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1 General Provisions 1.1 Purpose This Regulation is formulated according to the "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment" with a view to ensuring the safe use of stationary pressure vessels, preventing and reducing accidents, protecting the safety of human life and property and promoting economic and social development. 1.2 Stationary pressure vessels Stationary pressure vessels refer to the pressure vessels installed and used at fixed locations (hereinafter referred to as "pressure vessels", Note 1-1). Note 1-1: The pressure vessels to be moved and/or used only in the device or plant field for a particular purpose as well as the air tanks of portable air compressors, etc. are supervised and managed according to stationary pressure vessels; the heat recovery boilers designed and manufactured according to pressure vessels and used as process equipment in process devices are supervised and managed according to this Regulation. 1.3 Applicable scope This Regulation is applicable to the pressure vessels defined in the Catalogue of Special Equipment and in conformity with all of the following conditions: (1) The working pressure is larger than or equal to 0.1MPa (Note 1-2); (2) The volume is larger than or equal to 0.03m3, and the inner diameter (the maximum geometric dimension of the inner boundary of non-circular cross section) is larger than or equal to 150mm (Note 1-3); (3) The medium contained in the vessel is gas, liquefied gas, or liquid with the maximum working temperature higher than or equal to its normal boiling point (Note 1-4). Note 1-2: Working pressure refers to the maximum pressure (gauge pressure) possibly occurred on the top of the pressure vessel at normal working conditions. Note 1-3: Volume refers to the geometric volume of the pressure vessel, namely the volume calculated based on the dimensions (manufacturing tolerance is not considered) noted on the design drawings and after roundness. In general, the volume of the internals permanently amounted inside the pressure vessel is deducted. Note 1-4: This Regulation is also applicable to the vessel when the medium contained is liquid with maximum operating temperature lower than normal boiling point, meanwhile, the volume of gas-phase space is larger than or equal to 0.03m3. 1.4 Special provisions for applicable scope The users of pressure vessels shall be responsible for the safety management of their pressure vessels subject to this article according to the relevant requirements stated in Chapter 7-"Service Management". 1.4.1 Pressure vessels only meeting the general provisions, materials, design and manufacture requirements specified in this Regulation The following pressure vessels within applicable scope of this Regulation are only required to meet the provisions of Chapters 1~4: (1) The non-independent pressure vessel in cryogenic unit, pressure vessel in direct-fired absorption refrigeration equipment, aluminum plate-fin heat exchanger, pressure vessel in cold box of process device; (2) Double-tube heat exchanger without shell and containing the medium of Group 2 (Note 1-5); (3) Ultrahigh pressure tubular reactor. Note 1-5: Grouping of media in pressure vessels is given in Appendix A of this Regulation. 