Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines and the noise limits Part 1: Method for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines
This part specifies all the information necessary to carry out efficiently and under standardized conditions the determination, declaration and verification of the noise emission characteristics of rotating electrical machines. It specifies noise measurement methods that can be used, and specifies the operating and mounting conditions that shall be used for the test.
Noise emission characteristics include the sound power level and emission sound pressure level. The determination of these quantities is necessary
——for comparing the noise emitted by machines,
——to enable manufacturers to declare the noise emitted, and
——for the purposes of noise control.
The use of this part may ensure same precision grade as the determination of the noise emission characteristics with the basic noise measurement method used. Noise measurement methods allowed by this part are laboratory methods (grade 1), engineering methods (grade 2) and survey methods (grade 3). Methods of engineering grade (grade 2) are to be preferred.
This part is applicable to rotating electrical machines of any length, width or height.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 10069, constitute provisions of this part. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this part are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of these documents is applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this part.
GB 755-2000 "Rotating Electrical Machines-Rating and Performance" (idt IEC 60034-1:1996)
GB/T 3241-1998 "Octave-band and Fractional-octave-band Filter" (eqv IEC 61260:1995)
GB/T 3767-1996 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure-Engineering Method in an Essentially Free Field over a Reflecting Plane" (eqv ISO 3744:1994)
GB/T 3768-1996 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure-Survey Method Using an Enveloping Measurement Surface over a Reflecting Plane" (eqv ISO 3746:1995)
GB/T 6881.1-2002 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure-Precision Methods for Reverberation Rooms" (idt ISO 3741:1999)
GB/T 6881.2-2002 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources-Engineering Methods for Small, Movable Sources in Reverberant Field-Part 1: Comparison Method for Hard-walled Test Rooms" (idt ISO 3743-1:1994)
GB/T 6881.3-2002 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources-Engineering Methods for Small, Movable Sources in Reverberant Field-Part 2: Methods for Special Reverberation Test Rooms" (idt ISO 3743-2:1994)
GB/T 6882-1986 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources-Precision Methods for Anechoic and Semi-anechoic Rooms" (neq ISO 3745:1977)
GB 10068-2000 "Mechanical Vibration of Certain Machines with Shaft Heights 56 mm and Higher-measurement Evaluation and Limits of Vibration Severity" (idt IEC 60034-14:1996)
GB/T 14367-1993 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources-Guide Lines for the Use of Basic Standards and for the Preparation of Noise Test Codes" (neq ISO 3740:1980)
GB/T 14573.1-1993 "Acoustics-Statistical Methods for Determining and Verifying Stated Noise Emission Values of Machinery and Equipment-Part 1: General Considerations and Definitions" (neq ISO 7574-1:1985)
GB/T 14573.4-1993 "Acoustics-Statistical Methods for Determining and Verifying Stated Noise Emission Values of Machinery and Equipment-Part 4: Methods for Stated Values for Batches of Machines" (idt ISO 7574-4:1985)
GB/T 14574-2000 "Acoustics-Declaration and Verification of Noise Emission Values of Machinery and Equipment" (eqv ISO 4871:1996)
GB/T 16404.1-1996 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Intensity-Part 1: Measurement at Discrete Points" (eqv ISO 9614-1:1993)
GB/T 16404.2-1996 "Acoustics-Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Intensity-Part 2: Measurement by Scanning" (eqv ISO 9614-2:1996)
Foreword I Introduction II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Description of Machine Family 5 Sound Power Level Determination 6 Installation and Mounting Conditions 7 Operating Conditions 8 Measurement Uncertainty 9 Determination of the Emission Sound Pressure Level 10 Indication of Noise Emission Quantities Determined according to this Part 11 Information to Be Recorded 12 Information to Be Reported 13 Declaration and Verification of Noise Emission Values (if Required) Annex A (Informative) Overview of International Standards for the Determination of Sound Power Levels of Machines and Equipment Annex B (Informative) Example of a Dual-number Declaration for Rotating Electrical Machines Annex C (Normative) Specific Provisions for Measurement Point Simplification under Approximate Free Field Condition Annex D (Normative) Procedure of Measuring Load Noise Increment of Machine with Vibration Velocity Method