1 Scope
This standard specifies the basis (standard) for classification for hazards of occupational exposure to toxicant.
This standard is applicable to the classification of toxicity hazard class of occupational exposure.
This standard is also used one of the basis for hazard rating for workplace occupational diseases and hazard evaluation for construction project occupational diseases.
2 Normative Reference
The following documents are essential for the application of this standard. For dated references, the dated edition applies this document. For undated reference, the latest edition (including all amendments) of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 21604-2008 Test method of acute dermal irritation / corrosion for chemicals
GB/T 21609-2008 Test method of acute dermal irritation/corrosion for chemicals
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Occupational exposure to toxicant
Substances that are exposed to workers in occupational activities, exist in the way of raw material, finished product, semiproduct, intermediate product, reaction byproduct and impurity, get into the human body through respiratory tract, skin or mouth, and do harm to workers' health.
3.2 Hazard
Health damage and poor health effect possible to workers, caused by occupational exposure to toxicant.
3.3 Toxicant hazardous index, THI
Quantity value to reflect the health hazard (to workers) degree of occupational exposure to toxicant.
4 Classification Principles
4.1 The classification for hazards of occupational exposure toxicant is based on the nine indexes including acute toxicity of toxicant, diffusivity, retention, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, sensitization, irritation and corrosivity and actual hazard consequence and prognosis.
4.2 The classification principle is to determine the toxicant hazardous index by comprehensive analysis and calculation on the base of four key classes (9 items) of classification indexes like acute toxicity, influence factor of toxic action, toxic effect and actual hazard consequence. Each index is rated with five grades and given corresponding point value (slight hazard: 0 point; gentle hazard: 1 point; moderate hazard: 2 points; high hazard: 3 points; extreme hazard: 4 points); and all indexed are given corresponding weight coefficient according to the effects on occupational hazards. The grade of hazard degree of occupational exposure to toxicant is determined according to the toxicant hazardous index (sum of the weighted point values of all indexes).
4.3 As for the substance expressly prohibited and limited (including trade restriction) by the industrial policy in China, the hazard degree hereof are classified according to the toxicant hazardous index.
1 Scope
2 Normative Reference
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Classification Principles
5 Classification Basis
6 Hazard Degree Classification and Toxicant Hazardous Index Calculation
Annex A (Normative) Explanation on Correctly Using This Standard