1.4.2 Pressure vessels only meeting the general provisions, design and manufacture requirements specified in this Regulation The following pressure vessels within applicable scope of this Regulation are only required to meet the provisions of Chapters 1, 3 and 4: (1) Air tank of portable air compressor; (2) Air pressure tank in hydraulic auto-air supply pressurization pneumatic water feeding device (water feeding without tower), and gas pressure tank or pneumatic water supply (foam) pressure tank in fire control unit; (3) Pressure vessels used for ion exchange or filtration process in water treatment equipment, and expansion tanks used for hot-water boilers; (4) Pressure-bearing shell of energy accumulator. 1.5 Inapplicable scope This Regulation is not applicable to the following vessels: (1) Transportable pressure vessels, gas cylinders and oxygen chambers; (2) The pressure vessels used for military equipment, nuclear facilities, aerospace vehicles, railway locomotives, offshore facilities and ships as well as those used in mines; (3) The vessels with normal working pressure less than 0.1MPa (including the vessels that is connected with the air and will bear instantaneous pressure larger than or equal to 0.1MPa during feeding or discharging process); (4) The pressure chambers (e.g., pump case, compressor shell, turbine casing, hydraulic cylinder, paper roller, etc.) that form an entirety or are as components in the rotating or reciprocating mechanical equipment; (5) Plate heat exchangers, spiral plate heat exchangers, air cooled heat exchangers and cooling grids; (6) Steam heating coils of normal pressure vessels, and tube heating furnaces in process devices; (7) Dedicated fully-enclosed composite apparatuses (e.g., capacitance pressure vessels) for power industry; (8) Tyre vulcanizers and pressure-bearing rubber moulds used in rubber industry; (9) Nonreinforced plastic pressure vessels. 1.6 Definition of the scope of pressure vessels The scope of pressure vessels to which this Regulation is applicable includes the body, safety accessories and instruments of pressure vessels. 1.6.1 Body of pressure vessel The body of a pressure vessel is defined as followings: (1) The groove face of the first girth joint of welded (bonded) connection between pressure vessel and external pipelines or devices, the end face of the first threaded joint of threaded connection, the first flange sealing surface of flanged connection, the first sealing surface of connection with special connecting pieces or pipe fittings; (2) The pressure cap and its fasteners at the opening of pressure vessel; (3) Attachment welds between non-pressure parts and pressure parts. The main pressure parts in the body of pressure vessels include shell sections (including reducer section), spherical shell plates, shell plates (of noncircular vessels), heads, flat covers, expansion