Regulation for Lift Supervisory Inspection and Periodical Inspection-Traction and Positive Drive Lift
Article 1 This Regulation is formulated according to "Regulations on Safety Supervision over Special Equipment" in order to strengthen the supervisory management for the installation, renovation, maintenance, daily maintenance, use and inspection work of traction and positive drive lifts, regulate the supervisory inspection and periodical inspection behaviors for installation, renovation and significant maintenance of traction and positive drive lifts, improve the quality of inspection work, promote the operating safety of traction and positive drive lifts and guarantee the effective implementation of the work.
Article 2 This Regulation is applicable to the supervisory inspection and periodical inspection for installation, renovation and significant maintenance of electrically driven traction and positive lifts (except explosion-proof lift, fire fighter lift and dumbwaiter lift).
The production (including design, manufacture, installation, renovation, maintenance and daily maintenance of lifts, the same below) and using units of above-mentioned traction and positive drive lifts (hereinafter referred to as lifts) as well as Special Equipment Inspection Agencies engaged in lift supervisory inspection and periodical inspection shall comply with this Regulation.
Article 3 The supervisory inspection involved in this Regulation refers to the supervisory inspection, according to the requirements of this Regulation, for lift installation, renovation and significant maintenance process by special equipment inspection agencies (hereinafter referred to as inspection agencies) who are approved by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as GAQSIQ); the periodical inspection involved in this Regulation refers to the inspection conducted by inspection agencies periodically for in-use lifts according to the requirements of this Regulation.
The supervisory inspection and periodical inspection (hereinafter referred to as inspection) is the verification inspection for the lift production and using units implementing the relevant laws, regulations and standards, implementing the safety responsibilities and developing the relevant work quality conditions in order to guarantee and independently confirm lift safety. The self-inspection record of lift production unit or conclusion in report is the comprehensive judgment for equipment safety condition; the issuance of inspection conclusion in the inspection report by inspection agencies is the judgment for such work quality as lift production and using units implementing relevant responsibilities and independently determining equipment safety.
Article 4 Where such special circumstances as new technology, new material and new process related to lift production and inspection and affecting the technical index and requirements of this Regulation occur, GAQSIQ may propose the corresponding requirements according to according to specific circumstances.
Article 5 The construction organization who implements lift installation, renovation or significant maintenance shall apply for supervisory inspection to specified inspection agencies after performing inform as required and before construction start (excluding such preparation work as equipment unpacking and field survey); the lift using unit shall apply for periodical inspection to specified inspection agencies before one month at the expiration of the next inspection date marked by the safety inspection mark.
Article 6 The construction organization shall check such civil work related to lift construction as lift machine room (or machinery equipment room), lift well and foundation pit according to the requirements of design documents and standards, confirm the manufacture quality of lift (including spare parts, safety protection device, etc.), and make record well, and then carry out lift construction after meeting the requirements.
The construction organization or maintenance organization shall, according to the requirements of relevant safety technical codes and standards, guarantee construction or daily maintenance quality, actually and accurately fill in record or report with respect to construction or daily maintenance, and shall be responsible for construction or daily maintenance quality as well as the trueness of provided related documents and information and the compliance with physical object.
Article 7 The construction organization, maintenance organization and using unit shall provide the relevant documents and information meeting the requirement of Appendix A to inspection agencies, and shall arrange the relevant professional personnel to coordinate with inspection agencies to implement inspection. Thereinto, the self-inspection report of construction, annual self-inspection record or report of daily maintenance shall be submitted with hard copy separately for future reference.
Article 8 The inspection agencies shall implement supervisory inspection based on qualified self-inspection of construction organization and implement periodical inspection based on qualified self-inspection of maintenance organization. The implementation of supervisory inspection and periodical inspection shall comply with the following requirements:
(I) For lift installation process, the items listed in Appendix B shall be inspected according to the inspection contents, requirements and methods specified in Appendix A;
(II) For lift renovation and significant maintenance process, the related items and their contents involved in renovation and significant maintenance shall be inspected according to the inspection contents, requirements and methods specified in Appendix A; other items shall be inspected according to the requirements of Item (III) of this article;
(III) For in-use lift, the periodical inspection shall be carried out for the items listed in Appendix C once per year according to the inspection contents, requirements and methods specified in Appendix A;
(IV) When the special equipment safety supervision organization receives above 3 times (including s) of real name reporting for lift faults within one inspection period and the existence of above faults affects the operating safety of the lift upon confirmation, special equipment safety supervision organization may request to carry out annual self-inspection and periodical inspection of maintenance organization in advance;
(V) For the lift that the safety technique performance is affected due to natural disaster or equipment breakdown and for the lift that has been out of use for more than one year, the inspection shall be carried out according to the requirements of Item (III) of this article before reuse.
