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General Specification 1. This concrete structure drawing collection is one of the G101 series of the National Building Standard Design (hereafter as NSD) Drawing Collection using ichnographic construction drawings (hereafter as "Ich-CD"). 2. G 101 series of "Rules of Ichnographic R.C. Structure Construction and Detail Drawing" cover the following atlas: 03G101-1 (Cast-in-situ concrete frame, shear wall, frame-shear wall, frame-supported shear wall structure); 03G101-2 (Cast-in-situ concrete slab stairs); 04G101-3 (Raft foundation); 04G101-4 (Cast-in-situ concrete floor plate and roof sheathing); 06G101-6 ((Independent foundation, strip foundation and pile foundation bearing platform). 3. This drawing collection is applicable to design and construction for independent foundation, strip foundation and pile foundation bearing platform of reinforced concrete. The structure above the foundation may be cast-in-situ concrete frame, shear wall, frame-shear wall, frame-supported shear wall and bent structure, steel structure, mixed structure and masonry structure in non-seismic area and in the area with seismic fortification intensity 6~9. 4. This drawing collection covers drawing rules and standard construction details for independent foundation, strip foundation and pile foundation bearing platform of cast-in-situ concrete, and for foundation connecting beam and underground frame beam related to such three foundations. This drawing collection excludes irregular independent foundation in special shape. 5. Drawing rules of this drawing collection are not only the criteria for the designer to prepare but also the ones for construction, supervision, etc. personnel to accurately understand and implement the Ich-CD of independent foundation, strip foundation and pile foundation bearing platform of cast-in-situ concrete. 6. The standard construction details of this drawing collection have been incorporated into the presently common and relatively mature construction practice in China, and are formal design documents that must be used together with Ich-CD by design, construction, supervision, etc. personnel. 7. Design criteria of standard construction details of this drawing collection: (1) "Code for Design of Concrete Structures" GB 50010-2002; (2) "Code for Design of Building Foundation" GB 50007-2002; (3) "Code for Design of Steel Structures" GB 50017-2003; (4) "Code for Design of Masonry Structures" GB 50003-2001; (5) "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" GB 50011-2001; (6) "Standard for Structural Drawings" GB/T 50105-2001. 8. Construction details not included in drawing rules and standard construction details of this drawing collection and other unfinished matters shall be designed separately by the designer in specific engineering. "Modification Form for Standard Construction Details" provided in this drawing collection aims to provide reference for the designer in specific engineering design when there is need to make some change for standard construction details of this drawing collection and to cleary write the change content in the general specification of structure design. 9. Unless otherwise noted, the dimension unit in this drawing collection is millimetre and the elevation one is meter. 