joints, vessel flanges; tube sheets and heat exchange tubes of heat exchangers; studs above M36 (including M36); and connection pipes and pipe flanges with nominal diameter larger than or equal to 250mm. 1.6.2 Safety accessories and instruments The safety accessories of pressure vessels include the safety valve, rupture disk device, fusible plug, emergency shutoff device and safety interlock which are directly connected onto the pressure vessels. The instruments of pressure vessels include pressure gauge, thermometer, liquid level meter and other measuring instruments. 1.7 Classification of pressure vessels According to the risk extent, the pressure vessels within the applicable scope of this Regulation are classified into Categories I, II and III (Note 1-6). See Appendix A for the classification methods of pressure vessels. Note 1-6: The Categories I, II and III pressure vessels classified in this Regulation are identical with the Categories 1, 2 and 3 pressure vessels given in the Catalogue of Special Equipment, and the super-high pressure vessels in this Regulation are classified as Category III pressure vessels. 1.8 Relationship with technical standards and management systems (1) This Regulation specifies the basic safety requirements of pressure vessels. The involved technical standards and management systems, etc. of pressure vessels shall not be inferior to the requirements of this Regulation; (2) The design, manufacture, installation, transformation and repair of pressure vessels shall meet the requirements of both this Regulation and the corresponding product standards of pressure vessels (hereinafter referred to as "product standards"). 1.9 Provisions for special treatment of inconformity to this Regulation As for the pressure vessels manufactured with new material, new technology or new process or with special service requirements, the pressure vessels inconsistent with the requirements of this Regulation, or the pressure vessels which are not specified in this Regulation but may have significant impact on safety performance, the relevant organizations shall submit such technical data as basis, data, results and inspection & test reports relevant to design, research and test to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "AQSIQ"), AQSIQ will entrust the safety technology consulting agency or relevant professional organization to perform technical evaluation, and such pressure vessels shall not be put into production and service until the technical evaluation result is approved by AQSIQ. 1.10 Coordinative standards and quoted standards (Note 1-7) The standards meeting the basic safety requirements of this Regulation are referred to as the coordinative standards of this Regulation. The main coordinative standards of this Regulation are as follows: (1) GB 150 "Pressure Vessels"; (2) GB/T 151 "Heat Exchangers"; (3) GB 12337 "Steel Spherical Tanks"; (4) NB/T 47011 "Zirconium Pressure Vessels"; (5) NB/T 47041 "Vertical Vessels Supported by Skirt"; (6) NB/T 47042 "Horizontal Vessels"; (7) JB 4732 "Steel Pressure Vessels - Design by