1 Scope
This standard specifies technical requirements for the destroying and biosafety disposal of sick animal and animal product.
This standard is applicable to infected plague animals and their products specified by the nation, carcasses of animals died from disease, poisoning or unknown cause, products of animals being inspected to be harmful to human and animal health and sick animals, as well as animals and animal products for which biosafety disposal is required by the nation
2 Term and Definition
For the purposes of this standard, the following term and definition applies.
2.1 Biosafety disposal
The disposal of sick animal carcass as well as sick animal product or attachments with burning, inedible rendering or disposal, burial or other physical, chemical and biological methods to utterly destroy the pathogens carried by them, reaching the purpose of eliminating sickness factors and ensuring the health safety of human and animal.
3 Sick Animal and Animal Product Disposal
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Term and Definition
3 Sick Animal and Animal Product Disposal