10. Please log in the following website of China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research for proposing problem or advice in use of this drawing collection, http://www.chinabuilding.com.cn. Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1.0.1 This drawing rule is formulated with a view to standardizing the application ofIch-CD for building structure construction drawing, guaranteeing unified structure construction drawing drawn based on Ich-CD and ensuring the quality of design and construction. Article 1.0.2 The drawing rules of this drawing collection are applicable to construction drawing design for concrete independent foundation, strip foundation, pile foundation bearing platform as well as foundation connecting beam and underground frame beam. Article 1.0.3 Where adopting the drawing rules, it shall not only comply with this drawing collection, but also the current relevant standards, codes and specifications of the nation. Article 1.0.4 Foundation structure construction drawing drawn based on Ich-CD shall directly express plan position, dimension and reinforcement of various foundation members in foundation layout plan according to Ich-CD drawing rules of various foundation members. For complex industrial and civil buildings, plan or necessary details for formwork, foundation pit, reserved hole, embedded parts, etc. shall be added if necessary. Article 1.0.5 Express dimension and reinforcement of independent foundation, strip foundation, pile foundation bearing platform, foundation connecting beam and underground frame beam in layout plan, adopting the notations for plane and supplemented by notations for section. Article 1.0.6 Construction drawings, drawn based on Ich-CD, of independent foundation, strip foundation, pile foundation bearing platform, foundation connecting beam and underground frame beam shall number all the foundation members according to the drawing rules of this drawing collection; the number contains type code and its main function is to designate the selected standard construction details; code has been noted in the standard construction details according to member type so as to define complementary relation of same members in details and Ich-CD, and thereby combining the two to constitute complete foundation construction drawing design. Article 1.0.7 Construction drawings, drawn based on Ich-CD, of independent foundation, strip foundation and pile foundation bearing platform shall adopt table or other mode to note the datum elevation and ±0.000 absolute elevation of foundation bottom. This drawing collection shall be used in conjunction with national building standard design 03G101-1 and 04G101-3; in the identical single project, the determination for floor (ground) elevation of structural layers, height of structural layers and datum elevation of foundation bottom must be unified, so as to guarantee such members as subgrade and foundation, column and wall, beam, slab and stair are marked according to unified vertical orientation relation. For the convenience of construction, the unified floor (ground) elevation of structural layers, height of structural layers and datum elevation of foundation bottom shall be respectively noted in Ich-CD of various members such as foundation, column, wall and beam. Notes: 1. The bottom elevation of independent foundation and strip foundation is the top elevation of foundation bed (including waterproof layer) covering subgrade; the bottom elevation of pile foundation bearing platform is the top elevation of cushion layer (including waterproof layer) covering upper surface of soil between piles. 