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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. GB/T 19071 consists of two parts under the general title Wind turbines - Asynchronous generator: ——Part 1: Technical conditions; ——Part 2: Testing methods. This is part 1 of GB/T 19071. This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This part replaces GB/T 19071.1-2003 Asynchronous generator for wind turbine generator systems - Part 1: Test conditions. The following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 19071.1-2003: —— the application scope is modified (see Clause 1); —— the normative references GB/T 1971, GB/T 1032, GB/T 10069.3, and GB/T 20626.1 are added (see Clause 2); —— the rated power specifications for single-speed generators are added: 50 kW, 100 kW, 800 kW, 1,100 kW, 2,000 kW, 2,500 kW, and 3,000 kW (any special requirements by the users may be negotiated with the manufacturer) (see 3.5); —— the specifications of "400 V, 1,000V, 1,500V" are deleted for rated power of single-speed generator (see 3.6); —— the specifications of "660 kW/180 kW, 750 kW/220 kW" are deleted for rated power of double-speed generator; and the specifications of “660 kW/150 kW, 750 kW/200 kW, 1,300 kW/250 kW” are added (see 3.7); —— the synchronous speed of 1,000 r/min/750 r/min is added for double-speed generator (see 3.8); —— the slip ratios are deleted for single-speed and double-speed generators (see 3.9 of Edition 2003); —— the diameter specification and deviation are added for shaft extension without keyway (see 3.9, Table 1); —— the circular run-out tolerance is modified for the shaft extension (see 3.10 of this standard; and 3.10.3 of Edition 2003); —— the installation size is added for generators with center heights of 560 and 630 (see 3.11 of this standard; and 3.10.2 of Edition 2003); —— the minimum ambient air temperature is modified from not less than "-15 ℃" to "-20 ℃", and the requirements are canceled for ambient temperature in cold areas [see 4.2 b) of this standard; and 4.2.2 of Edition 2003]; —— the monthly average minimum temperature corresponding to relative humidity is deleted [see 4.2 c) of this standard; and 4.2.3 of Edition 2003]; —— the provision is added that "efficiency is determined by direct method"; the provision is changed that stray loss is calculated from “0.025 lgPn to 0.005 lgPn” instead of “0.5%” of rated output (see 4.4); —— the overspeed of generator is changed from “1.2 times rated speed” to “1.2 times maximum operating speed”, and contents is added that any special requirements for overspeed by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer (see 4.8); —— the requirement is added that when measuring resistance, the selection of tramegger shall meet the requirements of GB/T 1032 (see 4.9); —— the requirement is added that there shall be no damage between turns after the short-term voltage rising test (see 4.12); —— the requirement for vibration limits of generators during no-load motor operation