GB/T 16762-2020 Characteristics and specifications of steel wire rope slings for general purposes
1 Scope
This document specifies the terms and definitions, order information, technical requirements, inspection method, inspection rules, packaging, quality certificate, transportation and storage of steel wire rope slings for general purposes.
This document is applicable to single slings and multi-leg assembled slings, and slings made of single-layer round-strand fiber-core or steel-core wire rope with a diameter of not greater than 150mm in the wire rope product standard (hereinafter referred to as "slings").
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 5974.1 General purpose thimbles for use with steel wire ropes
GB/T 5974.2 Heavy thimbles for use with steel wire ropes
GB/T 6946 Aluminium-alloy swaged ferrules for steel wire rope
GB/T 8918 Steel wire ropes for important purposes
GB/T 9944 Stainless steel wire ropes
GB/T 14736 Specification for the operation of the hanging ring used in the port for cargo handling
YB/T 4507 Tension test method for steel wire rope slings
YB/T 4536-2016 Sling - Vocabulary and classification
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in YB/T 4536-2016 and the following apply.
wire rope slings for general purpose
lifting slings composed of single or multi-leg wire rope sling and fittings and with wire rope as the main body for various purposes
working load limit
maximum load that the lifting appliance can bear in a specific hoisting mode under normal use conditions
master link
ringlike component at the upper end of a sling, for connecting sling with a crane or other lifting tools
Note: The master link may be a long link, a round link, or a pear-shaped link.
intermediate link
ringlike component for connecting a single or multi-leg sling with a master link and is used for assembled slings of three or more legs
Note: The intermediate link may be a long link or a pear-shaped link.
ringlike terminal formed by ferrule-securing at sling end
soft eye-termination
end of the wire rope bent into an eye-termination shape and equipped with a thimble, as shown in Figure 1
1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Order information 5 Technical requirements 6 Inspection methods 7 Inspection rules 8 Packaging, quality certificate, transportation and storage Annex A (Informative) Effect of temperature on working load