2. Where the bottom elevation of all foundations in specific engineering is same, the datum elevation of foundation bottom is the foundation bottom elevation; where the foundation bottom elevation is different, the majority of same bottom elevation shall be taken as the datum elevation of foundation bottom; for other minority of different elevations, the relative positive-negative dimension with datum elevation shall be noted according to specific rules. 3. Floor (ground) elevation of structural layers refers to the elevation value of floor (ground) elevation of each layer deducting practice thickness of building surface layer and cushion layer in architectural drawing. For the convenience of construction, the number of structural layers shall be corresponding and consistent with that of building storeys; under special circumstances, the structural layers without corresponding building storey number may be added. E.g. when underground frame beam which is buried in soil is arranged through general method, it may be regarded as one structural layer, and then the top elevation of underground frame beam is the floor (ground) elevation of structural layer. Article 1.0.8 To faciliate the design expression and construction drawing recognition, the coordinate directions of structural plane are specified as follows: 1. Where two-direction axis grids are in orthogonal layout, the drawing shall be X direction from left to right and Y direction from down to up; where axis grid rotates in some position, the rotation angle of local coordinate direction along the axis grid shall make corresponding rotation, and the coordinates after rotation shall be diagramed. 2. Where the axis grid is arranged centripetally, the tangential direction shall be X direction and the radial direction shall be Y direction, and they shall be diagramed. 3. For the area with relatively complex plane layout, such as turning and bordering area of axis grid and core zone with centripetal arrangement, the plane coordinate direction shall be specified separately by the designer and diagramed. Article 1.0.9 In order to ensure the construction personnel execute exacctly in accordance with Ich-CD, the general specification for the structure design in specific engineering must add the following contents closely related to Ich-CD: 1. The drawing collection No. (e.g. this drawing collection No. is 06G101-6) of the selected standard Ich-CD shall be noted in order to avoid adopting wrong edition during construction after the drawing collection is updated. 2. Concrete strength grade and steel bar grade of independent foundation, strip foundation and pile foundation bearing platform adopting Ich-CD shall be noted in order to determine the minimum anchorage length and the minimum overlapping length, etc. of the relevant tensile steel bar. 3. Where post-pouring strip is arranged, position and pouring time of post-pouring strip as well as specific requirements for strength grade, mix proportion, etc. of post-poured concrete shall be noted. 