1.0.1 This code was formulated in order to unify the acceptance of welding quality acceptance of field equipment and industrial pipelines and strengthen the engineering quality management.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the construction quality acceptance of the welding engineering of the metallic materials such as carbon steel, alloy steel, aluminium and aluminium alloy, copper and copper alloy, nickel and nickel alloy, titanium and titanium alloy as well as zirconium and zirconium alloy.
1.0.3 The codes shall be applied together with ""Code for Construction of Field Equipment, Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering" (GB 50236).
1.0.4 The requirements for the construction quality acceptance of engineering technical document and contract agreement document shall not be less than those specified in this code.
1.0.5 Except meeting this code, the acceptance of welding engineering construction quality shall also meet the requirements of the current relevant national standards.
Foreword I 1 General Provisions 1 2 Terms 1 3 Basic Requirements 1 3.1 Division for Acceptance of Construction Quality 1 3.2 Acceptance of Construction Quality 1 3.3 Procedure and Organization for Acceptance of Construction Quality 2 4 Materials 2 5 Preparation before Welding 3 6 Welding 7 7 Heat Treatment after Welding 8 8 Examination of Welded Seam Quality 10 8.1 Visual Quality Examination of Welded Seam 10 8.2 Nondestructive Detection of Welded Seam Surface 14 8.3 Radiographic Examination and Ultrasonic Flaw Detection for Welded Seam 15 8.4 Other Examination 16 Appendix A Record for Quality Acceptance of Sub-item Project 17 Explanation of Wording in This Code 18 List of Quoted Standards 19