is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China.
Determination method of external safety distance for hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations
1 Scope
This standard specifies the determination method of external safety distance for hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations.
This standard is applicable to determination of the external safety distance for hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations.
This standard is not applicable to the hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations used for production and circulation enterprises in civil explosive industry, fireworks and firecracker production enterprises and storage warehouses, automobile gasoline and gas filling stations, oil and gas transmission pipelines, urban gas, port areas and national defense research and production.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 18218 Identification of major hazard installations for hazardous chemicals
GB 36894 Risk criteria for hazardous chemicals production unit and storage installations
GB 50089-2018 Safety standard for design of engineering of civil explosive materials
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
all explosives listed in the Catalogue of hazardous chemicals and the Classification information form of hazardous chemicals
toxic gas
gas listed in the Catalogue of hazardous chemicals and the Classification information form of hazardous chemicals, with the hazard characteristic category including acute toxicity -inhalation
flammable gas
gas listed in the Catalogue of hazardous chemicals and the Classification information form of hazardous chemicals, with the hazard characteristic category including flammable gas, Categories 1 and 2
external safety distance
distance or risk control line set between the hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations and the off-plant protected objects in order to prevent and mitigate the impact of potential accidents (fire, explosion, poisoning, etc.) of these units and installations on the protected objects
ignition source
initial energy sources that promote the combustion of combustible substance and comburants, including open flame, heat of chemical reaction, heat radiation, high-temperature surface, friction, impact, etc.
4 Determination process of external safety distance
4.1 The process of determining the external safety distance for hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Determination process of external safety distance for hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations
4.2 The hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations involving explosive(s) shall have their external safety distance determined with the accident consequences tree (ACT) method.
4.3 The hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations involving toxic or flammable gas(es) and has the sum of the ratio of the designed maximum quantity to the threshold quantity specified in GB 18218 being greater than or equal to 1 shall have their external safety distance determined with the quantitative risk evaluation method. When the above-mentioned units and installations exist in the enterprise, all the hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations in the enterprise shall be subjected to quantitative risk evaluation as a whole to determine the external safety distance.
4.4 The external safety distance for hazardous chemicals production units and storage installations other than those specified in 4.2 and 4.3 hereof shall meet the distance requirements of relevant standards and specifications.
5 Accident consequences tree (ACT) method
5.1 Calculation procedures
The process of determining the external safety distance by the accident consequences tree method is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 The process of determining the external safety distance by the accident consequences tree method
5.2 Foundation data acquisition
5.2.1 The process data related to explosives, including explosives data, layout plans of units and installations and process descriptions.
5.2.2 Peripheral conditions outside the units and installations that may be affected by accidents, including the use conditions of surrounding lands, terrain conditions, statistics of residents and population distribution.
5.3 Determination of the most serious accident scenario
5.3.1 Identify explosive-related elements in production units and storage installations, and refer to GB 50089-2018 to determine the maximum number of explosives that can explode simultaneously in the units and installations, and regard the simultaneous explosion of this number of explosives as the most serious accident scenario.
5.3.2 When ammonium nitrate is stored separately, the accident scenario of its explosion may not be considered. When ammonium nitrate in a unit or installation is vulnerable to other combustibles, flammables, explosives or forbidden objects in the vicinity under extreme conditions, the accident scenario of its explosion shall be considered, and half of the ammonium nitrate inventory shall be included in the maximum quantity of explosives that can explode simultaneously in the unit or installation.
5.4 Determination of external safety distance
5.4.1 According to the most serious accident scenario and the air-blast overpressure safety valve value given in Table 1, calculate the external safety distance using Formula (1):
Δp——the air-blast overpressure value, Pa×105;
Q——the TNT explosive equivalent of one explosion, kg;
R——the distance from the explosion point to a protected object, m;
Table 1 Air-blast overpressure thresholds for different types of protected objects in: pa
Protected objects (classified according to GB 36894) Air-blast overpressure thresholda
Highly sensitive protected objects and key protected objects
Class I protected objects in the general protected objects 2,000
Class II protected objects in the general protected objects 5,000
Class III protected objects in the general protected objects 9,000
a The threshold of 2,000Pa is the upper limit of air-blast overpressure causing basically no damage to buildings; the threshold of 5,000Pa is below the medium level that causes subminor damage (2,000Pa~9,000Pa) to buildings, which may cause all glass to be broken, tiled roof to move slightly, and plaster on inner wall surface to drop slightly. The threshold of 9,000Pa is the upper limit causing subminor damage (2,000Pa~9,000Pa) to buildings, which may cause partial damage to buildings and thus uninhabitable, slight deformation of steel structures and no damage to reinforced concrete columns. The above thresholds basically will not cause direct death to outdoor personnel.
5.4.2 As for the influence of topographic conditions on the external safety distance, please refer to GB 50089-2018, Annex A to adjust the calculated external safety distance.
5.4.3 The starting points of the external safety distance are the outer edge of the outermost equipment or the outermost axis of the building, and the stopping points are the outer wall of the building at the protected object.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Determination process of external safety distance 5 Accident consequences tree (ACT) method 5.1 Calculation procedures 5.2 Foundation data acquisition 5.3 Determination of the most serious accident scenario 5.4 Determination of external safety distance 6 Quantitative risk evaluation method 6.1 Calculation procedures 6.2 Data acquisition 6.3 Determination of evaluation units 6.4 Hazard identification and LOC identification 6.5 Analysis of leakage frequency 6.6 Analysis of accident consequences 6.7 Quantitative risk calculation 6.8 Determination of external safety distance Annex A (Informative) Selection method of evaluation unit - Hazard level evaluation method Annex B (Informative) Selection method of evaluation unit - Equipment selection number method Annex C (Informative) Leakage frequency value of similar equipment (installations) in typical LOCs Annex D (Informative) Source term and gas cloud diffusion calculation Annex E (Informative) Determination of detection and interlock cut-off systems and corresponding leakage time Annex F (Informative) Combustible substance release event tree and ignition probability Annex G (Informative) Influence threshold Annex H (Informative) Corresponding relationship between probability of death and probability value as well as toxicity constants of substances Bibliography