4. Environment category of members shall be noted; e.g. the condition that the environment category is "II-a" or "II-b" and there are specific requirements for concrete cover thickness of foundation members shall be described. 5. Specific changed contents shall be noted where partial change needs to be made for the standard construction details of this drawing collection in specific engineering. 6. Where the specific engineering adopting Ich-CD has special construction uncovered in this drawing collection, it shall be supplemented in the construction drawing. Article 1.0.10 The concrete cover thickness and the overlapping and anchorage length of stressed steel bars shall comply with the relevant construction requirements in standard construction details of this drawing collection, unless otherwise noted in the structure construction drawing. Chapter 2 Drawing Rules of Independent Foundation Section 1 General Requirements for Ich-CD of Independent Foundation Article 2.1.1 Ich-CD of independent foundation covers notations for plane and notations for section; the designer may select one according to the conditions of specific engineering or their combination for construction drawing design of independent foundation. Article 2.1.2 Where layout plan of independent foundation is drawn, the planes of independent foundation and the column supported by foundation shall be drawn together. Where foundation connecting beam is arranged, foundation connecting beam and foundation layout plan may be drawn together according to the density condition of the drawing, or the layout drawing of foundation connecting beam may be drawn individually. Article 2.1.3 Location dimension of foundation shall be marked in layout plan of independent foundation; where the center line of column or the center line of cup of independent foundation does not coincide with building axis, the eccentric dimension shall be marked. For the foundation with same number and location dimension, only one may be marked. Section 2 Independent Foundation Number Article 2.2.1 Various independent foundations shall be numbered according to those specified in Table 2.2.1. Table 2.2.1 Independent Foundation Number Type Section form of foundation slab Code No. Description Ordinary independent foundation Step form DJJ xx 1. Single step section is slab independent foundation. 2. Foundation slab with slope form section may be four-slope, three-slope, double-slope and single-slop. Slope form DJP xx Cup independent foundation Step form BJJ xx Slope form BJP xx Attention shall be drawn during design, where the section form of independent foundation is slope form, the slope surface shall adopt relatively gentle gradient which is capable of guaranteeing concrete pouring and compacted by vibrating; where steeper gradient is adopted, such measures as adding formwork at top slope surface of foundation shall be taken in construction, so as to ensure slope surface of independent foundation formed by pouring and compacted by vibrating. Section 3 Notations for Plane of Independent Foundation Article 2.3.1 Notations for plane of independent foundation are divided into concentrated marking and original place marking. Article 2.3.2 Concentrated marking for ordinary independent foundation and cup independent foundation