is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed and prepared by the Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades for Air Cleaners
1 Scope
This standard specifies minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for air cleaners as well as their test and calculation methods.
This standard is applicable to air cleaners with rated voltage not greater than 250 V and certain purifying capacity of particles (clean air delivery rate of particles is 50 m3/h~800 m3/h).
This standard is not applicable to:
——air cleaner adopting ion generating technology only;
——airway-type air cleaning unit and other similar air cleaners;
——air cleaner having purifying capacity of gaseous pollutants and microorganisms;
——air cleaner specially designed for industrial use, medical use and vehicles;
——air cleaner used in special environment with corrosive and explosive gas (e.g., dust, vapor and methane gas).
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 18801-2015 Air Cleaner
GB/T 18883-2002 Indoor Air Quality Standard
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
rated condition
the working state of the air cleaner corresponding to the cleaner's nominal purifying capacity
clean air delivery rate of particle; CADR
the parameter in terms of purifying capacity of particles for air cleaners under rated condition and specified test condition; which shows the provision rate of clean air in terms of particles by air cleaner
input power of purify
the required input power for air cleaner providing clean air delivery rate of particle under rated condition
Note 1: Including the input power of electrical components uncapable of being turned off individually such as motor, high-voltage electrostatic generator, ion generator, control and drive circuits.
Note 2: Excluding other separable functions of air cleaner; only the consumed input power required for realizing purifying capacity of particles is considered.
energy efficiency ratio; EER
the ratio of CADR to input power of purify provided by the air cleaner under rated condition
standby power
the input power of the air cleaner under state that the cleaner is connected to the power supply to provide instruction waiting (including restart) with information or status display (including clock), communication protocol and other functions simultaneously but without any function for contaminants purification
Note: Restart is a kind of function to switch the air cleaner to mode of providing contaminants purification by remote controller, internal sensor or timer and other means.
purification efficiency of gaseous pollutants
the parameter of the air cleaner in terms of purifying capacity for gaseous pollutants under rated condition and specified test conditions and after operation in estimated equivalent testing time, which shows the purification efficiency on gaseous pollutants of air cleaner after 1 h operation under working condition of nominal applicable area
minimum allowable values of energy efficiency
the minimum allowable value of energy efficiency ratio and the maximum value of standby power for the air cleaner under rated condition and specified test conditions
4 Energy Efficiency Grades
Energy efficiencies of air cleaner are divided into three grades (see Table 1), among which Grade 1 is the highest. The energy efficiency ratio and standby power of all-grade products shall meet the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 Indexes of Energy Efficiency Grade
Energy efficiency grade Energy efficiency ratio, m3/(W·h) Standby power, W
Category I Category II
1 EER≥13.00 EER≥11.00 ≤1.0 (only instruction waiting is provided) ≤2.0 (including other functions)
2 10.00≤EER<13.00 8.00≤EER<11.00
3 3.50≤EER<10.00 3.50≤EER<8.00
Note: Category I products refer to the air cleaner which is declared to only have purifying capacity of particles or whose measured purification efficiency of any kind of gaseous pollutant that is declared by the cleaner to have purifying capacity is less than 50%; Category II products refer to the air cleaner which is declared to have purifying capacity of particles and gaseous pollutants or whose measured purification efficiency of each kind of gaseous pollutant that is declared by the cleaner to have purifying capacity is not less than 50%.
5 Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency
The minimum allowable value of energy efficiency for air cleaner is energy efficiency grade 3 in Table 1.
6 Test and Calculation Methods
6.1 Test method
6.1.1 Energy efficiency ratio Clean air delivery rate of particle
The test for clean air delivery rate of particle is conducted according to the method specified in Annex B, GB/T 18801-2015 and is expressed in CADR; the result is reserved as integer. Input power of purify
The test for input power of purify for air cleaner is conducted according to the method specified in 6.8.1, GB/T 18801-2015 and is expressed in P; the result is accurate to one decimal.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Energy Efficiency Grades 5 Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency 6 Test and Calculation Methods Annex A (Normative) Test and Calculation Methods for Purification Efficiency of Gaseous Pollutants
ICS 27.010 F 01 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB 36893—2018 空气净化器能效限定值及能效等级 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for air cleaners 2018—11—19发布 20 19—12—01实施 国家市场监督管理总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。 本标准由中国国家标准化管理委员会提出并归口。 空气净化器能效限定值及能效等级 1范围 本标准规定了空气净化器能效限定值、能效等级、试验和计算方法。 本标准适用于额定电压不超过250V、具有一定颗粒物净化能力(颗粒物洁净空气量为50m3/h~800m3/h)的空气净化器。 本标准不适用于: ——仅采用离子发生技术的空气净化器; ——风道式空气净化装置及其他类似的空气净化器; ——仅具备气体污染物、微生物净化能力的空气净化器; ——专为工业用途、医疗用途和车辆设计的空气净化器; ——在腐蚀性或爆炸性气体(如粉尘、蒸汽或瓦斯)特殊环境场所所使用的空气净化器。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的,凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/F 18801—2015空气净化器 GB/T 18883—2002室内空气质量标准 3术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 额定状态rated condition 空气净化器标称的净化能力对应的工作状态。 3.2 颗粒物洁净空气量dean air delivery rate of particle;CADR 空气净化器在额定状态和规定的试验条件下,针对颗粒物净化能力的参数;表示空气净化器提供针对颗粒物的洁净空气的速率。 3.3 净化输入功率input power of purify 空气净化器在额定状态下提供颗粒物洁净空气量时所需的输入功率。 注1:包括电机、高压静电发生器、离子发生器、控制和驱动电路等部分及其他不可单独关闭功能的用电部件的输入功率。 注2:不包括空气净化器具备的可分离的其他功能,只考虑实现颗粒物净化能力所需消耗的输入功率。 3.4 能效比energy efficiency ratio;EER 空气净化器在额定状态下所提供的颗粒物洁净空气量与净化输入功率的比值。 3.5 待机功率standby power 空气净化器连接到供电电源上,提供指令等待(包括重启动),可以同时具有信息或状态显示(包括时钟)、通讯协议等功能,而未提供任何污染物净化功能状态下的输入功率。 注:重启动是指通过遥控器、内部传感器或计时器等方式使空气净化器切换到提供污染物净化模式的一种功能。 3.6 气态污染物净化效率purification efficiency of gaseous pollutants 空气净化器在额定状态和规定的试验条件下,在经过推算的等效测试时间运行后,针对气态污染物的净化能力的参数;表示空气净化器在标称的适用面积工况下运行1h后,对气态污染物的净化效率。 3.7 能效限定值minimum allowable values of energy efficiency 空气净化器在额定状态和规定的试验条件下,所允许的能效比最低值和待机功率最大值。 4能效等级 空气净化器能效等级分为3级,见表1,其中1级能效最高。各等级产品的能效比和待机功率应符合表1的规定。 表1能效等级指标 能效等级 能效比m3/(W·h) 待机功率W I类 II类 1 EER≥13.00 EER≥11.00 ≤1.0 (仅提供指令等待) ≤2.0 (包含其他功能) 2 10.00≤EER<13.00 8.00≤EER<11.00 3 3.50≤EER<10.00 3.50≤EER<8.00 注:I类产品指仅宣称具有颗粒物净化能力或其宣称具有净化能力的任意一种气态污染物的净化效率实测值低于50%的空气净化器;II类产品指宣称同时具有颗粒物和气态污染物净化能力且宣称具有净化能力的每种气态污染物的净化效率实测值均不低于50%的空气净化器。