is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization — Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This is Part 2 of GB/T 21437 Road vehicles — Test method of electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling. The following parts under the general title GB/T 21437 have been published:
——Part 1: Definitions and general considerations
——Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only
——Part 3: Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines
This document replaces GB/T 21437.2-2008 Road vehicles — Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling — Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only. In addition to structural adjustment and editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 21437.2-2008:
——"4.3 Voltage transient emissions test" has been changed to "4.3.1 General", "4.3.2 Test set-up for slow pulses" and "4.3.3 Test set-up for fast pulses"; Figure 1 has been modified, in which "Transient emission test set-up to measure pulses” is divided into two situations (see 4.3 herein; 4.3 of Edition 2008);
——"4.4 Transient immunity test" has been changed to "4.4.1 Location of the DUT", "4.4.2 Location of the power supply lines", "4.4.3 Location of the load simulator" and "4.4.4 Test set-up", and Figure 2c) for the illustration of 5b pulse has been deleted (see 4.4 herein; 4.4 of Edition 2008);
——The measuring equipment in 5.5 has been integrated and simplified, and "Table 2 Voltage probe parameters" has been deleted (see 5.5 herein; 5.5 of Edition 2008);
——The title "5.6.1 General" has been added to the suspension paragraph under 5.6, and the number of subsequent subclauses shall increase accordingly; The Ua parameters of test pulse 1, test pulses 2a and 2b, test pulses 3a and 3b in 5.6 have been changed (see 5.6 herein; 5.6 of Edition 2008);
——The relevant contents of "5.6.4 Test pulse 4" and "5.6.5 Test pulses 5a and 5b" have been deleted (see 5.6.4 and 5.6.5 of Edition 2008);
——The "Definition" column in Table C.1 has been deleted (see Annex B; Annex C of Edition 2008), as defined in GB/T 29259.
This document is modified in relation to ISO 7637-2:2011 Road vehicles — Electrical disturbances from production and coupling — Part 2: Electrical transient production along supply lines only
The main technical differences with respect to ISO 7637-2:2011 and the reasons are as follows:
——In the introduction of terms and definitions in Clause 3, "ISO 7637-1" has been replaced by "GB/T 21437.1" to adapt to the technical conditions of China and increase operability;
——The content of the suspension section under 5.6 has been adjusted to "5.6.1 General", and the number of subsequent subclauses shall increase accordingly;
——5.6.4 of ISO 7637-2:2011 has been deleted, and this clause has no practical content.
The following editorial changes have also been made to this document:
——The descriptions of Figures a) and b) have been merged; "2" in Figure 2a) has been changed to "2a” and "4" to "4a"; "2" in Figure 2b) has been changed to "2b" and "4" to "4b";
——Tables A.1 and A.2 have been simplified by deleting redundant footnotes;
——Table A.3 with reference to GB/T 33014 (all parts) has been revised, and "Categories 1, 2 and 3"has been, annotated, so as to facilitate the overall unified understanding of automotive electromagnetic immunity standards and facilitate understanding and use;
——A.2.1 of ISO 7637-2:2011 has no title, and the title "General Provisions" has been supplemented;
——The title "C.2.1 General" has been added to the suspension paragraph under C.2, and the number of subsequent clauses shall increase accordingly;
——ISO 7637-2:2011 lacks references to Tables C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4, C.5 and C.6, and references to these tables have been added in C.2.1;
——The references to Figures D.1 and D.2 have been supplemented in Annex D.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114).
This document was firstly issued in 2008, and this edition is the first revision.
Electrical disturbance and radio-frequency disturbance will occur during normal operation of vehicles. These disturbance signals have a wide frequency range and may affect on-board electrical/electronic components and systems through conduction, coupling or radiation.
In recent years, a large number of electrical/electronic components and systems used to realize various functions such as control, monitoring and display have been installed in vehicles, which are vulnerable to the disturbance caused by the electrical/electronic systems of vehicles themselves (such as ignition system, generator/alternator system, motor and actuator, etc.) and its performance will decline (temporary failure, even permanent damage).
GB/T 21437 Road vehicles — Test method of electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling aims to establish the test method for electrical transient conduction emission and immunity of electrical/electronic components for road vehicles, which is composed of 5 parts, as proposed.
——Part 1: Definitions and general considerations The purpose is to specify terms and definitions, test conditions, classification of functional characteristic state, etc.
——Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only The purpose is to specify the test equipment, test methods and requirements for electrical transient conduction emission and immunity test along supply lines.