refers to concentrated citation in foundation plan; foundation number, section's vertical dimension and reinforcement must be marked; where the elevation of foundation bottom and the datum elevation of foundation bottom are different, relative elevation difference and necessary text note may be optional. Except no foundation reinforcement, for concentrated marking of ordinary independent foundation of plain concrete, the type and content shall be the same as those of ordinary independent foundation of reinforced concrete. Specific content of concentrated marking of independent foundation is specified as follows: 1. Note independent foundation number (mandatory), see Table 2.2.1. Section form of independent foundation slab generally covers: (1) Step form section, number plus subscript "J", such as DJJxx, BJJxx; (2) Slope form section, number plus subscript "P", such as DJPxx, BJPxx. 2. Note vertical dimension of independent foundation section (mandatory). The following is the description by ordinary independent foundation and cup independent foundation respectively. (1) Ordinary independent foundation: Note h1/h2/……, with specific marking as: 1) Where the foundation is step form section, see Figure 2.3.2-1; Figure 2.3.2-1 Vertical Dimension of Ordinary Independent Foundation with Step Form Section For exemple: where the vertical dimension of ordinary independent foundation DJJxx with step form section is noted as 300/300/400, it means h1=300, h2=300, h3=400, and the total thickness of foundation slab is 1000. The above exemple and Figure 2.3.2-1 are three-step; if more, the dimension of each step, from bottom to top, shall be separated by "/" and written in turn. Where the foundation is single-step, the vertical dimension is only one and is the total thickness of the foundation, see Figure 2.3.2-2. Figure 2.3.2-2 Vertical Dimension of Single-step Ordinary Independent Foundation 2) Where the foundation is slope form section, it is noted as h1/h2, see Figure 2.3.2-3; Figure 2.3.2-3 Vertical Dimension of Ordinary Independent Foundation with Slop Form Section For exemple: where the vertical dimension of ordinary independent foundation DJPxx with slope form section is noted as 350/300, it means h1=350, h2=300, and the total thickness of foundation slab is 650. Attention shall be drawn during design, where the place above ordinary independent foundation slab is cast-in-situ reinforced concrete column pier, express in combination with the design for column pier member, and see relevant chapters of national building standard design 04G101-3. (2) Cup independent foundation: 1) Where the foundation is step form section, the vertical dimension shall be divided into two groups; one group is used for expressing cup inside and the other group is used for expressing cup outside, and their dimensions are separated by ",", noted as a0/a1, h1/h2/……, and the meanings are detailed in Figure 2.3.2-4, Figure 2.3.2-5, Figure 2.3.2-6 and Figure 2.3.2-7, in which, the cup depth a0 is the dimension of column inserting into cup plus 50mm. General Specification Chapter 1 General Provisions Chapter 2 Drawing Rules of Independent Foundation Section 1 General Requirements for Ich-CD of Independent Foundation Section 2 Independent Foundation Number Section 3 Notations for Plane of Independent Foundation