Steel wire rope terminations―Ferrule-securing sling English
1 Scope
This standard specifies terms and definitions,order information,materials,ferrule-securing,typetesting,delivery inspection,marking and certificate.
This standard is applicable to the scope for steel wire ropes used for ferrule-securing slings with di.ameter not larger than 150 mm which have rope grades up to and including 1 960 MPa.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For da-ted references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references,the latest edition of the refer-enced document ( including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 246,Metal materials—Tube—Flattening test
GB/T 699,Quality carbon structural steels
GB/T 2828.1,Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes—Part 1 :Sampling schemes indexedby acceptance quality limit(AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T 3190—2008, Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy—Chemical composition
GB/T 8706,Steel wire ropes—Vocabulary , designation and classification
GB/T 8918,Steel wire ropes for important purposes
GB/T14436,General principles of industrial product guarantee documents
GB/T 20067, Large diameter steel wire ropes
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document,the following terms and definitions apply.
ferrule-secured eye termination
eye formed at a rope end secured by means of a ferrule pressed on the rope (here refer to the eyetermination in 3.2 and 3.3)
flemish eye ferrule-secured termination
eye formed at a rope end secured by means of a ferrule pressed on the main body of the rope and thetail ends of the strands from the Flemish eye(see Figure 2)
turn-back eye ferrule-secured termination
eye formed at a rope end secured by means of a ferrule pressed onto the main body of the rope andthe tail end(see Figure 3
ferrule-secured endless loop
loop secured by ferrules pressed on the overlapping rope ends resulting in an endless rope assembly(see Figure 4)
ferrule-secured soft eye termination
soft eye formed at a rope end secured by means of a ferrule pressed(see figure 3)
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4Order information for design and manufacture
4.1Order requirements of ferrule-secured slings :
a)product name,purpose;
b)ferrule;size,material,grade,standard number,heat treatment condition(lf not required,ferrules will be provided according to actual application by the manufacturer) ;
and other requirements; dsafety load,safety factor,length,quantity of sling;
e) method for eye formed at a rope end secured by means of a ferrule;Tun-back eye,Flemish eye,endless loop, soft eye termination or the eye with thimble termination(lf not required,turn-back soft eye ferrule-secured termination will be provided);
f)packing,marking(lf not required,marking and packing shall be left to discretion of manufacturer) ;
gother special requirements.
4.2 Instructions to be provided by the ferrule-secured system designer and manufacturer.