1.0.1 This standard is the supplement and concretization of the fabrication part in "Steel pressure vessels" GB 150 in combination with the specific conditions of steel chemical vessels.
1.0.2 Unless otherwise specified, the application scope of this standard is the same as that of "Steel Pressure Vessels" GB 150.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the dated editions are applicable to this standard. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) is applicable to this standard.
Steel pressure vessels GB 150
General Purpose Metric Screw Threads-Basic Dimensions GB/T 196
General purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances GB/T 197
Steel Plates for Boiler and Pressure Vessels GB 713
Double end studs (clamping type)-Product grade BGB/T 901
Designation System for Fasteners GB/T 1237
Tolerances for Fasteners--Bolts, Screws, Studs and Nuts GB/T 3103.1
Methods of Radiographic Testing and Classification of Radiographs for Steel Castings GB/T 5677
Fasteners-surface discontinuities-bolts, screws and studs for general requirements GB/T 5779.1
Fasteners-Surface Discontinuities-Bolts, Screws and Studs for Special Requirements GB/T 5779.3
Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Steel Surfaces before Application of Paints and Related Products GB/T 8923
General purpose metric screw threads-Limits of sizes for the screw threads of medium quality and preferable plan GB/T 9145
Methods of liquid penetrant testing and classification of indication for steel castings GB/T 9443
The methods for magnetic particle testing and for specifying quality levels of steel castings GB/T 9444
Specification for welding of stainless steel clad steel plate GB/T 13148
Specification of design base for steel chemical vessels HG/T 20580
Specification of Materials Selection for Steel Chemical Vessels HG/T 20581
Specification for Stress Calculation of Steel Chemical Vessels HG/T 20582
Specification for Structural Design of Steel Chemical Vessels HG/T 20583
Technical Specification for Steel Low Temperature Pressure Vessels HG/T 20585
Detailed management rules for manufacturing of austenitic stainless steel pressure vessels HG/T 2806
Stud bolts JB/T 4707
Welding Procedure Qualification for Steel Pressure Vessels JB 4708
Welding Specification for Steel Pressure Vessels JB/T 4709
Carbon and low-alloy steel forgings for pressure vessels JB/T 4726
Low-alloy steel forgings for low temperature pressure vessels JB/T 4727
Stainless steel forgings for pressure vessels JB/T 4728
Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments JB/T 4730
Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport JB/T 4711
General purpose screw threads-Selected sizes for commercial screws, bolts and nuts JB/T 7912
Ultrasonic inspection methods for steel castings JB/ZQ 6109
Supervision regulation on safety technology for stationary pressure vessel TSG R0004-2009
3 Terms and Definitions
In addition to the terms and definitions given in "Steel pressure vessels", GB 150, for the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.0.1 Simulated postwelding heat treatment
It refers to all postwelding heat treatment procedures experienced while simulating the actual fabricating process of materials with the testing plate or the materials of testing pieces at a temperature below Ac1(transformation temperature) or above 480℃. It is divided into two types-simulated short-period post-welding heat treatment and simulated long-period post-welding heat treatment
It refers to a postwelding heat treatment period experienced while simulating the actual fabricating process of materials with sample plate and sample material at a temperature below Ac1(transformation temperature) or above 480℃.
It refers to all postwelding heat treatment procedures experienced while simulating the actual fabricating process of materials with sample plate and sample material at a temperature below Ac1(transformation temperature) or above 480℃,and it includes the postwelding heat treatments after one or several times of repairing. At least one times of postwelding heat treatment shall be reserved for the user's future applying.
3.0.4 Vessel axes
It refers to a straight line perpendicular to the reference surface center.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Generals 5 Manufacture Used Raw Materials 6 Fabrication and Forming 7 Welding and Cutting 8 Post Welding Heat Treatment 9 Size Tolerances 10 Bolts and Screw Holes 11 Test and Examination 12 Surface Treatment, Painting, Packing and Transportation Annex A (Informative Annex) Leakage Test for Pressure Vessels by Using Ammonia Annex B (Informative Annex) Leakage Test for Pressure Vessels by Using Helium Annex C (Informative Annex) Leakage Test for Pressure Vessels by Using Halogen Annex D (Informative Annex) Commonly Equipment Used Anticorrosion Painting Annex E (Informative Annex) Fundamental Standards of Bolts, Studs and Nuts