is changed from “velocity RMS value shall not exceed 2.8 mm/s” to “according to Table 1 of GB/T 10068-2008”, and the determination and requirements are added for the vibration after overspeed test (see 4.14); —— the requirement for noise limits of generator is changed from “according to Table 5” to “according to the requirements of GB/T 10069.3” (see 4.15); —— the requirements is added that the current waveform distortion rate of the generator shall not be greater than 5% (see 4.17); —— the end-of-manufacturing test items are added such as the “phase sequence inspection of windings”, “locked rotor test at rated frequency”, and “hourly thermal test” (see 6.1.2 of this standard; and 6.2 of Edition 2003); —— the description is deleted for the specific inspection contents of appearance and mechanical inspection items of generator (see 6.5 of Edition 2003); —— the type test items are added such as “efficiency determination”, “rotational inertia test”, “determination of distortion rate of current waveform”, and “weighting” (see 6.2.2 of this standard; and 6.4 of Edition 2003); —— the type test item of the “enclosure protection grade test” is deleted (see 6.2.2 of this standard; and 6.4 of Edition 2003); —— the environmental and safety requirements are added (see Clause 8); —— the quality warranty period is added (see Clause 9). This part was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 50 on Wind Power Machinery of Standardization Administration of China. The previous edition replaced by this part is as follows: —— GB/T 19071.1-2003. Wind turbines - Asynchronous generator - Part 1: Technical conditions 1 Scope This part of GB/T 19071 specifies the main types, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, inspection items, marking, packaging, transport and other requirements for asynchronous generators of grid-connected and fixed-speed wind turbines. This part is applicable to the single-speed or double-speed asynchronous generators (hereinafter referred to as "generators") of grid-connected and fixed-speed wind turbines, and may serve as a reference for other types of generators. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods GB/T 755 Rotating electrical machines - Rating and performance GB/T 997-2008 Rotating electrical machines - Classification of types of construction, mounting arrangements and terminal box position for (IM Code) GB/T 1032 Test procedures for three-phase induction motors GB/T 1971 Rotating electrical machines - Terminal markings and direction of rotation GB/T 4942.1-2006 Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machined (IP code) - Classification GB/T 10068-2008 Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher - Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration severity GB/T 10069.1 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines and the noise limits - Part 1: Method for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines GB/T 10069.3 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines and the noise limits - Part 3: Noise limits GB/T 12665 Requirements of damp-heat testing of electrical machine for service in general environmental condition GB/T 19071.2 Wind turbines - Asynchronous generator - Part 2: Testing methods GB/T 22714 Test specifications of interturn insulation of form-wound winding for AC low-voltage electrical machines GB/T 22719.1 Interturn insulation of random-wound winding for AC low-voltage electrical machines - Part 1: Test methods GB/T 22719.2 Interturn insulation of random-wound winding for AC low-voltage electrical machines - Part 2: Test limits 3 Types, basic parameters, and dimensions 3.1 The protection grade of generator enclosure shall not be inferior to the requirements of IP 44 in GB/T 4942.1-2006. 3.2 The generator shall have a reliable cooling method. If ventilation cooling method is adopted, it shall be ensured that the introduced air shall not cause harm to the generator. If water cooling method is adopted, there shall be no water seepage and leakage problems. 3.3 The structure and installation type of the generator shall meet the requirements of IM B3 in GB/T 997-2008. 3.4 The generator quota is a continuous quota based on the continuous working system (S1). 3.5 Single-speed generators are recommended to be manufactured at the following rated power: 50 kW, 100 kW, 150 kW, 200 kW, 250 kW, 300 kW, 400 kW, 500 kW, 600 kW, 660 kW, 750 kW, 800 kW, 1,000 kW, 1,100 kW, 1,320 kW, 1,500 kW, 2,000 kW, 2,500 kW, and 3,000 kW (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer). 3.6 The rated frequency of the single-speed generator is 50 Hz, the synchronous speed is 1,500 r/min, and the rated voltage is 690 V (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer). 3.7 The double-speed generator shall be manufactured at the following rated power: 600 kW/125 kW, 660 kW/150 kW, 750 kW/200 kW, and 1,300 kW/250 kW (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer). 3.8 The rated frequency of the double-speed generator is 50 Hz, the synchronous speed is 1,500 r/min/1,000 r/min, 1,000r/min/750r/min, and the rated voltage is 690V/690V (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer). Note: For the double-speed generator power, voltage, speed, slip ratio and other parameters, the expression method is as follows: the parameters before the slash correspond to the high speed state, and the parameters after the slash correspond to the low speed state. 3.9 The dimension and deviation of generator shaft extension (without keyway) shall meet the requirements in Table 1, and the dimension and deviation of generator shaft extension key (with keyway) shall meet the requirements in Table 2 (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer). Table 1 The dimension and deviation of shaft extension (without keyway) Shaft extension diameter mm Deviation mm 90 0, -0.022 100 0, -0.022 110 0, -0.022 130 0, -0.025 150 0, -0.025 170 0, -0.025 Table 2 The dimension and deviation of shaft extension