1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to measuring the soil basic engineering properties and unifying the test methods in order to provide reliable parameters for the engineering design and construction.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the basic engineering property tests of the foundation soil and filling soil of various projects such as the industrial and civil buildings, water conservancy and transportation projects.
1.0.3 This standard divides soil only into coarse-grained soil and fine-grained soil. The soil names shall be determined according to the current national standard "Standard for Soil Classification" GBJ 145.
1.0.4 The soil test data collation shall be based on the study of control sample (test measured data) to estimate the soil element features and their change laws in order to make the soil test results provide accurate and reliable soil indicators for the engineering design and construction. The analysis and collation of the test results shall be in accordance with those specified in Appendix A.
1.0.5 The instruments and equipments used in the soil tests shall be adopted according to the current national standard "Primary Parameters and General Technical Specifications for Geotechnical Apparatus" GB/T 15406 and they shall be verified and calibrated periodically according to the current relevant regulations.
1.0.6 Not only the requirements stipulated in this standard, but also those in the current compulsory national ones of the nation shall be complied with.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Specimen Preparation and Saturation 3.1 Specimen Preparation 3.2 Specimen Saturation 4 Water Content Tests 5 Density Test 5.1 Core Cutter Method 5.2 Wax Sealing Method 5.3 Irrigation Method 5.4 Sand Replacement Method 6 Soil Grain Specific Gravity Test 6.1 General Rules 6.2 Pycnometer Method 6.3 Suspending Weigh Method 6.4 Siphon Cylinder Method 7 Grain Analysis Test 7.1 Sieve Analysis Method 7.2 Densimeter Method 7.3 Pipette Method 8 Limit Water Content Test 8.1 Liquid-plastic Limit Combined Mensuration 8.2 Dishing Liquid Limit Test 8.3 Rolling and Scrubbing Plastic Limit Test 8.4 Shrinkage Dish Method-Shrinkage Limit Test 9 Relative Density Test of Sand 9.1 General Rules 9.2 Minimum Dry Density Test of Sand 9.3 Maximum Dry Density Test of Sand 10 Compaction Test 11 CBR test 12 Resilient Modulus Test 12.1 Lever Pressiometer Method 12.2 Strength Tester Method 13 Permeability test 13.1 General requirement 13.2 Constant head permeability test 13.3 Variable head permeability test 14 Consolidation test 14.1 Standard consolidation test 14.2 The continual loading test of strain control 15 Loess collapsibility test 15.1 General rules 15.2 Collapsibility coefficient test 15.3 Deadweight Collapsibility coefficient test 15.4 Leaching deformation coefficient test 15.5 Collapsibility initial pressure test 16 Triaxial compression test 16.1 General requirement 16.2 Instrument and equipment 16.3 Specimens preparation and saturation 16.4 Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test 16.5 consolidated undrained triaxial test 16.6 Consolidated drained triaxial test 16.7 Multilevel loading test of one specimen 17 Unconfined compressive strength test 18 Direct shear test 18.1 Slow-shear test 18.2 Consolidated quick shear test 18.3 quick shear test 18.4 Direct shear test of sandy soil 19 Strength test of repeating direct shearing 20 Free Swell Test 21 Swelling Test 21.1 Linear Swelling Test 21.2 Non-linear Swelling Test 22 Swelling Force Test 23 Shrinkage Test 24 Density-Test of Frozen Soil 24.1 General Requirements 24.2 Suspending Weigh Method 24.3 Joint Determination Method 24.4 Cutting Ring Method 24.5 Sand-filling Method 25 Frozen Temperature Test 26 Test of unfrozen-water content 27 Thermal Conductivity Test of Frozen Soil 28 Frost Heaving Capacity Test 29 Thaw Compression Test of Frozen Soil 29.1 General Requirements 29.2 Indoor Thaw Compression Test of the Frozen Soil 29.3 Thaw Compression Test 30 Acidity/Alkalinity Test 31 Soluble Salt Test 31.1 Preparation of Lixivium 31.2 Determination of Total soluble salt 31.3 Determination of Carbonate and Bicarbonate 31.4 Determination of Chloride 31.5 Determination of Sulfate- EDTA Complexation Capability Method 31.6 Determination of Sulfate-Turbidimetric Method 31.7 Determination of the calcium ion 31.8 Determination of magnesium ion 31.9 Atom-Absorption Spectrometry of Calcium Ion and Magnesium Ion 31.10 Determination of Sodium Ion and Potassium Ion 32 Medium Dissolved Salt (gypsum) Test 33 Insoluble Salt (calcium carbonate) Test 34 Organic Matter Test 35 Centrifuge Moisture Equivalent Test of Soil Appendix A Test Data Collation and Test Report Appendix B Requirements and Management of Soil Specimen Appendix C General Requirements of Indoor Soil Instruments Appendix D Test Record of Various Items