Section 4 Notations for Section of Independent Foundation Section 5 Others Chapter 3 Drawing Rules of Strip Foundation Section 1 General Requirements for Ich-CD of Strip Foundation Section 2 Strip Foundation Number Section 3 Notations for Plane of Foundation Beam Section 4 Notations for Plane of Strip Foundation Slab Section 5 Notations for Section of Strip Foundation Section 6 Others Chapter 4 Drawing Rules of Pile Foundation Bearing Platform Section 1 General Requirements for Ich-CD of Pile Foundation Bearing Platform Section 2 Pile Foundation Bearing Platform Number Section 3 Notations for Plane of Independent Bearing Platform Section 4 Notations for Plane of Apron Piece Section 5 Notations for Section of Pile Foundation Bearing Platform Section 6 Others Chapter 5 Drawing Rules of Foundation Connecting Beam and Underground Frame Beam Section 1 Expression Methods of Foundation Connecting Beam Section 2 Expression Methods of Underground Frame Beam Section 3 Others 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图 (独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台) 批准部门:中华人民共和国建设部 批准文号:建质[2006]169号 主编单位:中国建筑标准设计研究院 统一编号:GJBT-932 实行日期:二○○六年九月一日 图集号:06G101-6 主编单位负责人:王子艳 主编单位技术负责人:■■■ 技术审定人:刘其祥 设计负责人:陈奇来 总 说 明 1.本图集是混凝土结构施工图采用建筑结构施工图平面整体设计方法(简称“平法”)的国家建筑标准设计G101系列图集之一。 2.《混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图》G101系列现有下列图集: 03G101-1(现浇混凝土框架、剪力墙、框架一剪力墙、框支剪力墙结构); 03G101-2(现浇混凝土板式楼梯); 04G101-3(筏形基础); 04G101-4(现浇混凝土楼面与屋面板); 06G101-6(独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台)。 3.本图集适用于钢筋混凝土独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台的设计与施工。基础以上的结构可为非抗震和抗震设防烈度为6至9度地区的现浇混凝土框架、剪力墙、框架一剪力墙、框支剪力墙和排架结构,钢结构,混合结构和砌体结构。 4.本图集包括现浇混凝土独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台以及与该三类基础关联的基础连梁、地下框架梁的制图规则和标准构造详图两大部分内容。本图集不包括不规则特殊形状的独立基础。 5.本图集的制图规则,既是设计者完成现浇混凝土独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台平法施工图的依据,也是施工、监理等人员准确理解和实施现浇混凝土独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台平法施工图的依据。 6.本图集的标准构造详图编入了目前国内常用的且较为成熟的构造做法,是设计、施工、监理等人员必须与平法施工图配套使用的正式设计文件。 7.本图集标准构造详图的设计依据: (1)《混凝土结构设计规范》GB 50010-2002; (2)《建筑地基基础设计规范》GB 50007-2002; (3)《钢结构设计规范》GB 50017-2003; (4)《砌体结构设计规范》GB 50003-2001; (5)《建筑抗震设计规范》GB 50011-2001; (6)《建筑结构制图标准》GB/T 50105-2001。 8.本图集的制图规则和标准构造详图中未包括的构造详图,以及其他未尽事项,应在具体工程中由设计者另行设计。本图集所提供的“标准构造详图变更表”,是供设计者在具体工程设计中,当需要对本图集的标准构造详图作某些变更,在结构设计总说明中写明变更内容时参考使用。 9.本图集除注明者外,尺寸以毫米为单位,标高以米为单位。 10.提出本图集使用中的问题或者建议,请登陆中国建筑标准设计研究院网站,网址:http://www.chinabuilding.com.cn。 第1章 总 则 第1.0.1 条为了规范使用建筑结构施工图平面整体设计方法,保证按平法设计绘制的结构施上图全国统一,确保设计、施工质量,特制定本制图规则。 第1.0.2条 本图集制图规则适用于混凝土独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台,以及基础连梁和地下框架梁的施工图设计。 第1.0.3条 当采用本制图规则时,除遵守本图集的规定外,还应符合国家现行有关标准、规范和规程的规定。 第1.0.4条 按平法设计绘制的基础结构施工图,应根据具体工程设计,按照各类基础构件的平法制图规则,在基础平面布置图上直接表示各类基础构件的平面位置、尺寸和配 筋。对于复杂的工业与民用建筑,当需要时应增加模板、基坑、留洞和预埋件等平面图或必要的详图。 第1.0.5条 在平面布置图上表示独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台,以及基础连梁和地下框架梁的尺寸和配筋,以平面注写方式为主,以截面注写方式为辅。 第1.0.6条 按平法设计绘制的独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台,以及基础连梁和地下框架梁施工图,应将所有的基础构件按本图集制图规则进行编号,编号中含有类型代号,其主要作用是指明所选用的标准构造详图;在标准构造详图上,已按其所属构件类型注明了代号,以明确该详图与平法施工图中相同构件的互补关系,使两者结合构成完整的基础施工图设计。 第1.0.7条 按平法设计绘制的独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台施工图,应采用表格或其他方式注明基础底面基准标高,以及±0.000的绝对标高。 本图集应与国家建筑标准设计03G101-1及04G101-3配合使用;在同一单项工程中,其结构层楼(地)面标高与结构层高和基础底面基准标高的确定必须统一,以保证地基与基 础、柱与墙、梁、板、楼梯等构件按照统一的竖向定位关系进行标注。