This standard specifies the requirements in terms/definitions, label content, preparation and use of precautionary label for chemicals.
This standard is applicable to the drafting, preparation and usage of precautionary labels for chemicals.
Where the precautionary labels of products like insecticide and air bottle are specified by other standard, these standards apply.
2 Normative References
Provisions of the following documents, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard.
For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties whose enter into agreement according to these specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these labels are applied or not.
For undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents are applicable to this standard.
GB 12268 List of dangerous goods
GB 20576 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Exploxives
GB 20577 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Inflammable gases
GB 20578 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Flammable aerosols
GB 20579 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Oxidizing gases
GB 20580 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Gases under pressure
GB 20581 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Inflammable fluids
GB 20582 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Flammable solids
GB 20583 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Self-reactive substances
GB 20584 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Self-heating substances
GB 20585 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Pyrophoric liquids
GB 20586 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Pyrophoric solids
GB 20587 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases
GB 20588 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Corrosive to metals
GB 20589 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Oxidizing liquids
GB 20590 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Oxidizing solids
GB 20591 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Organic peroxides
GB 20592 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Acute toxicity
GB 20593 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Skin corrosion/irritation
GB 20594 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Serious eye damage / eye irritation
GB 20595 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Respiratory or skin sensitization
GB 20596 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Germ cell mutagenicity
GB 20597 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Carcinogenicity
GB 20598 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Reproductive toxicity
GB 20599 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Specific target organ systemic toxicity - Single exposure
GB 20601 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Specific target organ systemic toxicity - Repeated exposure
GB 20602 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and precautionary statements of chemicals - Hazardous to the aquatic environment
UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Safety label means a group of written text, pictograms and codes indicating the hazardous nature of and safety precautions for a chemical substance, which can be affixed to, printed on or attached to the container of a hazardous product, or to the outer packaging.
Label element
Information marked on a precautionary label to indicate hazard potential of a chemical, like pictogram and signal word.
Signal word
Words and expressions, on a label, used to indicate relative severity of chemical hazard and remind the contactee of potential hazard.
Figure element to concisely convey safety information.
Figure combination, consisted of symbol and other figure elements like frame, background and color, to indicate specific information.
Contents 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Label 5 Labal Preparation 6 Use Appendix A (Informative) Sample for chemical product precautionary label Appendix B (Informative) Pasting Samples Of Precautionary Label And Transporting Mark For Chemical Products Appendix C (Informative) Precautionary Statement of Precautionary Label for Chemical Products