is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 2423 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods is divided into several parts according to test methods.
This is Part 7 of GB/T 2423.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB/T 2423.7-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Ec and guidance: Drop and topple Primarily for equipment-type specimens and GB/T 2423.8-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Ed: Free fall
In addition to editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 2423.7-1995 and GB/T 2423.8-1995:
--the title "Conditional test" is changed to be "Description" (see 5.1.1, and 3.2 of GB/T 2423.7-1995);
--"Test facility” is added (see 5.1.2 and 5.2.2);
--“Information to be given in the test report” is added (see Clause 8);
--"Selection of test severity" is deleted (see A3 of GB/T 2423.7-1995);
--the title "Severity" is changed to be "Test severity" and related contents are changed, "Note: heavy equipment should not be subjected to higher severity "(see 5.2.3, Clause 3 of GB/T 2423.8-1995).
--"Conditional test" is changed to be "Description" and "Testing procedures", (see 5.2.1 and 5.2.4, and Clause 5 of GB/T 2423.8-1995);
--“Information to be included in the relevant specification” is deleted (see Clause 15 of GB/T 2423.8-1995).
This standard, by means of translation, is identical to IEC 60068-2-31: 2008 Environmental testing – Part 2-31: Tests – Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens.
The following editorial changes have been made in this part:
--the standard name is modified;
--in the note of Figure A1 in IEC 60068-2-31, the word barrek is misspelled and should be barrel. Meanwhile, the word steel is omitted. Refer to the French version and revert to steel plate.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Electric and Electronic Product Environment Technology of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 8).
This part replaces GB/T2423.7-1995 and GB/T 2423.8-1995.
The previous editions of GB/T 2423.7-1995 are:
--GB/T 2423.7-1981;
-- GB/T 2424.5-1981.
The previous editions of GB/T 2423.8-1995 are:
--GB/T 2423.8-1981;
-- GB/T 2424.6-1981.
Environmental testing-Part 2: Test methods-
Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 2423 deals with a test procedure for simulating the effects of rough handling shocks, primarily in equipment-type specimens, the effects of knocks, jolts and falls which may be received during repair work or rough handling in operational use.
Where the effects of loose cargo transportation are to be assessed, test Ee: Bounce shall be used. Also, where this effect is to be assessed refer to test Ea: Shock.
Generally, this test is only applicable to small to medium size equipment likely to receive such rough handling, and only be applied to those faces and corners where there is a risk of such treatment being encountered.
In general, equipment which is frequently handled and serviced (for example field equipment and unit spares) can be considered at such risk. Whereas equipment forming an integral part of a permanent installation would not normally be considered at such risk and need not be tested.
Testing may not be applicable to fragile unprotected equipment of irregular shape (for example aircraft nose radar) which, when removed from the installation would be contained in a handling frame or jig. It may however be applicable to these items of equipment when they are in their transit case or in their handling frame or jig.
For equipment which stands only on one face (for example the normal base) the test is generally only applied to that face.
Shock tests are performed on the specimen when fixed to the test machine. Drop and topple, free fall, repeated free fall and bounce tests are performed with the specimen free.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2423.39-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products-Part 2: Test methods-Test Ee: Bounce (IEC 60068-2-55: 1987, IDT)
IEC 60068-2-27 Environmental testing-Part 2-27: Tests-Test Ea and guidance: Shock
IEC Guide 104 The preparation of safety publications and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications
ISO 48:2007 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic-Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD)
ISO 4180-2: 1980 Complete, filled transport packages-General rules for the compilation of performance test schedules-Part 2: Quantitative data
3 General description of test
Rough handling shocks can be simulated by one or more of the following tests:
a) Drop and topple: A simple test intended to assess the effects of knocks or jolts likely to be received primarily by equipment-type specimens during repair work or rough handling on a table or bench.
b) Free fall – Procedure 1: A simple test to assess the effects of falls likely to be experienced due to rough handling. It is also suitable to demonstrate a degree of robustness.
c) Free fall – Procedure 2: A test that simulates repetitive shocks likely to be received by certain component-type specimens, for example connectors in service.
