GB 36893-2024 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for air cleaner
1 Scope
This document specifies the energy efficiency grades, technical requirements as well as test and calculation methods for air cleaners.
It is applicable to:
——air cleaners with single-phase rated voltage greater than 5V and not exceeding 250V, and other rated voltages not exceeding 480V;
——air cleaners capable of removing particles and gaseous pollutants;
——air cleaners with humidification function and purification fans, which have independent air purification function mode.
It is not applicable to:
——components and modules with air purification function;
——wearable air cleaners;
——duct type cleaning device and other similar air cleaners;
——air cleaners specially designed for industrial, medical and vehicle uses;
——air cleaners for use in special environment and locations with corrosive and explosive gas (e.g. dust, vapor and gas);
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 12021.9 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for electric fans
GB/T 18801-2022 Air cleaner
GB/T 35758-2017 Household electrical appliances - Measurement of standby power
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 18801-2022 and the following apply.
air purification function mode(s)
operating mode of product that only has a certain capacity to remove one or more target pollutants from the indoor air
Note: Auxiliary functions may also be provided, including remote control function, information or status display (clock, air quality monitoring), network function, control function, storage and timing function, sensor function and protection function.
rated condition
operating condition of an air cleaner corresponding to its nominal maximum purification capacity
Note: The continuous and stable operation mode of the air cleaner under this condition is called the rated mode.
off mode(s)
any other continuous mode of an air cleaner, in which standby mode, network mode, or active mode are not available when the air cleaner is connected to the main power. An indicator that only prompts the user that the air cleaner is in the off position is included in the classification of off mode.
Note: Active mode refers to the mode in which the air cleaner is connected to the main power and at least one main function is activated. Refer to GB/T 35758-2017, Annex A for guidance on modes and functions.
[Source: GB/T 35758-2017, 3.5, modified]
standby mode(s)
any continuous mode of an air cleaner, in which one or more of the following user-oriented functions or protection functions is/are provided when the air cleaner is connected to the main power
——trigging other modes (including activation or deactivation of active mode) by remote switches (including remote control), internal sensors and timers;
——information or status display including clock;
——sensor-based functions.
Note 1: It is also known as non-network standby mode.
Note 2: Refer to GB/T 35758-2017, Annex A for guidance on modes and functions. A timer is a continuous clock function (which may or may not be associated with a display) that provides regular scheduled tasks (e.g. switching), and that operates on a continuous basis.
[Source: GB/T 35758-2017, 3.6, modified]
network mode(s)
mode where an air cleaner is connected to the main power and at least one network function is activated (such as reactivation via network command or network integrity communication) but the primary function is not activated
Note 1: It is also known as network standby mode.
Note 2: Where a network function is not activated and/or connected to a network, this mode is not available. The network function can be triggered according to a preset instruction set or in response to a network requirement. "Network" includes communication between two or more separate independently powered devices or products but does not include one or more controls which are dedicated to a single product. The network mode may include one or more standby functions.
[Source: GB/T 35758-2017, 3.7, modified]
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Energy efficiency grades 5 Technical requirements 6 Test and calculation methods 7 Implementation of this standard