1 Scope
This document specifies a method for evaluating the energy efficiency of vehicle air conditioning in passenger cars. This document applies to Class M vehicles with a maximum design gross mass not exceeding 3500 kg that have MAC. This document applies to vehicles capable of running on petrol or diesel. It does not apply to hybrid electric vehicles that can be externally charged.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document by means of normative references in the text. Where a reference is dated, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; where a reference is not dated, the latest version (including all amendment sheets) is applicable to this document.
GB 18352.6-2016 Emission limits and measurement methods for light duty vehicles (China Stage 6)
GB/T 19233-2020 Test method for fuel consumption of light duty vehicles
GB 19578 Quality service values for fuel consumption of passenger cars
GB/T 19753-2021 Test method for energy consumption of light-duty hybrid electric vehicles
GB 27999 Evaluation methods and indicators for fuel consumption of passenger cars
QC/T 720 Vehicle air conditioning terminology
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined by GB 27999 and QC/T 720 apply to this document.
4 General requirements
4.1 The vehicle manufacturer or its authorised agent shall submit - a vehicle representing the model being tested to the inspection body. Information on the function and use of the air conditioning system used in the vehicle shall also be provided. For models equipped with automatic and manual air conditioning, automatic air conditioning vehicles should be selected for testing; for other different configurations, in accordance with the principle of maximum energy consumption of air conditioning selected to represent the vehicle. At least the following factors should be taken into account: compressor type; glass light transmission rate; body colour.
4.2 The vehicle under test shall comply with the requirements of the fuel consumption limit value specified in GB19578 and the requirements of GB18352.6-2016 (or other applicable versions) regarding pollutant emissions.
4.3 Conduct the test in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, and record the vehicle parameters and test data for the test in accordance with Appendix A. In accordance with 7.1
5 Test conditions
5.1 Test chamber and test equipment The technical characteristics of the test chamber and test equipment shall conform to the provisions of B.2.1 in GB/T19233-2020; for non-externally rechargeable hybrid electric vehicles (NOVC-HEV), the technical characteristics of the test equipment shall also conform to the provisions of 4.2.2 in GB/T19753-2021.
5.2 Test fuel The test fuel shall conform to the requirements of 5.3 in GB/T19233-2020.
5.3 Environmental conditions
5.3.1 The ambient temperature shall be (30 Shi 2)C.
5.3.2 The ambient relative humidity shall be (50 Shi 5)%.
5.3.3 The intensity of solar radiation during the fuel consumption test with the vehicle immersed and air conditioning turned on shall be (850 Shi 45) W/m2 , and no solar radiation during the rest of the test. The solar radiation intensity was set at the highest point of the vehicle body plane.
5.4 Vehicle preparation
5.4.1 Prepare the vehicle according to the requirements of 5.2 in GB/T19233-2020.
5.4.2 Temperature measurement points in the passenger compartment are arranged in accordance with B.2.3.2 of GB/T19233-2020 for the front seats.
5.4.3 For vehicles with a rest stop system. Switch off the rest stop system or disable it by suitable means.
5.4.4 For vehicles with an interior air quality control system, switch off or deactivate the air quality control system in an appropriate manner.
5.5 Air conditioning settings
5.5.1 For automatically controlled air conditioning, set to "Auto" mode. The temperature is set to no more than 25C and the air circulation switch is set to the internal circulation and blowing mode positions (except in "auto" mode where it is not possible to switch between internal/external circulation or to keep the blowing mode position).
5.5.2 For manually controlled air conditioning, place the temperature condition switch in the maximum cooling mode position; the air volume adjustment switch in the middle position (rounded to a higher gear) or set according to the vehicle manufacturer's requirements; the air circulation switch in the internal circulation position and the blowing mode.
5.5.3 If the vehicle cannot meet the requirements of 6.3.5, the temperature setting shall be lowered for automatically controlled air conditioners, increased for manually controlled air conditioners, and tested again, and so on until the strongest cooling setting is reached.
5.5.4 For vehicles with middle and rear air vents, close the middle and rear air vents and the air vent control switch (if any). The front air outlet opening is set at maximum, and the direction of the air outlet is set according to the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer.
6 Test procedure
6.1 Test preparation
6.1.1 Set the ambient temperature according to 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. Humidity.
6.3 Measurement of vehicle fuel consumption (FCoN) with air conditioning on
6.3.1 Open all the windows, place the air circulation switch in the external circulation position and place the air volume adjustment switch in the middle position (rounded to the high level), the compressor should always be off during this process.
6.3.2 The vehicle should be driven at a constant speed of (90sh2)km/h for 20min; for NOVC-HEV, pre-treatment should be carried out in accordance with C.3.2 of GB/T19753-2021.
6.3.3 Switch off the vehicle power system and all windows.
After setting the solar radiation intensity according to 5.3.3. The vehicle is left to stand for 30min.
6.3.4 After turning on and setting the vehicle air conditioner according to 5.5, immediately carry out the test according to 6.4~6.5 in GB/T19233-2020 and calculate the test results according to 7.1~7.4 in GB/T19233-2020; for NOVC-HEV, after turning on and setting the vehicle air conditioner according to 5.5. 6.3.5 During the test, the temperature change at the temperature measurement point required by 5.4.2 is recorded continuously in real time with an acquisition frequency of not less than 1Hz. When the test is carried out to 15min, the average temperature of all temperature measurement points should not be greater than 23C, otherwise the test is suspended and reset in accordance with 5.5 and the test is carried out again in accordance with 6.1~6.5. When the test is carried out for 15 minutes until the end of the test, the cumulative time when the average temperature of all temperature measurement points exceeds 23C should not exceed 10s, otherwise the test is invalid. After resetting according to 5.5, carry out the test again in the order of 6.1 to 6.5.
6.4 Measurement of vehicle fuel consumption (FCorr) with air conditioning switched off
6.4.1 Turn off the solar radiation.
6.4.2 Immediately after turning off the vehicle air conditioning and all windows, carry out the test according to the requirements of 6.4~6.5 in GB/T19233-2020 and calculate the test results according to 7.1~7.4 in GB/T19233-2020; for NOVCHEV. immediately after turning off the vehicle air conditioning and all windows, carry out the test according to the requirements of 6.1 in GB/T19753-2021 and 6.4, and calculate the test results according to 7.2 in GB/T19753--2021.
6.5 Repeatability test
The repeatability test is carried out according to the requirements of B.3.5 in GB/T19233--2020 for the test results of turning on the air conditioner and turning off the air conditioner respectively.
7 Test results
7.1 Vehicle air-conditioning fuel consumption
7.2 Target value of vehicle air-conditioning fuel consumption
7.3 Energy saving effect of vehicle air conditioning
Appendix A (normative) MAC test report
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General requirements
5 Test conditions
6 Test procedure
7 Test results
Appendix A (normative) MAC test report