The topple test need not be applied to specimens which have dimensions which make them stable whilst being handled. Reference to points 1) and 2) below should be made for information on the “C – g ratio” and “height ratio” to establish if the test is necessary.
The falling or topple actions produced by the test procedures given in, and are illustrated by Figures 1, 2 and 3. The drop and topple test includes three distinct procedures:
a) Dropping on to a face (;
b) Dropping on to an edge or a corner (;
c) Toppling (or pushover) (
The purpose of each of these procedures is basically the same, but they represent different kinds of handling.
The test is not intended to be a precise test and a tolerance of ±10 % is allowed on the heights and angles prescribed in 5.1.2.
For a more precise shock test, IEC 60068-2-27 shall be used.
The topple test need not be applied to specimens which have dimensions which make them stable while being handled. When considering the applicability of the topple test, two dimensional ratios are important:
1) The ratio of the height of the centre of gravity from the base, to the smaller dimension of the base, hereinafter referred to as the C – g ratio;
2) The ratio of the height of the specimen to the smaller dimension of the base, hereinafter referred to as the height ratio.
If the C – g ratio is small, for example less than 0.25, the specimen is unlikely to fall over due to sudden sideways displacements. If the height ratio is small, for example less than 0.5, the specimen is unlikely to topple over due to a sudden sideways force or blow at the top. In such cases the writer of the relevant specification shall consider whether the topple test is applicable.
h - distance between edge of specimen and test surface;
a - angle between bottom face of specimen and test surface.
Figure 1 – Dropping on to a face
Dimensions in millimetres
h - distance between edge of specimen and test surface
a - angle between bottom face of specimen and test surface
Figure 2 – Dropping on to a corner
Figure 3 – Topple (or push over)
4 Initial measurements
Before commencement of the test, the specimen shall be visually examined and electrically and mechanically checked as required by the relevant specification.
5 Testing
5.1 Drop and topple
5.1.1 Description
Having taken into account the manner in which the specimen will be handled in use and during repair, the relevant specification shall state the test procedure to be used and whether covers, cables, etc., are to be in position or not. The relevant specification shall also state whether the specimen is, or is not, operational during the test.
In the test procedure where the specimen is dropped on to a face or corner, it is possible for the specimen to topple onto a different face instead of falling back onto the test face as intended. This shall be avoided by a suitable method.
In any of the test procedures, the specimen shall not be allowed to continue rolling about the next edge.
Where the number of bottom edges exceeds four, the number of drops or topples shall be limited to four and the relevant specification shall prescribe the edges to be used for the test.
5.1.2 Test facility
The test facility surface shall be smooth, hard, rigid, unyielding, horizontal and, for example, made of concrete or steel. The steel plate shall be wet floated, that is, installed while the concrete is still wet in order to remove voids, or bonded to the concrete. For light facility, the surface mass of the facility shall be at least 20 times the mass of the specimen under test. The thickness of the steel plate shall be a minimum of 25 mm. With a specimen in excess of 500 kg, the steel plate shall be at least 40 mm thick, level within two degrees to the horizontal and with a Brinell hardness of 90 – 300.
5.1.3 Testing procedures Dropping onto a face
The specimen, standing in its normal position of use, is tilted along one bottom edge so that the distance between the opposite edge and the test surface is 25 mm, 50 mm or 100 mm, as prescribed by the relevant specification, or so that the angle made by the bottom and the test surface is 30°, whichever condition is less severe. It is then allowed to fall freely onto the test surface.
The specimen shall be subjected to one drop along each of four bottom edges (see Figure 1). Dropping onto an edge or a corner
The specimen, standing in its normal position of use, is raised above the test surface by placing a wooden stud 10 mm high under one corner, and a 20 mm wooden stud under the other adjacent corner of one of the bottom edges. The specimen is then lifted above the test surface by rotating it about the edge on the two studs, until the other corner adjacent to the 10 mm stud is raised 25 mm, 50 mm or 100 mm, as prescribed in the relevant specification, or so that the angle made by the specimen and the test surface is 30°, whichever condition is less severe.