Analysis"; (8) JB/T 4734 "Aluminum Welded Vessels"; (9) JB/T 4745 "Titanium Welded Vessels"; (10) JB/T 4755 "Copper Pressure Vessels"; (11) JB/T 4756 "Nickel and Nickel Alloy Pressure Vessels". The fundamental standards to be quoted as designated in this Regulation are referred to as the quoted standards of this Regulation, such as the medium standards, material standards, method standards, part and component standards, etc. Note 1-7: Among the coordinative standards or quoted standards of this Regulation, for dated standards, all the subsequent amendments to (excluding correction contents) or revisions do not apply to this Regulation. For undated standards, the latest edition applies to this Regulation. 1.11 Supervision and management The units in charge of the design, manufacture, installation, transformation, repair, use, inspection and testing, etc. of pressure vessels shall strictly enforce this Regulation and accept the supervision and management of the special equipment supervision and management departments of the people's governments at all levels (hereinafter referred to as “special equipment safety supervision and management departments”), and they shall also timely input the data required into the special equipment information management system according to the requirements of special equipment information management. 2 Materials 2.1 General requirements of materials 2.1.1 Basic requirements (1) The mechanical properties, physical properties, processing properties, and compatibility with medium of the materials shall be considered when selecting the materials of pressure vessels; (2) The properties, quality, specification and identification of materials used for pressure vessels shall conform to the requirements of national or professional standards for corresponding materials; (3) The material manufacturers of pressure vessels shall make clear and firm end-of-manufacturing steel seal mark or other retroactive marks on obvious position of the materials; 1 General Provisions 2 Materials 3 Design 4 Manufacturing 5 Installation, Transformation and Repair 6 Supervision and Inspection 7 Service Management 8 Periodical Inspection 9 Safety Accessories and Instruments 10 Supplementary Provisions Appendix A Classification of Stationary Pressure Vessels Appendix B Quality Certificate for Pressure Vessel Attached Sheet b Product Data Sheet for Stationary Pressure Vessel Appendix C Product Nameplate of Pressure Vessel Appendix D Numbering Method for Special Equipment Code Appendix E Contact List for Supervision and Inspection of Special Equipment Appendix F Notice for Supervision and Inspection Opinions on Special Equipment Appendix G Supervision and Inspection Certificate for Special Equipment (Sample) Appendix H Annual Inspection Report for Pressure Vessels Appendix J Periodical Inspection Report for Pressure Vessels Appendix K Notice for Periodical Inspection Opinions on Special Equipment (1) Development (Revision) of Relevant Regulations and Specifications 固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程 1 总则 1.1 目的 为了保障固定式压力容器安全使用,预防和减少事故,保护人民生命和财产安全,促进经济社会发展,根据《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》《特种设备安全监察条例》,制定本规程。 