为施工方便,应将统一的结构层楼(地)面标高与结构层高和基础底面基准标高分别注写在基础、柱、墙、梁等各 类构件的平法施工图中。 注:1.独立基础、条形基础底面标高为覆盖地基的基础垫层(包括防水层)的顶面标高;桩基承台底面标高为覆盖桩间土上表面的垫层(包括防水层)的顶面标高。 2.当具体工程的全部基础底面标高相同时,基础底面基准标高即为基础底面标高;当基础底面标高不同时,应取多数相同的底面标高为基础底面基准标高;对其他少数不同标高者,应按具体规则注明其与基准标高的相对正负尺寸。 3.结构层楼(地)面标高系指将建筑图中的各层楼(地)面标高扣除建筑面层及垫层做法厚度后的标高值。为方便施工,结构层号应与建筑楼层号对应一致,在特殊情况下,可以增加无对应建筑楼层号的结构层。例如,当普遍设置埋在土中的地下框架梁时,可将其作为一个结构层,地下框架粱的顶部标高即为该结构层楼(地)面标高。 第1.0.8条 为方便设计表达和施工识图,规定结构平面的坐标方向为: 1.当两向轴网正交布置时,图面从左至右为X向,从下至上为Y向;当轴网在某位置转向时,局部坐标方向顺轴网的转向角度做相应转动,转动后的坐标应加图示。 2.当轴网向心布置时,切向为X向,径向为Y向,并应加图示。 3.对于平面布置比较复杂的区域,如轴网转折交界区域、向心布置的核心区域等,其平面坐标方向应由设计者另行规定并加图示。 第1.0.9条 为了确保施工人员准确无误地按平法施工图进行施工,在具体工程的结构设计总说明中,应增加以下与平法施工图密切相关的内容: 1.注明所选用平法标准图的图集号(如本图集号为06G101-6),以避免当图集升版后在施工中用错版本。 2.注明采用平法设计的独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台所采用的混凝土强度等级和钢筋级别,以确定与其相关的受拉钢筋的最小锚固长度及最小搭接长度等。 3.当设置后浇带时,注明后浇带的位置、浇灌时间和后浇混凝土的强度等级以及配合比等特殊要求。 4.注明构件所处的环境类别,例如,当环境类别为“二a”或“二b”,对基础构件的混凝土保护层厚度有特殊要求时应予以说明。 5.当具体工程需要对本图集的标准构造详图作局部变更时,应注明变更的具体内容。 6.当采用平法设计的具体工程有本图集未涵盖的特殊构造时,应在施工图中加以补充。 第1.0.10条 对受力钢筋的混凝土保护层厚度、钢筋搭接和锚固长度,除在结构施工图中另有注明者外,均应按本图集标准构造详图中的有关构造规定执行。 第2章 独立基础制图规则 第1节 独立基础平法施工图的一般规定 第2.1.1条 独立基础平法施工图,有平面注写与截面注写两种表达方式,设计者可根据具体工程情况选择一种,或两种方式相结合进行独立基础的施工图设计。 第2.1.2条 当绘制独立基础平面布置图时,应将独立基础平面与基础所支承的柱一起绘制。当设置基础连梁时,可根据图面的疏密情况,将基础连梁与基础平面布置图一起绘 制,或将基础连梁布置图单独绘制。 第2.1.3条 在独立基础平面布置图上应标注基础定位尺寸;当独立基础的柱中心线或杯口中心线与建筑轴线不重合时,应标注其偏心尺寸。编号相同且定位尺寸相同的基础,可仅选择一个进行标注。 第2节 独立基础编号 第2.2.1条 各种独立基础编号按表2.2.1规定。 独立基础编号 表2.2.1 类型 基础底板 截面形状 代号 序号 说明 普通 独立基础 阶形 DJJ xx 1.单阶截面即为 平板独立基础。 2.坡形截面基础 底板可为四坡、三 坡、双坡及单坡。 坡形 DJP xx 杯口 独立基础 阶形 BJJ xx 坡形 BJP xx 设计时应注意:当为独立基础截面形状为坡形时,其坡面应采用能保证混凝土浇筑、振捣密实的较缓坡度;当采用较陡坡度时,应要求施工采用在基础顶部坡面加模板等措施,以确保独立基础的坡面浇筑成型、振捣密实。 第3节 独立基础的平面注写方式 第2.3.1条 独立基础的平面注写方式,分为集中标注和原位标注两部分内容。 第2.3.2条 普通独立基础和杯口独立基础的集中标注,系在基础平面图上集中引注:基础编号、截面竖向尺寸、配筋三项必注内容,以及当基础底面标高与基础底面基准标高 不同时的相对标高高差和必要的文字注解两项选注内容。 素混凝土普通独立基础的集中标注,除无基础配筋内容外,其形式、内容与钢筋混凝土普通独立基础相同。 独立基础集中标注的具体内容,规定如下: 1.注写独立基础编号(必注内容),见表2.2.1。 独立基础底板的截面形状通常有两种: (1)阶形截面编号加下标“J”,如DJJxx、BJJxx; (2)坡形截面编号加下标“P”,如DJPxx、BJPxx。 2.注写独立基础截面竖向尺寸(必注内容)。下面按普通独立基础和杯口独立基础分别进行说明。 (1)普通独立基础: 注写h1/h2/……,具体标注为: 1)当基础为阶形截面时,见示意图2.3.2-1; 图2.3.2-1 阶形截面普通独立基础竖向尺寸 例:当阶形截面普通独立基础DJJxx的竖向尺寸注写为300/300/400时,表示h1=300、h2=300、h3=400,基础底板总厚度为1000。 上例及图2.3.2-1为三阶;当为更多阶时,各阶尺寸自下而上用“/”分隔顺写。 当基础为单阶时,其竖向尺寸仅为一个,且为基础总厚度,见示意图2.3.2-2。 图2.3.2-2 单阶普通独立基础竖向尺寸 2)当基础为坡形截面时,注写为h1/h2,见示意图2.3.2-3; 图2.3.2-3 坡形截面普通独立基础竖向尺寸 例:当坡形截面普通独立基础DJPxx的竖向尺寸注写为350/300时,表示h1=350、h2=300,基础底板总厚度为650。 设计时应注意:当普通独立基础底板以上为现浇钢筋混凝土柱墩时,应结合柱墩构件设计进行表达,详见国家建筑标准设计04G101-3相关章节。 (2)杯口独立基础: 1)当基础为阶形截面时,其竖向尺寸分两组,一组表达杯口内,另一组表达杯口外,两组尺寸以“,”号分隔,注写为:a0/a1,h1/h2/……,其含义见示意图2.3.2-4、图2.3.2-5、图2.3.2-6和图2.3.2-7,其中杯口深度a0为柱插入杯口的尺寸加50mm。 图2.3.2-4阶形截面杯口独立基础竖向尺寸(一) 图2.3.2-5阶形截面杯口独立基础竖向尺寸(二) 图2.3.2-6阶形截面高杯口独立基础竖向尺寸(一) 图2.3.2-7 阶形截面高杯口独立基础竖向尺寸(二) 2)当基础为坡形截面时,注写为:a0/a1,h1/h2/h3……,其含义见示意图2.3.2-8和图2.3.2-9。 图2.3.2-8 坡形截面杯口独立基础竖向尺寸 图2.3.2-9坡形截面高杯口独立基础竖向尺寸 3.注写独立基础配筋(必注内容)。 (1)注写独立基础底板配筋。 普通独立基础和杯口独立基础的底部双向配筋注写规定如下: 1)以B代表各种独立基础底板的底部配筋。 2)X向配筋以X打头、Y向配筋以Y打头注写;当两向配筋相同时,则以X&Y打头注写。当圆形独立基础采用双向正交配筋时,以X&Y打头注写;当采用放射状配筋时以Rs打头,先注写径向受力钢筋(间距以径向排列钢筋的最外端度量),并在“/”后注写环向配筋。 3)当矩形独立基础底板底部的短向钢筋采用两种配筋值时,先注写较大配筋,在“/”后再注写较小配筋。 注:当柱下为单阶形或为坡形截面,且其平面为矩形独立基础时,根据内力分布情况,设计者可考虑将短向配筋采用两种配筋值,其中较大配筋设置在长边中部,分布范围等于基础短向尺寸;较小配筋设置在基础长边两端,各端分布范围均为基础长边与短边长度差的1/2。参见本图集的标准构造详图。 例:当(矩形)独立基础底板配筋标注为: |
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