness of the connecting parts of each structural member are insufficient and the stability is poor, resulting in the failure of structural members or connecting parts; or there are no reliable anti-loosing measures at the fastening parts of rotating parts, resulting in fastening failure. Strength calculation for centrifugal drum does not meet the requirements of GB/T 28695. The materials used in the centrifuge design do not meet the requirements of service conditions. Exposed moving parts of centrifuge have no effective guards or protective measures. The design of hydraulic and pneumatic systems is unreasonable, there is no overload or pressure loss protection device, and there is no interlocking protection for associated actions during operation. No effective sealing measures are taken for the parts of the centrifuge that may leak, such as sealing centrifuge shell, hydraulic cylinder block flange, pressure component pipe connection, etc. The centrifuge is not equipped with safety hoisting device or the hoisting device and hoisting position are set improperly.
4.2.2 Manufacturing factors The chemical composition and mechanical properties of the materials used in the manufacture of the centrifuge do not meet the design requirements. The weldment of centrifuge is not welded and inspected as required, or the welding quality fails to meet the design requirements. Centrifuge casting and forging parts do not meet the design requirements or are not inspected according to regulations. The manufacturing and processing accuracy of centrifuge parts, as well as the assembly of parts or complete machine do not meet the design requirements. The dynamic balance of the rotating parts of the centrifuge does not meet the requirements of the product standard. The centrifuge parts that shall be processed do not meet the requirements. Accessible parts of centrifuge have burrs, sharp corners and sharp edges. The purchased parts of centrifuge do not meet the design requirements, or the quality of purchased parts does not meet the requirements of relevant standards.
4.3 Electrical hazard
4.3.1 The electrical system design of centrifuge is unreasonable and there are safety risks.
4.3.2 The purchased electrical equipment and electrical components do not meet the safety requirements.
4.3.3 Effective measures are not taken for electric shock, overload, etc. and fault alarm is insufficient.
4.4 Noise hazard
Centrifuge noise does not meet the requirements of product standards.
4.5 Vibration hazard
4.5.1 The centrifuge does not have effective vibration damping devices or measures, and has no vibration alarm and vibration protection.
4.5.2 The vibration intensity of centrifuge does not meet the requirements of product standards.
4.5.3 Resonance due to centrifuge operation.
4.6 Temperature and temperature rise hazards
4.6.1 Danger caused by excessive temperature and temperature rise of centrifuge main bearings and other parts.
4.6.2 Hazards caused by excessive oil temperature rise in hydraulic system.
4.7 Material and substance hazard
4.7.1 Hazards arising from exposure to toxic or hazardous materials.
4.7.2 Hazards caused by toxic or corrosive substance.
4.7.3 Hazards of poisoning, allergy, burns and explosions from volatile, flammable or explosive substances.
4.7.4 Hazards caused by gas, mist, fiber, dust and suspended solids that may be generated during the separation of substances.
4.8 Other hazards
4.8.1 The safety warning sign is improperly designed or invalid, and the instruction for use is unclear and inaccurate.
4.8.2 Hazards caused by improper installation, use or maintenance of centrifuges.
Foreword i Introduction iii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Hazard list 4.1 General 4.2 Mechanical hazard 4.3 Electrical hazard 4.4 Noise hazard 4.5 Vibration hazard 4.6 Temperature and temperature rise hazards 4.7 Material and substance hazard 4.8 Other hazards 5 Safety requirements 5.1 Basic requirements 5.2 Mechanical safety requirements 5.3 Safety requirements of electrical system 5.4 Requirements of noise 5.5 Requirements of vibration 5.6 Requirements of temperature and temperature rise 5.7 Safety requirements of materials and substances 5.8 Other safety requirements 5.9 Archives 6 Information for use 6.1 Basic requirements 6.2 Marking 6.3 Instructions for use 7 Judgment of safety performance 7.1 Sampling 7.2 Test items and judgment methods 8 Safety requirements and measures in operation and maintenance Annex A (Normative) Inspection item for the safety performance of typical centrifuges