key (with keyway) Shaft extension diameter mm Key width mm Key height mm 90 100 110 130 170 3.10 The shaft extension radial circular runout tolerance shall meet the requirements in Table 3. Table 3 The shaft extension radial circular runout tolerance Shaft extension diameter mm Circular runout tolerance mm >80~120 0.05 >130 0.06 3.11 The mounting dimension and overall dimension of the generator shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4 and Figure 1 (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer). Table 4 Frame with footing, mounting type IM B3 Center height Mounting dimension and tolerance/ mm Overall dimension limit/ mm A B C D E F G H K AB AC AD HD L Basic dimension Basic dimension Basic dimension Limit deviation Basic dimension Limit deviation Basic dimension Limit deviation Basic dimension Limit deviation Basic dimension Limit deviation Basic dimension Limit deviation Basic dimension Limit deviation 315 508 508 216 ±4.0 90 +0.035 +0.013 170 ±0.57 25 0 -0.052 81 0 -0.2 315 0 -1.0 28 +0.52 0 750 650 580 870 1,340 355 610 630 254 100 210 28 90 355 740 750 680 1,035 1,540 450 800 1,120 355 110 450 35 900 900 760 1,140 2,050 500 900 1,250 475 130 +0.04 0.015 250 32 0 -0.062 119 500 42 +0.62 0 1,050 1,050 970 1,200 2,550 560 1,000 1,400 500 130 250 560 42 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,300 3,020 630 1,120 1,600 530 170 300 ±0.65 40 157 0 -0.3 630 48 1,300 1,300 1,150 1,500 3,100 Note: The limit deviation of the basic dimension D and the basic dimension F are the dimension and deviation of the shaft extension with keyway. Figure 1 3.12 The parallelism tolerance of the generator axis to the footing supporting surface is 1 mm. 3.13 the flatness tolerance of the generator footing supporting surface is 0.30 mm. 3.14 If the generator shaft extension is equipped with keyway, its symmetry tolerance is 0.05 mm. The coaxiality tolerance of parallel shaft extension is 0.05 mm. 4 Technical requirements 4.1.1 The generator shall meet the requirements of this part, and be fabricated according to the drawings and technical documents approved through established procedures. 4.2 The generator shall be able to operate normally under the following altitude, ambient temperature and relative humidity conditions: a) the altitude does not exceed 1,000 m; b) the ambient air temperature is not higher than 40 ℃ and not lower than -20 ℃; c) the average maximum air relative humidity in the wettest month is not greater than 95%. If the generator needs to operate under conditions exceeding one or more of the above limits, its special requirements may be negotiated between the user and the manufacturer. 4.3 At rated speed and rated power factor, the generator shall be able to operate normally when the deviation between voltage, frequency and rated value meets the requirements of GB/T 755. 4.4 If the generator is in rated operation, the tolerance of the output rated efficiency and power factor shall meet the requirements of Table 5. The efficiency is measured by direct method or indirect method, and the stray loss is calculated according to the (0.025 lgPn to 0.005 lgPn) of rated output. Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Types, basic parameters, and dimensions 4 Technical requirements 5 Test methods 6 Inspection rules 7 Marking, packaging, transport and storage 8 Environmental and safety requirements 9 Quality warranty period ICS 27.180 F 11 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 19071.1-2018 代替GB/T 19071.1-2003 风力发电机组 异步发电机 第1部分:技术条件 Wind turbines-Asynchronous generator-Part 1: Technical conditions 2018-05-14发布 2018-12-01实施 国家市场监督管理总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 GB/T 19071《风力发电机组 异步发电机》分为两个部分: ——第1部分:技术条件; ——第2部分:试验方法。 本部分为GB/T 19071的第1部分。 本部分按照GB/T 1.1-2009给出的规则起草。 本部分代替GB/T 19071.1-2003《风力发电机组 异步发电机 第1部分:技术条件》。本部分与GB/T 19071.1-2003相比,主要技术变化如下: ——修改了标准的适用范围(见第1章); ——增加了规范性引用文件GB/T 1971、GB/T 1032、GB/T 10069.3、GB/T 20626.1(见第2章); ——增加了单速发电机额定功率规格:50 kW、100 kW、800 kW、1100 kW、2000 kW、2500 kW、3000 kW(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商)(见3.5); ——删除了“400 V、1000V、1500V”单速发电机额定电压(见3.6); ——删除了双速发电机额定功率“660 kW/180 kW、750 kW/220 kW”规格;增加了“660 kW/150 kW、750 kW/200 kW、1300 kW/250 kW”规格(见3.7); ——增加了双速发电机的同步转速1000 r/min/750 r/min(见3.8); ——删除了单速、双速发电机的转差率(见2003年版3.9); ——增加了不带键槽的轴伸直径规格及偏差(见3.9表1); ——修改了轴伸圆跳动公差(见3.10,2003年版3.10.3); ——增加了中心高为560、630的发电机安装尺寸(见3.11,2003年版3.10.2); ——最低环境空气温度由不低于“-15℃”更改为“-20℃”及取消对于寒冷地区环境温度的要求[见4.2 b),2003年版4.2.2]; ——删除了相对湿度对应的月平均最低温度[见4.2 c),2003年版4.2.3]; ——增加了“效率的测量采用直接法测定”;杂散损耗的计算由额定输出的“0.5%”更改为“0.025 lgPn~0.005 lgPn”(见4.4); ——发电机超速由“1.2倍额定转速”更改为“1.2倍最高运行转速”,并增加了用户对超速有特殊要求时,可与制造厂协商的内容(见4.8); ——增加了测量电阻时,兆欧表的选用应符合GB/T 1032的规定(见4.9); ——增加了短时升高电压试验后匝间应无损伤的规定(见4.12); ——发电机作电动机空载运行时的振动限值由“速度有效值应不超过2.8 mm/s”更改为“按GB/T 10068-2008中表1”,同时增加超速试验后振动的测定及要求(见4.14); ——发电机噪声限值由“按表5”更改为“按GB/T 10069.3的规定”(见4.15); ——增加了发电机的电流波形畸变率不大于5%的规定(见4.17); ——增加了“绕组的相序检查”“额定频率下堵转试验”“小时热试验”出厂试验项目(见6.1.2,2003年版6.2); ——删除了发电机的外观及机械检查项目具体检查内容的描述(2003年版6.5); ——增加了“效率测定”“转动惯量试验”“电流波形畸变率测定”“称重”型式试验项目(见6.2.2, 2003年版6.4); ——删除了“外壳防护等级试验”型式试验项目(见6.2.2,2003年版6.4); ——增加了环保及安全要求(见第8章); ——增加了质量保证期(见第9章)。 本部分由中国机械工业联合会提出。 本部分由全国风力机械标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 50)归口。 本部分所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为: ——GB/T 19071.1-2003。 风力发电机组 异步发电机 第1部分:技术条件 1 范围 GB/T 19071的本部分规定了并网、定速型风力发电机组异步发电机的主要型式、基本参数与尺寸、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、检试项目以及标志与包装、运输等要求。 本部分适用于并网、定速型单速或双速异步发电机(以下简称“发电机”),其他类型的发电机可参照使用。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 191 包装储运图示标志 GB /T 755 旋转电机 定额和性能 GB/T 997-2008 旋转电机结构型式、安装型式及接线盒位置的分类(IM代码) GB/T 1032 三相异步电动机试验方法 GB/T 1971 旋转电机 线端标志与旋转方向 GB/T 4942.1-2006 旋转电机整体结构的防护等级(IP代码)分级 GB /T 10068-2008 轴中心高为56 mm及以上电机的机械振动 振动的测盘、评定及限值 GB/T 10069.1 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值 第1部分:旋转电机噪声测定方法 GB/T 10069.3 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值 第3部分:噪声限值 GB/T 12665 电机在一般环境条件下使用的湿热试验要求 GB/T 19071.2 风力发电机组 异步发电机 第2部分:试验方法 GB/T 22714 交流低压电机成型绕组匝间绝缘试验规范 GB/T 22719.1 交流低压电机散嵌绕组匝间绝缘 第1部分:试验方法 GB/T 22719.2 交流低压电机散嵌绕组匝间绝缘 第2部分:试验限值 3 型式、基本参数及尺寸 3.1 发电机外壳防护等级不低于GB/T 4942.1-2006中IP 44的规定。 