However, if implementing renovation or significant maintenance for the lift, the inspection shall be carried out according to the requirements of Item (II) of this article.
Article 9 The lift inspection item is divided into A, B and C three categories. The inspection procedure of each category is as follows:
(I) For Category A item, the inspection agencies examine the provided documents and information according to the corresponding requirements of Appendix A.
Inspect this item and compare with inspection result (hereinafter referred to as self-inspection result) of corresponding item of self-inspection record or report, and make judgment for the inspection conclusion according to the requirements of Article 20; if this item is not examined or inspected by inspection agencies, or the examination and inspection conclusions are unqualified, the construction organization shall not carry out the construction of the next procedure.
(II) For Category B item, the inspection agencies examine the provided documents and information according to the corresponding requirements of Appendix A.
Inspect this item and compare with self-inspection result, and make judgment for the inspection conclusion according to the requirements of Article 20.
(III) For Category C item, the inspection agencies examine the provided documents and information according to the corresponding requirements of Appendix A, if they consider the documents and information such as self-inspection record or report are intact and effective and have no doubt for the self-inspection result (hereinafter referred to as no doubt for information examination), it may be confirmed as qualified; if documents and information are short, ineffective or there is doubt for the self-inspection result (hereinafter referred to as doubt for information examination), this item shall be inspected according to the inspection method specified in Appendix A and shall be compared with the self-inspection result, and the judgment shall be made for the inspection conclusion of this item according to the requirements of Article 20.
The category of each inspection item is detailed in Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C, and the specific inspection methods are detailed in Appendix A.
Article 10 The inspection agencies shall prepare lift inspection operation instruction document including inspection procedure and inspection flow chart according to the requirements of this Regulation, and shall conduct strict control on lift inspection quality according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, this Regulation and inspection operation instruction document, shall be responsible for the accuracy of inspection result and inspection conclusion and shall be responsible for inspection work quality.
Article 11 The inspection agencies shall unify to formulate original lift inspection record format and its requirements and formally issue and use in this organization. The original record content shall not be less than the content specified in corresponding inspection report (see Appendix B and Appendix C). If necessary, the separate table or figure shall be given for related items for the purpose of data record and arrangement.
Article 12 The inspection agencies shall equip inspection and detection instrument and equipment, measuring instruments and tools meeting the inspection requirements and methods of Appendix A.
Article 13 The inspector can not be engaged in lift inspection work of approved items until obtaining the corresponding qualification certificate issued by GAQSIQ according to the requirements of national relevant special equipment inspector qualification test. The field inspection shall be carried out by at least 2 persons with lift Inspector or above qualification; the inspector shall present inspection qualification identification to lift construction organization or using unit (hereinafter referred to as client) applying for inspection. During field inspection, the inspector shall not carry out such work as lift repair and adjustment.
Article 14 During field inspection, the inspector shall equip and wear necessary protective articles and shall comply with safety management provisions clearly expressed in construction site or by using unit.
Article 15 When inspecting the complete lift, the inspection site shall be provided with the following inspection conditions:
(I) The air temperature of machine room or machinery equipment room shall maintain 5℃~40℃;
(II) The fluctuation of power input voltage is within ±7% of rated voltage value;
(III) The ambient air is free from corrosive and inflammable gas or conducting dust;
(IV) The inspection site (mainly refers to machine room or machinery equipment room, lift well, car top and foundation pit) is clean and is free from articles and equipment irrelevant to lift work; such inspection site as base station and relevant landing shall be placed with warning board indicating the inspection is in progress;
(V) Carry out necessary seal for lift well.
Under special circumstances, the lift design document has special provisions for temperature, humidity, voltage, ambient air conditions, etc.; the temperature, humidity, voltage, ambient air conditions, etc. of inspection site shall meet the requirements of the lift design document.
For the lift not possessing field inspection conditions, or the continuous inspection may cause hazard, the inspector may suspend the inspection, but he must state the reason to the client in writing.
Article 16 During the inspection process, the inspector shall earnestly examine the related documents and information and record the inspection conditions in the original record according to the facts (including name and serial number of examined documents and information), and shall be free from inspection missing and record missing. The unified and specified simple marks may be used to indicate "conformity", "nonconformity", "qualified", "unqualified", "no such item", etc.; for the item that the test data is required (namely the item that the test data is required in the inspection method of Appendix A, the same below), the measured data must be filled in; for the item that the test data is not required but the condition explanation is needed, explain with simple characters, for example "door lock of × floor disabled"; for special circumstances, may fill in "not inspected due to … (reason), "wait for inspection", "see attached sheet", etc.