It is then allowed to fall freely on the test surface.
The specimen shall be subjected to one drop on each of the four bottom corners by applying the test along the four bottom edges in turn (see Figure 2). Topple or push-over
The specimen, standing in its normal position of use, is tilted about one bottom edge until it reaches a position of instability. It is then allowed to fall over freely from this position on to an adjacent face.
The specimen shall be subjected to one topple about each of four bottom edges (see Figure 3).
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 General description of test 4 Initial measurements 5 Testing 6 Final measurements 7 Information to be included in the relevant specification 8 Information to be given in the test report Annex A (Normative) Test apparatus for repeated free fall test – Procedure Annex B (Informative) Facility for free fall tests – Guidance
ICS 19.020 K 04 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 2423.7—2018/IEC 60068-2-31:2008 代替 GB/T 2423.7—1995,GB/T 2423.8—1995 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验 EC:粗率操作造成的冲击 (主要用于设备型样品) Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods一 Test Ec:Rough handling shocks,primarily for equipment-type specimens (IEC 60068-2-31:2008,Environmental testing— Part 2-31: Tests—Test Ec:Rough handling shocks,primarily for equipment-type specimens,IDT) 2018-12-28 发布 2019-07-01 实施 国家市场监督管理总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 GB/T 2423《环境试验 第2 部分》按试验方法分为若干部分。 本部分为 GB/T 2423的第7部分。 本部分按照GB/T 1.1—2009 给出的规则起草。 本部分代替GB/T 2423.7—1995《电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ec和导则:倾跌与翻倒》和GB/T 2423.8—1995《电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ed:自由跌落》。 与GB/T 2423.7—1995和GB/T 2423.8—1995相比,除编辑性修改外主要技术变化如下: ——修改了标题“条件试验”为“说明 ”(见5.1.1,GB/T 2423.7—1995的3.2); ——增加了“试验设备”(见5.1.2、5.2.2); ——增加了“试验报告中应给出的信息”(见第8章); ——删除了“试验严酷等级选择”(见GB/T 2423.7—1995的A3); ——修改了标题“严酷等级”为“试验严酷等级”以及相关内容,删除了“注:重型设备不宜经受较高的严酷等级“(见5.2.3,GB/T 2423.8—1995的第3章); ——将“条件试验”修改为“说明”及“试 验步骤”见(5.2.1和5.2.4,GB/T 2423.8—1995的第5章); ——删除了“有关规范给出的内容”(见GB/T 2423.8—1995的第15章)。 本部分使用翻译法等同采用IEC 60068-2-31:2008《环境试验 第2-31部分:试验 试验Ee:粗率操作造成的冲击(主要用于设备型样品)》。 本部分做了下列编辑性修改: ——修改了标准名称; ——IEC 60068-2-31:2008中图A1的注中barrek(板)一词有拼写错误,应为barrel,同时省略steel(钢)一词,参考法文版·恢复为钢板。 本部分由全国电工电子产品环境条件与环境试验标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 8)提出并归口。 