1.2 固定式压力容器 固定式压力容器指安装在固定位置使用的压力容器(以下简称压力容器,注1-1)。 注1-1:对于为了某一特定用途、仅在装置或者场区内部搬动、使用的压力容器,以及可移动式空气压缩机的储气罐等按照固定式压力容器进行监督管理;过程装置中作为工艺设备的按压力容器设计制造的余热锅炉依据本规程进行监督管理。 1.3 适用范围 本规程适用于特种设备目录所定义的、同时具备下条件的压力容器: (1)工作压力大于或者等于0.1MPa(注1-2); (2)容积大于或者等于0.03m3,并且内直径(非圆形截面内边界最大几何尺寸)大于或者等于150mm(注1-3)。 (3)盛装介质为气体、液化气体及介质最高工作温度高于或者等于其标准沸点的液体(注1-4)。 注1-2:工作压力,是指在正常工作情况下,压力容器顶部可能达到的最高压力(表压力)。 注1-3:容积,是指压力容器的几何容积,即由设计图样标注的尺寸计算(不考虑制造公差)。并且圆整。一般需要扣除永久连接在压力容器内部的内件的体积。 注1-4:容器内介质为最高工作温度低于其标准沸点的液体时,如果气相空间的容积大于或 者等于0.03m3时,也属于本规程的适用范围。 1.4 适用范围的特殊规定 压力容器使用单位应当参照本规程第7章“使用管理”的有关规定,负责实施本条范围内压力容器的安全管理。 1.4.1 只需要满足本规程总则、材料、设计、制造要求的压力容器 本规程适用范围内的以下压力容器,只需要满足本规程第1章至第4章的规定: (1)深冷装置中非独立的压力容器、直燃型吸收式制冷装置中的压力容器、铝制板翅式热交换器、过程装置中冷箱内的压力容器; (2)盛装第二组介质(注1-5)的无壳体的套管热交换器; (3)超高压管式反应器。 注1-5:压力容器介质分组见本规程附件A。 1.4.2只需要满足本规程总则、设计、制造要求的压力容器 本规程适用范围内的以下压力容器,只需要满足本规程第1、3、4章的规定: (1)移动式空气压缩机的储气罐; (2)水力自动补气气压给水(无塔上水)装置中的气压罐,消防装置中的气体或者气压给水(泡沫)压力罐; (3)水处理设备中的离子交换或者过滤用压力容器、热水锅炉用膨胀水箱; (4)蓄能器承压壳体。 1.5不适用范围 本规程不适用于以下容器: (1)移动式压力容器、气瓶、氧舱; (2)军事装备、核设施、航空航天器、铁路机车、海上设施和船舶以及矿山井下使用的压力容器; (3)正常运行工作压力小于0.1 MPa的容器(包括与大气连通的在进料或者出料过程中需要瞬时承受压力大于或者等于0.1 MPa的容器); (4)旋转或者往复运动的机械设备中自成整体或者作为部件的受压器室(如泵壳、压缩机外壳、涡轮机外壳、液压缸、造纸轧辊等); (5)板式热交换器、螺旋板热交换器、空冷式热交换器、冷却排管; (6)常压容器的蒸汽加热盘管、过程装置中的管式加热炉; (7)电力行业专用的全封闭式组合电器(如电容压力容器); (8)橡胶行业使用的轮胎硫化机以及承压的橡胶模具; (9)无增强的塑料制压力容器。 1.6压力容器范围的界定‘ 本规程适用的压力容器,其范围包括压力容器本体、安全附件及仪表。 1.6.1压力容器本体 压力容器的本体界定在以下范围内: (1)压力容器与外部管道或者装置焊接(粘接)连接的第一道环向接头的坡口面、螺纹连接的第一个螺纹接头端面、法兰连接的第一个法兰密封面、专用连接件或者管件连接的第一个密封面; (2)压力容器开孔部分的承压盖及其紧固件; (3)非受压元件与受压元件的连接焊缝。 压力容器本体中的主要受压元件,包括筒节(含变径段)、球壳板、非圆形容器的壳板、封头、平盖、膨胀节、设备法兰,热交换器的管板和换热管,M36以上(含M36)螺柱以及公称直径大于或者等于250 mm的接管和管法兰。 1.6.2安全附件及仪表 压力容器的安全附件,包括直接连接在压力容器上的安全阀、爆破片装置、易熔塞、紧急切断装置、安全联锁装置。 压力容器的仪表,包括直接连接在压力容器上的压力、温度、液位等测量仪表。 1.7压力容器分类 根据危险程度,本规程适用范围内的压力容器划分为I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类(注1-6),压力容器分类方法见附件A。 注1-6:本规程划分的第I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类压力容器等同于特种设备目录品种中的第一、二、三类压力容器,本规程中超高压容器划分为第Ⅲ类压力容器。 1.8与技术标准、管理制度的关系 (1)本规程规定了压力容器的基本安全要求,有关压力容器的技术标准、管理制度等,不得低于本规程的要求; (2)压力容器的设计、制造、安装、改造和修理应当同时符合本规程及相应压力容器产品标准(以下简称产品标准)的规定。 1.9不符合本规程时的特殊处理规定 采用新材料、新技术、新工艺以及有特殊使用要求的压力容器,与本规程的要求不一致,或者本规程未作要求、可能对安全性能有重大影响的,相关单位应当提供有关设计、研究、试验的依据、数据、结果及其检验检测报告等技术资料,向国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)申报,由国家质检总局委托安全技术咨询机构或者相关专业机构进行技术评审,评审结果经过国家质检总局批准,方可投入生产、使用。 1.10协调标准与引用标准(注1-7) 满足本规程基本安全要求的标准称为本规程的协调标准。本规程的主要协调标准如下: (1)GB 150《压力容器》; (2)GB/T 151《热交换器》; (3)GB 12337《钢制球形储罐》; (4)NB/T 47011《锆制压力容器》; (5)NB/T 47041《塔式容器》; (6)NB/T 47042《卧式容器》; (7)JB 4732《钢制压力容器——分析设计标准》; (8)JB/T 4734《铝制焊接容器》; (9)JB/T 4745《钛制焊接容器》; (10)JB/T 4755《铜制压力容器》; (11)JB/T 4756《镍及镍合金制压力容器》。 本规程指定采用的基础性标准称为本规程的引用标准,如介质标准、材料标准、方法标准、零部件标准等。 注1-7:本规程的协调标准或者引用标准中,凡是注明年号的,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或者修订版均不适合本规程,凡是不注明年号的,其最新版本适用于本规程。 1.11 监督管理 压力容器的设计、制造、安装、改造、修理、使用单位和检验、检测等机构应当严格执行本规程,接受各级人民政府负责特种设备监督管理的部门(以下简称特种设备安全监管部门)的监督管理,并且按照特种设备信息化管理的规定,及时将所要求的数据输入特种设备信息化管理系统。 