This standard specifies the test methods for three-phase synchronous machines.
This standard is applicable to the synchronous motors, generators and synchronous compensators with rated power of 1kW (kvA) and above. It is not applicable to the synchronous machines without DC exciting winding, but the tests on the synchronous motors powered by static variable frequency power supply may be made reference to it.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent correctionments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of these documents is applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 5321 "Measurement of Loss and Efficiency for Large AC Electrical Machines by the Calorimetric Method" (GB/T 5321-1985, neq IEC 60034-2A: 1974)
GB/T 7409.3 "Excitation System for Synchronous Electrical Machines-Technical Requirements of Excitation System for Large and Medium Synchronous Generators"
GB 10068 "Mechanical Vibration of Certain Machines with Shaft Heights 56 mm and Higher-measurement Evaluation and Limits of Vibration Severity" (GB 10068-2000, idt IEC: 60034-14: 1996)
GB/T 10069.1 "Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Rotating Electrical Machinery and the Noise Limits-Engineering Method for the Measurement of Airborne Noise"
GB/T 10069.2 "Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Rotating Electrical Machinery and the Noise Limits-Survey Method for the Measurement of Airborne Noise"
GB/T 10585 "Fundamental Requirements of Excitation Systems Medium and Small Synchronous Machines"
GB/T 15548 "General Specification for Three-phase Synchronous Generators Driven by Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine"
JB/T 6227 "Checking Methods and Evaluation of Sealing of Hydrogen-cooled Electrical Machines"
JB/T 7836.1 "Electric Heater for Electrical Machine Part 1: General Technique Specifications"
JB/T 8445 "Test Methods for Negative Sequence Current Affordability of Three-phase Synchronous Generator"
JB/T 8446 "Methods for the Determination of Interturn Short-circuit in the Rotor Winding of Cylindrical Synchronous Generators"
JB/T 8990 "Modal Test Analyses and Natural Frequency Measurement Methods of Large Turbo-generators on Stator End Windings and Evaluation Criteria"
JB/T 9615.1 "Test Methods of the Interturn Insulation on Random Wound Winding for AC Low-voltage Machines"
JB/T 9615.2 "Test Limits of the Interturn Insulation on Random Wound Winding for AC Low-voltage Machines"
JB/T 10098 "Impulse Voltage Withstand Levels of Rotating a.c. Machines with Form-wound Stator Coils" (JB/T 10098-2000, idt IEC 60034-15: 1995)
JB/T 10500.1 "Embedded Thermometer Resistance for Electrical Machines Part1: General Specification, Measuring Methods and Examine Rule"
IEC 60034-2 "Rotating electrical machines-Part 2: Methods for Determining Losses and Efficiency from Tests"
IEC 60034-4 "Rotating electrical machines-Part 4: Methods of Determining Synchronous Machine Quantities from Tests"
3 Test Preparation
The electric testing instruments and meters used during the tests shall have an accuracy class no less than 0.5 (tramegger excluded), the measurements of the three-phase power may be conducted by using three-phase wattmeter in accuracy class of 1.0 and the measurements of temperature may be conducted by using the thermometer with error of ±1℃.
Before the test, the to-be-tested machine shall be at its normal state and be correctly wired, all the equipments and conductors shall meet the test requirements.
4 General Test Items
4.1 Determination of Insulation Resistance
4.1.1 Determination of insulation resistance of the winding with the enclosure and between the windings State of the machine during the measurement
The measurements of the insulation resistance of machine winding shall be conducted respectively at the actual cold state and hot state of the machine (or after the temperature rise test).
During the inspection test, unless otherwise specified, the measurements of the insulation resistance of the winding with the enclosure and between the windings shall be conducted only at the cold state.
When measuring the insulation resistance, the winding temperature shall be measured, however, at the actual cold state, the environmental temperature may be measured as the winding temperature. Selection of tramegger
To measure the insulation resistance of the winding with the enclosure and between windings, the tramegger shall be selected according to Table based on the rated voltage of the tested winding.