The original record shall be indicated with field inspection date, be signed by inspectors who implementing this inspection, and shall be provided with checking signature of one inspector among them.
The inspection agencies shall keep the original record of supervisory inspection and the self-inspection report of construction for a long term. For original record of periodical inspection and annual self-inspection record or report of daily maintenance, the inspection agencies shall at least keep 2 inspection periods.
Article 17 During inspection process, if any following condition, the inspection agencies shall issue "Special Equipment Inspection Comment Notice" (see Appendix D, hereinafter referred to as "Notice") to client or/and maintenance organization at the end of field inspection, and propose the correction requirements:
(I) The construction process record or daily maintenance record of construction or maintenance organization is not intact;
(II) The lift has unqualified item;
(III) The inspection result of the item requiring test data has many larger deviations with the self-inspection result and there is doubt for the self-inspection capacity of corresponding organizations;
(IV) The using unit has the problem not meeting the relevant laws and regulations, rules and safety technical codes of the lift.
During periodical inspection, for the lift with unqualified item but not directly judged as unqualified according to the requirements of Article 21 of this Regulation, the using unit shall be required to timely take safety measures before correction completion and to carry out monitoring use for this lift in "Notice".
The client or/and maintenance organization shall timely correct according to the requirements of "Notice", and shall submit such witness information as "Notice" and correction report filled with processed results to inspection agencies within specified time limit.
The inspector shall confirm the correction conditions, and shall confirm whether they meet the requirements by adopting field verification or viewing such witness information as "Notice" and correction report filled with processed results according to circumstances.
For the lift with periodical inspection, if the using unit is intended to conduct renovation or significant maintenance for correction or intended to make outage or discard disposal, sign the corresponding comments on "Notice" and feed back to inspection agencies within specified time limit, meanwhile, transact the corresponding relevant procedure according to the relevant requirements.
Article 18 After inspection work (including confirmation for correction conditions specified in Article 17) completion or reaching the time limit proposed in "Notice" but the client does not feed back such witness material as correction report, the inspection agencies must issue inspection report within 10 working days. If the inspection conclusion is "qualified", the safety inspection mark shall be issued simultaneously.
The content and format of inspection report shall meet the requirements of this Regulation (see Appendix B and Appendix C); the conclusion page must be provided with signature of inspection, preparation, examination and approval personnel as well as special seal or official seal for inspection of inspection agencies.
The inspection agencies, construction organization and using unit shall keep the supervisory inspection report for a long term. For periodical inspection report, the inspection agencies and using unit shall at least keep 2 inspection periods.
Article 19 In the inspection report, "inspection result" and "inspection conclusion" of the inspection item shall be filled in according to the following requirements:
(I) For the item requiring test data, the measured or calculated and processed data shall be filled in the column of "inspection result";
(II) For the item not requiring test data, if it meets the requirements through inspection, fill in "conformity" in the column of "inspection result"; if it does not meet the requirements through inspection, fill in "nonconformity";
(III) For Category C item, if there is no doubt for information examination, fill in "information confirmation conformity" in the column of "inspection result"; if there is doubt for information examination and the field inspection is carried out, respectively fill in the corresponding content according to the requirements of Item (I) or Item (II) of this article;
(IV) For the item requiring condition explanation, make brief explanation in the column of "inspection result"; if it is difficult to express clearly, describe in the inspection report by adding attached sheet, and fill in "see attached sheet XX" in the column of "inspection result";
(V) For inapplicable item, fill in "no such item" in the column of "inspection result";
(VI) Only fill in such single item conclusion as "qualified", "unqualified", "—" (expressing no such item) in the column of "inspection conclusion".
Article 20 The qualified judgment conditions of each inspection item are as follows:
(I) For Category A and Category B inspection items, the examination and inspection results shall meet the inspection requirements of Appendix A;
(II) For Category C inspection item, the information examination shall have no doubt and meet the inspection requirements of Appendix A, or the examination and inspection results shall meet the inspection requirements of Appendix A
Contents Regulation for Lift Supervisory Inspection and Periodical Inspection-Traction and Positive Drive Lift Appendix A Contents, Requirements and Methods for Supervisory Inspection and Periodical Inspection of Traction and Positive Drive Lifts Appendix B Lift Supervisory Inspection Report Appendix C Lift Periodical Inspection Report Appendix D Special Equipment Inspection Comment Notice