3.2 发电机应有可靠的冷却方式,如果采用通风冷却方式,应保证引入的空气不得对发电机造成危害,如果采用水冷方式,应无渗水和漏水问题。 3.3 发电机的结构及安装型式应符合GB/T 997-2008中IM B3的规定。 3.4 发电机的定额是以连续工作制(S1)为基准的连续定额。 3.5 单速发电机推荐按下列额定功率制造: 50kW、100kW、150kW、200kW、250kW、300kW、400kW、500kW、600kW、660kW、750kW、800kW、1000kW、1100kW、1320kW、1500kW、2000kW、2500kW、3000kW(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商)。 3.6单速发电机的额定频率为50Hz,同步转速为1500r/min,额定电压为690V(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商)。 3.7 双速发电机应按下列额定功率制造:600kW/125kW、660kW/150kW、750kW/200kW、1300kW/250kW(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商)。 3.8 双速发电机的额定频率为50Hz,同步转速为1500r/min/1000r/min、1000r/min/750r/min,额定电压为690V/690V(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商)。 注:对于双速发电机功率、电压、转速、转差率等参数的表示方法为:斜杠前的参数对应于高转速状态,斜杠后的参数对应于低转速状态。 3.9 发电机轴伸(不带键槽)的尺寸及其偏差应符合表1的规定,发电机轴伸键(带键槽)的尺寸及其偏差应符合表2的规定(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商)。 表1 轴伸(不带键槽)的尺寸及其偏差 轴伸直径 mm 偏差 mm 90 0,-0.022 100 0,-0.022 110 0,-0.022 130 0,-0.025 150 0,-0.025 170 0,-0.025 表2 轴伸键(带键槽)的尺寸及其偏差 轴伸直径 mm 键宽 mm 键高 mm 90 100 110 130 170 3.10 轴伸径向圆跳动公差应符合表3的规定。 表3 轴伸径向圆跳动公差 轴伸直径 mm 圆跳动公差 mm >80~120 0.05 >130 0.06 3.11 发电机的安装尺寸、外形尺寸按表4及图1的规定(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商)。 表4 机座带底脚,安装型式IM B3 中心高 安装尺寸及公差/mm 外形尺寸限值/mm A B C D E F G H K AB AC AD HD L 基本尺寸 基本尺寸 基本尺寸 极限偏差 基本尺寸 极限偏差 基本尺寸 极限偏差 基本尺寸 极限偏差 基本尺寸 极限偏差 基本尺寸 极限偏差 基本尺寸 极限偏差 315 508 508 216 ±4.0 90 +0.035 +0.013 170 ±0.57 25 0 -0.052 81 0 -0.2 315 0 -1.0 28 +0.52 0 750 650 580 870 1340 355 610 630 254 100 210 28 90 355 740 750 680 1035 1540 450 800 1120 355 110 450 35 900 900 760 1140 2050 500 900 1250 475 130 +0.04 0.015 250 32 0 -0.062 119 500 42 +0.62 0 1050 1050 970 1200 2550 560 1000 1400 500 130 250 560 42 1200 1200 1100 1300 3020 630 1120 1600 530 170 300 ±0.65 40 157 0 -0.3 630 48 1300 1300 1150 1500 3100 注:基本尺寸D的极限偏差及基本尺寸F为带键槽轴伸的尺寸及偏差。 图1 3.12 发电机轴线对底脚支承面的平行度公差为1 mm。 3.13 发电机底脚支承面的平面度公差为0.30 mm。 3.14 发电机轴伸上如带键槽,则其对称度公差为0.05 mm。圆柱轴伸同轴度公差为0.05 mm。 4 技术要求 4.1 发电机应符合本部分的要求,并按照经规定程序批准的图样及技术文件制造。 4.2 在下列海拔、环境温度和相对湿度条件下,发电机应能正常运行: a)海拔不超过1000 m; b)环境空气温度不高于40℃,不低于-20℃; c)最温月月平均最大空气相对湿度不大于95%。 当发电机需要在超出上述一个或多个限值条件下运行时,其特殊要求可以由用户和制造厂协商。 4.3 在额定转速,额定功率因数下,当电压、频率与额定值的偏差符合GB/T 755的规定时发电机应能正常运行。 4.4 发电机额定运行时,输出额定效率和功率因数的容差应符合表5的规定。效率的测量采用直接法测定,也可用间接法测定,杂散损耗按额定输出的(0.025 lgPn~0.005 lgPn)计算。 表5 额定效率和功率因数容差 项号 名称 保证值 容差 4极 6极 1 效率 η 0.96 0.93 -0.10(1-η) 2 功率因数cosφ 0.88 0.83 -(1-cosφ)/6 4.5 在额定电压时,发电机最大转矩与额定转矩之比的保证值对同步转速1500 r/mim及以上者2.0倍,其余为1.8倍。 4.6 在海拔和环境空气温度符合4.2规定时,发电机绕组的温升限值和轴承的容许温度按GB/T 755规定。如试验地点的海拔或环境空气温度与4.2的规定不同时,温升限值应按GB/T 755的规定修正。轴承温度限值95℃。 4.7 发电机在额定热试验后,保持额定电压不变,应能承受1.15倍额定负载运行1h,此时温升不作考核,但发电机不应发生损坏及有害变形。 4.8 发电机应能承受1.2倍最高运行转速(如用户有特殊要求,可与制造厂协商),历时2 min而不发生有害变形。 4.9 发电机定子绕组的绝缘电阻在热状态或发热试验后,应不低于UN/1000 MΩ,测量电阻时,兆欧表的选用应符合GB/T 1032的规定。 注:UN——额定电压,单位为伏(V)。 4.10 发电机定子绕组各相间及双绕组相互间应能承受历时1 min的耐电压试验而不发生击穿,试验电压的频率为50 Hz,并尽可能为正弦波形,电压的有效值为(2UN+1000)V,但不应低于1500V。 