Contents Foreword V 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Test Preparation 4 General Test Items 4.1 Determination of Insulation Resistance 4.2 Determination of DC Resistance of the Winding at Actual Cold State 4.3 Determination of Shaft Voltage 4.4 Determination of No-load Characteristics 4.5 Determination of Steadystate Shortcircuit Characteristics 4.6 Test of Exciter 4.7 Overspeed Test 4.8 Interturn Short-circuit Test of Non-salient Pole Generator Rotor 4.9 Determination of Vibration 4.10 Inspection on Sealing State and Determination of Hydrogen Leakage 4.11 Interturn Impulse Withstand Voltage Test 4.12 Short Time Voltage Rising Test 4.13 Power-frequency Withstand Voltage Test 4.14 DC Leakage Current Test and DC Withstand Voltage Test of the Insulation of Armature Winding 4.15 Determination of Voltage Waveform Sinusoidal Distortion Factor 4.16 Noise Determination 4.17 Determination of Telephone Harmonic Form Factor (THF) 5 Efficiency Determination 5.1 Direct Determination Method of Efficiency 5.2 Indirect Determination Method of Efficiency 5.3 Calorimetric Method 5.4 Determination of Losses Corresponding to the Rated Load 5.5 Retardation Test 5.6 Calculation of Efficiency under other Loads 6 Temperature Rise Test 6.1 Measurement Method of Temperature 6.2 Determination of Cooling Medium Temperature in Temperature Rise Test 6.3 Determination of Temperature at Different Parts of the Machine in Temperature Rise Test 6.4 Correction of the Measured Temperature at Different Parts of the Machine after Cutting off the Supply 6.5 Short-circuit Insulation and Brake Method 6.6 Method of Temperature Rise Test 7 Determination of Voltage Regulation Performance at Self-excited Constant Voltage 7.1 Determination of Steady-state Voltage Regulation Rate 7.2 Determination of Voltage Deviation Degree of Generator Operating under Asymmetric Loads 7.3 Determination of Transient Voltage Variation Rate 8 Determination of Torque and Rotational Inertia 8.1 Determination of Locked-rotor Current and Locked-rotor Torque 8.2 Determination of Nominal Pull-in Torque 8.3 Determination of Pull-out Torque of Synchronous Motor 8.4 Short-time Overtorque Test of Motor 8.5 Determination of Rotational Inertia 9 Overcurrent Test and Mechanical Strength Test 9.1 Occasional Overcurrent Test 9.2 Overload Test 9.3 Short-circuit Mechanical Strength Test 10 Negative Sequence Current Affordability Test 11 Determination of the Terminal Dynamic Characteristics of Stator Winding 12 Parameter Determination (This Chapter is identical to IEC 60034-4) 12.1 Description 12.2 Determination of Parameters from No-load Saturation Characteristic and Three-phase Steadystate Shortcircuit Characteristic 12.3 Over-excitation Test at Zero Power-factor 12.4 Determination of the Excitation Current Corresponding to the Rated Voltage and Rated Armature Current at Zero Power Factor (Overexcitation) 12.5 Determination of Potier Reactance from the No-load and Three-phase Steadystate Shortcircuit Characteristics and the Excitation Current Corresponding to the Rated Voltage and Rated Armature Current at Zero Power Factor (over-excitated) 12.6 Determination of the Rated Excitation Current by the Potier's Diagram 12.7 Determination of the Rated Excitation Current by the ASA Diagram 12.8 Determination of the Rated Excitation Current by the Swedish Diagram 12.9 Negative Excitation Test 12.10 Determination of Xq by Negative Excitation Test 12.11 Low Slip Test 12.12 Determination of Xq from the Low Slip Test 12.13 Determination of the Load Angle δ by On-load Test 12.14 Determination of Xq from On-load Test Measuring the Load Angle 12.15 Sudden Three-phase Short-circuit Test 12.16 Determination of Parameters from the Sudden Three-phase Short-circuit Test 12.17 Voltage Recovery Test 12.18 Determination of Parameters from the Voltage Recovery Test 12.19 Applied Voltage Test with the Rotor in Direct and Quadrature Axis Positions with Respect to the Armature Winding Field Axis 12.20 Determination of Parameters from the Applied Voltage Test with the Rotor in Direct and Quadrature Axis Positions with Respect to the Armature Winding Field Axis 12.21 Applied Voltage Test with the Rotor in any Arbitrary Position 12.22 Determination of Parameters from the Applied Voltage Test with the Rotor in any Arbitrary Position 12.23 Line-to-line Steadystate Short-circuit Test 12.24 Determination of Parameters from the Line-to-line Steadystate Short-circuit Test 12.25 Negative Phase Sequence Test 12.26 Determination of Parameters from the Negative Phase Sequence Test 12.27 Single-phase Voltage Application to the Three-phase Test 12.28 Determination of Parameters from Single-phase Voltage to Three-phase Test 12.29 Line-to-line and to Neutral Steadystate Short-circuit Test 12.30 Determination of Parameters from the Line-to-line and to the Neutral Steadystate Short-circuit Test 12.31 Field Current Decay Test with the Armature Winding Open Circuited 12.32 Determination of T'd0 from Field Current Decay Test with the Armature Winding Open Circuited 12.33 Field Current Decay Test with the Armature Winding Short Circuited 12.34 Determination of T'd from Field Current Decay Test with the Armature Winding Short-circuit 12.35 Suspended Rotor Oscillation Test 12.36 Determination of TJ and H from Suspended Rotor Oscillation Test 12.37 Auxiliary Pendulum Swing Test 12.38 Determination of TJ and H from Auxiliary Pendulum Swing Test 12.39 No-Load Retardation Test 12.40 Determination of Tj and H from the No-load Retardation Test 12.41 On-load Retardation Test of Mechanically Coupled Machines with the Synchronous Machine Operating as a Motor 12.42 Determination of Tj and H from the On-load Retardation Test with the Synchronous Machine Operating as a Motor 12.43 Acceleration after a Load Drop Test with the Machine Operating as a Generator 12.44 Determination of Tj and H from the Acceleration after a Load Drop Test with the Machine Operating as a Generator 12.45 Rated Voltage Regulation Factor ΔUN 12.46 Determination of Parameters by Calculations Using Known Test Parameters Appendix A (Normative) The Value Δθ While Determining Excitation Winding Temperature Rise by No-load Short-circuit Method Appendix B (Informative) Symbols and Units