is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards.
Some of the elements of this standard may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority of this standard shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by the Test Technology Committee of SAE-China.
This standard is formulated for the first time.
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Test methods and safety requirements for hydrogen leakage and emission in confined space
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test methods and safety requirements for hydrogen leakage and emission from fuel cell electric vehicles in confined space.
This standard is applicable to Category M1 fuel cell electric vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 19750-2005 Hybrid electric vehicles - Engineering approval evaluation program
GB/T 24548 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Terminology
GB/T 24549 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Safety requirements
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 24548 and the following apply.
air changes per hour
ratio of air exchange volume per hour in a space to the volume of the space
enclosed chamber
confined space with hydrogen concentration detection device, see 4.3.4
4 Test methods
4.1 General
The following test methods are for hydrogen leakage and emission from fuel cell electric vehicles in confined space.
4.2 Parameters to be measured, units and accuracy
Table 1 specifies the parameters to be measured during the test, as well as their units and accuracy.
Table 1 Requirements for parameters to be measured, units and accuracy
Parameters to be measured Units Accuracy Resolution
Time s ±0.1 0.1
Temperature ℃ ±1 1
Volume concentration of hydrogen a ppm ±50 1
Volume concentration of hydrogen b ppm ±200 100
Frequency Hz 1 1
a For hydrogen leakage test.
b For hydrogen emission test.
4.3 Test conditions
4.3.1 Vehicle conditions
Vehicles shall meet the following conditions:
——The test vehicle shall be driven for a total of at least 300 km with the fuel cell engine in operation during the seven days prior to the test;
——The test vehicle shall be filled with hydrogen to the pressure that shall be reached under the rated working pressure as per the requirements of the manufacturer;
——Before the test, it is allowed to adjust the SOC of the power battery of the vehicle;
——During the test, the doors and windows of the vehicle shall be closed.
4.3.2 Ambient temperature conditions for hydrogen leakage test
The test shall be carried out at an ambient temperature of 30℃~55℃ under the standard atmospheric pressure (101.3±1 kPa).
4.3.3 Ambient temperature conditions for hydrogen emission test
The test shall be carried out under normal temperature (20℃~30℃) and standard atmospheric pressure (101.3±1 kPa).
4.3.4 Requirements for confined space
The dimension of confined space, air exchange rate, position of mechanical ventilation device and position of hydrogen concentration sensor shall meet the following requirements:
a) Requirements for dimension of confined space:
1) The internal length shall not exceed the length of the vehicle by 1m;
2) The internal width shall not exceed the width of the vehicle by 1 m;
3) The internal height shall not exceed the height of the vehicle by 0.5 m.
b) Requirements for air exchange rate in the confined space:
1) For hydrogen leakage test carried out when the vehicle is parked, the air exchange rate per hour shall not exceed 0.03;
2) For hydrogen emission test carried out when the vehicle is running, the air exchange rate per hour shall not exceed 6.
c) Requirements for position of mechanical ventilation device in confined space: the distance between the air inlet and outlet of mechanical ventilation device and the hydrogen concentration sensors shall not be less than 1 m;
d) Requirements for position of hydrogen concentration sensor in confined space: at least three sensors shall be uniformly arranged on both sides of the top surface of the confined space, and one sensor shall be arranged at the geometric center of the top surface, with a total of no less than seven sensors, as shown in Figure 1.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Test methods 4.1 General 4.2 Parameters to be measured, units and accuracy 4.3 Test conditions 4.3.1 Vehicle conditions 4.3.2 Ambient temperature conditions for hydrogen leakage test 4.3.3 Ambient temperature conditions for hydrogen emission test 4.3.4 Requirements for confined space 4.3.5 Conditions for emergency stop of test 4.4 Test procedures 4.4.1 Hydrogen leakage test of vehicles under high temperature environment and parking conditions 4.4.2 Hydrogen emission safety test of vehicles at idle state 4.4.3 Hydrogen emission safety test of vehicles at idle state (with air conditioner on) 4.4.4 Hydrogen emission safety test under frequent start and stop of vehicles 4.4.5 Hydrogen leakage and emission tests of vehicles in parking state after finishing reliability driving test 5 Safety requirements 5.1 Safety requirements for hydrogen leakage in confined spaces 5.2 Safety requirements for hydrogen emission in confined spaces
ICS 32.020 T 40 团 体 标 准 T/CSAE 123—2019
燃料电池电动汽车 密闭空间内氢泄漏 及氢排放试验方法和安全要求 Fuel cell electric vehicles-test methods and safety requirements for hydrogen leakage and emission in confined space