This part of JB/T 4730 specifies the ultrasonic testing methods and quality classification requirements of pressure equipments through adopting A-type ultrasonic flaw detector to inspect the flaws of the workpiece.
This part is applicable to the ultrasonic testing of the raw material, spare parts and welded joints used by the metal-made pressure equipments, and it's also applicable to the ultrasonic testing of the in-service metal-made pressure equipments.
The ultrasonic testing of the support members and the structural members related to the pressure equipments also can refer to the provisions of this part for application.
2. Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute the provisions of JB/T 4730.3. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding amending error in the text) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not be applied. However, the parties whose enter into agreement according to these specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these references are applied or not. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this Part.
JB/T 4730.1 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment-Part 1: General Requirements
JB/T 7913-1995 Fabrication and Calibration Method of Steel Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic Inspection
JB/T 9214-1999 Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of A Scope Ultrasonic Pulse-echo Testing Systems
JB/T 10061-1999 General Technical Specifications for A-type Pulse-echo Supersonic Flaw Detector
JB/T 10062-1999 Testing Methods for Performance of Probes Used in Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
JB/T 10063-1999 Specification for No.1 Standard Test Block Used in Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
3. General Requirements
3.1 Ultrasonic testing personnel
The general requirements of the ultrasonic testing personnel shall comply with the relevant provisions of JB/T 4730.1.
3.2 Testing equipment
3.2.1 The ultrasonic testing equipment shall be equipped with the product conformity certificate or eligible documentary evidence.