同一台发电机不应重复进行本项试验,如用户提出要求,允许在安装后开始运行之前,在现场可再进行一次试验,其试验电压应按GB/T 755的有关规定。 4.11 发电机的定子绕组应能承受匝间耐冲击电压试验而不击穿。当发电机采用散嵌绕组时,其试验冲击电压峰值和试验方法按GB/T 22719.1和GB/T 22719.2的规定进行。当发电机采用成型绕组时,其试验冲击电压峰值和试验方法按GB/T 22714的规定进行。 4.12 发电机应进行短时升高电压试验,试验用空载电动机法进行,外施电压为额定电压的130%,时间为3 min,匝间绝缘应无损伤。在提高电压值至额定电压的130%时,允许同时提高频率或转速,但转速不超过额定值的115%。 4.13 发电机的定子绕组在按GB/T 12665所规定的40℃交变湿热试验方法进行6周期试验后,绝缘电阻应不低于4.9的规定数值,并能承受4.10所规定的耐电压试验而不发生击穿。(仅对用户提出有此项要求的发电机,该要求应在合同中注明。) 4.14 发电机作电动机空载运行时振动强度测定方法及振动强度限值按GB/T 10068-2008中表1规定,且在超速试验后进行振动的测定。 4.15 发电机以空载电动机方式运行,在规定的旋转方向下,按GB/T 10069.1测得噪声,发电机噪声限值应满足GB/T 10069.3的规定。 4.16 当并网三相电压平衡时,发电机空载三相电流中任何一相与三相平均值的偏差应不大于三相平均值的10%。 4.17 发电机的电流波形畸变率不大于5%。 4.18 发电机不准许在运行中反接电源制动或逆转。在出线端标志的字母顺序与三相电压相序方向相同时,从轴伸端视之,发电机应为顺时针方向旋转(用户要求发电机转向不同时,应在合同中注明)。 4.19 单绕组发电机可制成3个或6个出线端,双绕组发电机可制成9个或12个出线端(用户在合同中注明),从轴伸端视之,发电机接线盒置于机座右面。双方另有协议时,按技术协议的规定;发电机的接线盒内应有接地端子,同时机座上应另设一个接地端子,并应在接地端子的附近设置接地标志,此标志应保证在发电机整个使用期内不易磨灭。 5 试验方法 发电机的试验方法按GB/T 19071.2的规定进行。 6 检验规则 6.1 出厂试验 6.1.1 每台发电机应经检验合格后才能出厂,并应附有产品检验合格证。 6.1.2 出厂试验项目包括: a)外观及机械检查; b)绝缘电阻测定; c)绕组在实际冷状态下直流电阻的测定; d)绕组的相序检查; e)空载电流和空载损耗的测定; f)小时热试验; g)超速试验; h)振动的测定; i)短时升高电压试验; j)额定频率下堵转试验; k)耐电压试验。 6.2 型式试验 6.2.1 凡遇下列情况之一者,应进行型式试验: a)制造商第一次试制或小批试生产时; b)设计或工艺上的变更足以引起某些特性和参数发生变化时; c)当检查试验结果和以前进行的型式试验结果发生不可容许的偏差时; d)成批生产的发电机的定期抽试,抽试时间至少每两年一次,每次至少两台。试验中如有发电机不合格,应从同一批产品中抽加倍数量对不合格项目进行重试,如仍有不合格时,则应对该项目逐台试验。 6.2.2 发电机的型式试验项目包括: a)出厂试验的全部项目; b)热试验; c)负载特性曲线的测定; d)效率测定; e)最大转矩的测定; f)噪声的测定; g)过载试验; h)电流波形畸变率测定; i)转动惯量试验; j)交变湿热试验(仅对用户提出有此项要求的发电机,该要求应在合同中注明);盐雾试验(仅对用户提出有此项要求的发电机,该要求应在合同中注明); k)霉菌试验(仅对用户提出有此项要求的发电机,该要求应在合同中注明); l)称重。 j)项、k)项、l)项仅在新产品试制完成时或当设计或工艺材料上的变更足以引用该特性和参数发生变化时进行。 7 标志、包装、运输和贮存 7.1 标志 7.1.1 安全和警示标志 制造商应在产品的明显位置设置安全和警示标志,并应保障发电机在整个使用期内不易磨灭。安全和警示的全部内容应在产品用户手册中加以复述。 7.1.2 铭牌 铭牌材料及铭牌上数据刻划方法,应保证在整个使用期内不易磨灭。铭牌应固定在发电机机座的显著位置,应标明项目如下: a)制造商名; b)发电机名称; c)发电机型号; d)防护等级; e)额定频率; f)额定功率; g)额定转速; h)额定电压; i)功率因数; j)效率; k)绝缘等级; l)接线方法; m)出厂日期和编号; n)质量(kg)。 7.1.3 出线端标志 发电机定子绕组的出线端及接线板的接线位置上均应有相应的标志,并应保障在整个使用期内不易磨灭。发电机的出线端标志与旋转方向应符合GB/T 1971的规定。 7.2 随机文件 每台发电机应附下列随机文件: a)随机文件目录; b)产品用户手册(使用维护说明书); c)产品合格证; d)发电机绕组和测温元件接线图; e)用户要求的其他文件(应在合同中注明)。 发电机的产品用户手册(使用维护说明书)及产品合格证等随机文件应随同每台发电机供给用户。随机文件应放在防潮袋内并固定于包装体内部。 7.3 包装、运输和贮存 7.3.1 发电机的轴伸平键需绑扎在轴伸上,轴伸及平键表面应加防锈及保护措施。 7.3.2 发电机的包装应能保证在正常贮运条件下,自发货之日起一年内不至因包装不善而导致受潮与损坏。 7.3.3 包装体外壁的文字和标志应清楚、整齐,内容如下: a)货站与制造商名称; b)收货站及收货单位名称; c)发电机型号和出品编号; d)发电机质量和整体质量; e)包装体尺寸; f)在包装体外的适当位置应标有“禁止翻滚”“怕雨”“向上”等字样,其图形应符合GB/T 191的规定; g)包装体吊装方式和位置。 7.3.4 产品贮存应放在没有雨、雪侵入,无有害气体、粉尘进入,空气流通,空气相对湿度不大于80%, 环境温度在-20℃~+40℃的仓室中。 7.3.5 发电机的包装在运输、贮存过程中不得受雨水侵袭,不应受有害碰撞。 8 环保及安全要求 8.1 发电机在运输、贮存和运行时不会对环境造成污染。在使用寿命结束后,应由用户对铜线等设备回收利用或无害处理。 8.2 发电机及其附件在使用中应不会助燃、不会爆炸及释放有害气体,使用时,不会对环境、其他设备特别是对及人身造成危害。 9 质量保证期 用户按照制造厂提供的产品用户手册的规定,正确使用、运输和贮存发电机的情况下,制造厂应保证发电机自交货之日起的24个月内,发电机应能良好运行。 |
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GB/T 19071.1-2018, GB 19071.1-2018, GBT 19071.1-2018, GB/T19071.1-2018, GB/T 19071.1, GB/T19071.1, GB19071.1-2018, GB 19071.1, GB19071.1, GBT19071.1-2018, GBT 19071.1, GBT19071.1 |