GB/T2423.7—1995和GB/T 2423.8—1995。 GB/T 2423.7—1995 的历次版本发布情况为: ——GB/T 2423.7—1981; ——GB/T 2424.5—1981。 GB/T 2423.8—1995的历次版本发布情况为: ——GB/T 2423.8—1981; ——GB/T 2424.6—1981。 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ec:粗率操作造成的冲击 (主要用于设备型样品) 1 范围 GB/T 2423的本部分给出了一种用来模拟主要用于设备型样品在使用过程中被剧烈脏动或维修时受到撞击、振动、跌落等粗率操作造成冲击效应的试验方法。 模拟样品在作为松散约束的货物运输中受到的碰撞效应,需采用试验Ee:弹跳试验方法来评估;同样,模拟样品用于安装设备所受到的冲击效应,需采用试验Ea:冲击来评估。 本试验通常仅适用于可能受到剧烈搬动的中小型设备,而且仅适用于有可能受到敲击和撞击危险的角和面。 一般说来,经常被搬动和使用的设备(例如野外设备和备件)才可能受到上述的敲击和撞击。然而,当它们构成永久性装置的一个组成部分时,通常不会受到上述的敲击和撞击,因此就不需要进行此类试验。 本试验不适用于易损坏的、没有防护的、形状不规则的设备(例如飞机头部雷达),因为这些设备从固定装置中取出来时通常是装在一个托架上或一个搬运架中。然而,当这些设备在它们的运输包装箱中或在自己的托架上,或在搬运架中,并被看作是一个整体时.本试验也是适用的。 对只有一个安装面的设备(例如标准底面),通常只在该面上进行试验。 冲击试验是将样品固定在试验台上进行的。倾跌和翻倒、自由跌落、反复自由跌落和弹跳试验中样品是在自由状态下进行的。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 2423.39—2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试 验方法 试验Ee,弹跳(IEC 60068-2-55,1987,IDT) IEC 60068-2-27 环境试验 第2-27部分:试验 试验Ea和导则:冲击(Environmental testing—Part 2-27:Tests—Test Ea and guidance:Shock) IEC Guide 104 安全出版物的编写及基础安全出版物和多专业共用安全出版物的应用导则(The preparation of safety publications and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications) ISO 48,2007 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 硬度测定(硬度在10~100国际橡胶硬度标度(IRHD)之间)[Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic—Determination of hardness(hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD)] ISO 4180-2:1980 满装的运输包装 性能试验计划编制的一般规则 第2 部分:定量的数据(Complete,filled transport packages—General rules for the compilation of performance test schedules—Part 2:Quantitative data) 3 试验的一般说明 粗率操作冲击可通过以下一种或多种试验方法来模拟: a)倾跌与翻到:该试验是用来评价设备型样品在维修工作期间或在工作台上由于粗率操作可能经受到的敲击或撞击影响的一种简单试验; b)自由跌落——方法1:该试验是确定由于粗率装卸可能经受到的跌落影响的一种简单试验,该试验也可用来验证设备的强度等级; c)自由跌落——方法2:该试验是用于模拟某些元件型产品,例如使用中的连接器,可能受到的重复冲击的影响。 在搬运中样品的尺寸能使其本身保持稳固时,这种样品就不必进行翻倒试验。为了确定倾跌与翻倒试验是否必要,请参阅以下1)和2)中“C-g比”和“高度比”的资料。、和5.1.3.3规定的试验程序所产生的倾跌与翻倒动作,见图1、图2和图3。倾跌与翻倒试验包括下述三种不同的方法: a)面倾跌(见5.1.3.1); b)角倾跌(见5.1.3.2); c)翻倒(或推倒)(见5.1.3.3)。 这三种方法的目的基本上是相同的,但它仍模拟了不同类型的操作(或搬动)方式。 本试验方法不是一种精确的试验方法,在5.1.2中规定的高度和角度允许误差为士10 %。 如果要求更精确的冲击试验,应采用IEC 60068-2-27。 在搬运中样品的尺寸能使其本身保持稳固时,则这种样品就不必进行翻倒试验。考虑到翻倒试验的不同适用性,下述两个尺寸是重要的: 1)从底面算起的试验样品重心高度与底面的较小尺寸之比,以下称为“C-g比”; 2)试验样品的高度与底面的较小尺寸之比,以下称为“高度比”。 如果“C-g比”较小(例如小于0.25),则试验样品虽然受到突然的横向推移,也不可能翻倒;如果“高度比”较小(例如小于0.5,则试验样品虽然受到突然的横向推力或打击,也不可能使其翻倒。在这种情况下,有关规范的编写者应考虑上述翻倒试验是否适用。