GB/T 44906-2024 Technical specifications for biomass fired boilers
1 Scope
This document specifies the parameters and model numbering method, fuel, performance, design, auxiliary machinery and systems, manufacture, inspection and test, painting, packaging, marking, nameplate, and accompanying documents, installation, commissioning and acceptance, as well as operation requirements for biomass fired boilers and their systems.
This document applies to stationary pure biomass solid fuel fired boilers that meet one of the following conditions and also use water or organic fluids as media, as well as their systems:
a) Steam boilers with a rated working pressure of 0.1MPa (gauge pressure) or higher and a rated evaporation capacity of more than 2t/h;
b) Hot water boilers or organic fluid boilers with a rated working pressure of 0.1MPa (gauge pressure) or higher and a rated thermal power of more than 1.4MW.
For the following stationary pure biomass solid fuel fired boilers that use water or organic fluids as media, this document may be used for reference:
——Steam boilers (or hot water boilers and organic fluid boilers) with a rated evaporation capacity of 2t/h (or a rated thermal power of 1.4MW) and below;
——Hot water boilers or organic fluid boilers with a rated working pressure less than 0.1MPa (gauge pressure).
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 753 Steam condition series for utility boilers
GB/T 1576 Water quality for industrial boilers
GB/T 1921 Parameters for industrial steam boilers
GB/T 2900.48 Electrotechnical terminology of boilers
GB/T 3166 Parameters for hot water boilers
GB/T 10180 Thermal performance test code for industrial boilers
GB/T 10184 Performance test code for utility boiler
GB/T 12145 Quality criterion of water and steam for power plant and steam-generating equipment
GB 13223 Emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plants
GB 13271 Emission standard of air pollutants for boiler
GB/T 16507 (All parts) Water-tube boilers
GB/T 16508 (All parts) Shell boilers
GB/T 17410 Organic heat transfer material heaters
GB/T 24747 Safety technology conditions for organic heat transfer fluid
GB/T 34348 Specification for utility boiler system
GB/T 36699 Specification for liquid fuels and gaseous fuels burners of boilers
GB 50041 Standard for design of boiler plant
GB 50211 Code for construction and acceptance of industrial furnaces building
GB 50273 Standard for construction and acceptance of boiler installation engineering
GB 55003 General code for foundation engineering of building and municipal projects
DL/T 5022 Code for design of civil structure of power plant
DL 5190.2 Technical specification for thermal power erection and construction - Part 2: Boiler unit
JB/T 3271 Specification for travelling grate stokers
JB/T 10356 Specification for burning equipment of fluidized bed
NB/T 11272 Technical guidelines for cold-starting and commissioning of industrial boilers
NB/T 11477 Reliability evaluation specification for utility boilers
NB/T 34012 Technical specification for the water cooled vibrating grate of biomass boiler
NB/T 34024 Quality classification for densified biofuel
NB/T 42031 Technical requirements for screw feeding device in front of the biomass boiler
NB/T 47034 Specification for industrial boilers
NB/T 47050 Technical specification of reciprocating grate
NB/T 47051 Technical specification for industrial boiler control devices
NB/T 47055 Painting and packing specification of boiler
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.48, GB/T 34348 and NB/T 47034 as well as the following apply.
various organisms produced through photosynthesis
Note: In this document, biomass mainly refers to various agricultural residues, forestry residues, energy crops, and their processing residues, etc., and does not include industrial organic solid waste and municipal solid waste.
hard stalk and woody plant
collective term for relatively hard biomasses such as the stalks of cotton, soybeans, and other agricultural crop residues, tree branches, wood processing materials, or waste materials
straw and non hard stalk
collective term for relatively soft biomasses such as the stalks of corn, wheat, rice, sorghum, and other herbaceous plants
biomass molded fuel
molded fuels with a certain shape (mostly regular shapes such as cuboids or cylinders), specific dimensions, high bulk density, and are conducive to transportation and combustion, which are processed using woody and herbaceous plants and their waste materials as raw materials, through densification and molding technology
biomass fired boiler
a boiler that uses biomass as fuel
4 Parameters and model numbering method
4.1 Parameters
4.1.1 The parameters for industrial steam boilers shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 1921.
4.1.2 The parameters for utility boilers shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 753.
4.1.3 The parameters for hot water boilers shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 3166.
4.1.4 The parameters for organic fluid boilers shall comply with the requirements of NB/T 47034 or GB/T 17410.
4.2 Model numbering method
4.2.1 The numbering method for industrial steam boilers and hot water boilers shall comply with the requirements of NB/T 47034.
4.2.2 The numbering method for utility boilers shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 34348.
4.2.3 The numbering method for organic fluid boilers shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 17410.
Contents Foreword III Introduction IV 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Parameters and model numbering method 5 General requirements 6 Fuels 7 Performance 8 Design 9 Auxiliary machinery and systems 10 Manufacture, inspection and test 11 Painting, packaging, marking, nameplate, and accompanying documents 12 Installation, commissioning and acceptance 13 Operation Bibliography