——Part 3: Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines The purpose is to specify a bench test method for electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines.
——Part 4: Electrical transient conduction along shielded high voltage supply lines only The purpose is to specify the test method for electrical transient conduction along shielded high voltage supply lines.
——Part 5: Enhanced definitions and verification methods for harmonization of pulse generators according to ISO 7637 The purpose is to ensure the comparability and repeatability of test results.
Road vehicles — Test method of electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling — Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only
1 Scope
This document specifies the test equipment, test methods and requirements for electrical transient conduction emission and immunity test of automotive electrical/electronic components along supply lines.
This document is applicable to electrical/electronic component with a nominal voltage of 12 V or 24 V for Categories M, N, O and L vehicles (not limited to vehicle driving systems, such as spark ignition engines, diesel engines and electric motors).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 21437.1 Road vehicles — Test method of electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling — Part 1: Definitions and general considerations (GB/T 21437.1-2021, ISO 7637-1:2015, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 21437.1 apply.
4 Test procedure
4.1 General requirements
The transient emission and immunity tests of supply lines involved in this document are carried out in the laboratory as "bench test". The bench test methods, some of which require the use of the artificial network, will provide comparable results between laboratories.
A bench test method for the evaluation of the immunity of a device against supply line transients may be performed by means of a test pulse generator (see 5.6 herein). This may not cover all types of transients which can occur in a vehicle; therefore, the test pulses described are characteristic of typical pulses. Users of the standard may determine whether to specify and apply additional test pulses based on the function or connection of the electrical/electronic components.
Annex A specifies the functional characteristic state classification of transient immunity.
4.2 Test temperature and supply voltages
The ambient temperature during the test shall be (23 ± 5) °C.
UA is the supply voltage defined in Table 1, which shall be measured at the output of the pulse generator. If other values are adopted, it shall be documented in the test reports.
Table 1 Supply voltage
Supply voltage 12 V system
V 24V system
UA 13.5 ± 0.5 27 ± 1
4.3 Voltage transient emissions test
4.3.1 General
A electrical/electronic component which is considered a potential source of conducted disturbances, transient conduction emission tests shall be performed. This test is applicable to DUT containing inductive loads, or DUT containing mechanical or electronic switch driving inductive loads (such as power window, power seat, relay, electric mirror with a large inductance or a high inductive load current, which connects to the vehicle power supply). If an inductive load has a small inductance or a low load current and is driven by an internal regulated voltage (e.g. 5 V), which is isolated from the vehicle power supply, the test is not applicable unless specified in a test plan.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the surrounding electromagnetic environment does not interfere with the measurement set-up.
To measure the voltage transient generated by the disturbance source, an artificial network with standard impedance shall be used (see 5.1 herein). All wiring connections between the artificial network, switch, and the DUT shall be spaced 50 ± 5 mm above the metal ground plane. The cable sizes shall be chosen in accordance with the real situation in the vehicle, i.e. the wiring shall be capable of handling the operating current of the DUT, and as agreed between vehicle manufacturer and supplier. Grounding of the DUT case to the ground plane shall reflect the vehicle installation and shall be defined in a test plan. If no requirements are specified in the test plan, then the DUT shall be placed on a non-conductive material 50 ± 5 mm above the ground plane.
Foreword i Introduction iv 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Test procedure 4.1 General requirements 4.2 Test temperature and supply voltages 4.3 Voltage transient emissions test 4.4 Transient immunity test 5 Test instrument description and specifications 5.1 Artificial network 5.2 Shunt resistor RS 5.3 Switch S 5.4 Power supply 5.5 Measurement instrumentation 5.6 Test pulse generator for immunity testing Annex A (Informative) Example of test pulse severity levels Annex B (Normative) Transient emissions evaluation — voltage waveform Annex C (Normative) Test pulse generator verification procedure Annex D (Informative) Determination of pulse generator energy capability Annex E (Informative) Origin of transients in the electric system of road vehicles Annex F (Informative) Alternative transient testing technique using electromechanically switched inductive loads
道路车辆 电气/电子部件对传导和 耦合引起的电骚扰试验方法 第2部分: 沿电源线的电瞬态传导发射和抗扰性 Road vehicles—Test method of electrical disturbances from conduction and Coupling—Part 2:Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only (ISO 7637-2:2011,Road vehicles—Electrical disturbances from conduction and Coupling—Part 2:Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only,MOD)