2 材料 2.1 材料通用要求 2.1.1 基本要求 (1)压力容器的选材应当考虑材料的力学性能、物理性能、工艺性能和与介质的相容性; (2)压力容器材料的性能、质量、规格与标志,应当符合相应材料的国家标准或者行业标准的规定; (3)压力容器材料制造单位应当在材料的明显部位作出清晰、牢固的出厂钢印标志或者采用其他可以追溯的标志; (4)压力容器材料制造单位应当向材料使用单位提供质量证明书,材料质量证明书的内容应当齐全、清晰并且印制可以追溯的信息化标识,加盖材料制造单位质量检验章; (5)压力容器制造、改造、修理单位从非材料制造单位取得压力容器材料时,应当取得材料制造单位提供的质量证明书原件或者加盖了材料经营单位公章和经办负责人签字(章)的复印件; (6)压力容器制造、改造、修理单位应当对所取得的压力容器材料及材料质量证明书的真实性和一致性负责; (7)非金属压力容器制造单位应当有可靠的方法确定原材料或者压力容器成型后的材质在腐蚀环境下使用的可靠性,必要时进行试验验证。 2.1.2 境外牌号材料的使用 境外材料制造单位制造的材料 (1)境外牌号材料应当是境外压力容器现行标准规范允许使用并且境外已有在相似工作条件下使用实例的材料,其使用范围应当符合相应标准规范的规定; (2)境外牌号材料的性能不得低于本规程的要求(如磷、硫含量,冲击试样的取样部位、取样方向和冲击吸收收能量指标,断后伸长率等); (3)材料质量证明书应当满足本规程2.1.1的规定; (4)压力容器制造、改造、修理单位应当对实物材料与材料质量证明书进行审查,并且对主要受压元件材料的化学成分和力学性能进行验证性复验,复验结果实测值符合本规程以及相应材料标准的要求后,方可投料使用; (5)用于焊接结构压力容器受压元件的材料,压力容器制造、改造、修理单位在首次使用前,应当掌握材料的焊接性能并且进行焊接工艺评定; (6)主要受压元件采用未列入本规程协调标准的标准抗拉强度下限值大于540MPa的低合金钢,或者用于设计温度低于-40℃的低合金钢,材料制造单位应当按照本规程1.9的规定通过新材料技术评审,方可允许使用。 境内材料制造单位制造的钢板(带) 境内材料制造单位制造的境外牌号钢板(带),应当符合本规程2.1.2.1的各项要求,并且应当制定企业标准。 境外牌号材料的选用 设计单位若选用境外牌号的材料,在设计文件中应当注明其满足2.1.2.1中的各项要求。 2.1.3 新材料的使用 未列入本规程协调标准的材料 主要受压元件采用未列入本规程协调标准的材料,试制前材料的研制单位应当进行系统的试验研究工作,并且按照本规程1.9的规定通过新材料技术评审。 材料制造单位首次制造的钢材 材料制造单位首次制造用于压力容器的标准抗拉强度下限值大于540MPa的低合金钢,或者用于压力容器设计温度低于-40℃的低合金钢,应当按照本规程1.9的规定通过新材料技术评审。 2.1.4 材料投用和标志移植 (1)压力容器制造、改造、修理单位应当保证所使用的压力容器材料符合本规程的要求,并且在材料进货检验时审查材料质量证明书和材料标志;对不能确定质量证明书的真实性或者对性能、化学成分有怀疑的主要受压元件材料,应当进行复验,确认符合本规程及相应材料标准的要求后,方可投料使用; (2)对于外购的第Ⅲ类压力容器用Ⅳ级锻件,应当进行复验; (3)用于压力容器受压元件的材料在分割前应当进行标志移植,保证材料具有可追溯性。 2.1.5材料代用 压力容器制造、改造、修理单位对受压元件的材料代用,应当事先取得原设计单位的书面批准,并且在竣工图上做详细记录。 2.2金属材料技术要求 2.2.1钢材技术要求 熔炼方法 压力容器受压元件用钢,应当是氧气转炉或者电炉冶炼的镇静钢。对标准抗拉强度下限值大于540MPa的低合金钢钢板和奥氏体一铁素体不锈钢钢板,以及用于设计温度低于-20℃的低温钢板和低温钢锻件,还应当采用炉外精炼工艺。化学成分(熔炼分析) 用于焊接的碳素钢和低合金钢 碳素钢和低合金钢钢材碳(C)、磷(P)、硫(S)的含量,C≤0.25%、P≤0.035%、S≤0.035%。压力容器专用钢中的碳素钢和低合金钢 压力容器专用钢中的碳素钢和低合金钢(钢板、钢管和钢锻件),其磷、硫含量应当符合以下要求: (1)标准抗拉强度下限值小于或者等于540MPa的钢材,P≤0.030%、S≤0.020%; (2)标准抗拉强度下限值大于540MPa的钢材,P≤0.025%、S≤0.015%; (3)用于设计温度低于-20℃并且标准抗拉强度下限值小于或者等于540MPa的钢材,P≤0.025%、S≤0.012%; (4)用于设计温度低于-20℃并且标准抗拉强度下限值大于540MPa的钢材,P≤0.020%、S≤0.010%。力学性能 冲击吸收能量 厚度不小于6mm的钢板、直径和厚度可以制备宽度为5mm小尺寸冲击试样的钢管、任何尺寸的钢锻件,按照设计要求的冲击试验温度下的V型缺口试样冲击吸收能量(KV2)指标应当符合表2-1的规定。 表2-1 碳素钢和低合金钢(钢板、钢管和钢锻件)冲击吸收能量(注2-1) 钢材标准抗拉强度下限值 Rm(MPa) 3个标准试样冲击吸收能量平均值 KV2(J) ≤450 ≥20 >450~510 ≥24 >510~570 ≥31 >570~630 ≥34 >630~690 ≥38 (且侧膨胀值LE≥0.53mm) >690 ≥47 (且侧膨胀值LE≥0.53mm) 注2-1: (1)试样取样部位和方向应当符合相应钢材标准的规定; (2)冲击试验每组取3个标准试样(宽度为10mm),允许1个试样的冲击吸收能量数值低于表列数值,但不得低于表列数值的70%; (3)当钢材尺寸无法制备标准试样时,则应当依次制备宽度为7.5mm和5mm的小尺寸冲击试样,其冲击吸收能量指标分别为标准试样冲击吸收能量指标的75%和50%; (4)钢材标准中冲击吸收能量指标高于表2-1规定的钢材,还需要符合相应钢材标准的规定。断后伸长率 (1)压力容器受压元件用钢板、钢管和钢锻件的断后伸长率(A)应当符合本规程以及相应钢材标准的规定; (2)焊接结构用碳素钢、低合金高强度钢和低合金低温钢钢板,其断后伸长率指标应当符合表2-2的规定; (3)采用不同尺寸试样的断后伸长率指标,应当按照GB/T 17600.1《钢的伸长率换算 第1部分:碳素钢和低合金钢》和GB/T 17600.2《钢的伸长率换算 第2部分:奥氏体钢》进行换算,换算后的指标应当符合本条规定。 表2-2 钢板断后伸长率指标(注2-2) 钢板标准抗拉强度下限值 Rm(MPa) 断后伸长率 A(%) ≤420 ≥23 >420~550 ≥20 >550~680 ≥17 >680 ≥16 注2-2:钢板标准中断后伸长率指标高于本表规定的,还应当符合相应钢板标准的规定。 钢板超声检测 检测要求 厚度大于或者等于12mm的碳素钢和低合金钢钢板(不包括多层压力容器的层板)用于制造压力容器主要受压元件时,凡符合下列条件之一的,应当逐张进行超声检测: (1)盛装毒性危害程度为极度、高度危害介质的; (2)在湿H2S腐蚀环境中使用的; (3)设计压力大于或者等于10MPa的; (4)产品标准或者设计者要求逐张进行超声检测的。 检测合格标准 钢板超声检测应当按照NB/T 47013《承压设备无损检测》的规定进行。符合本规程2.第(1)项至第(3)项的钢板,合格等级不低于Ⅱ级;符合本规程2.第(4)项的钢板,合格等级按照相应产品标准或者设计文件的规定。 超高压容器用钢专项要求 化学成分(熔炼分析) 超高压容器用钢锻件,应当经炉外精炼工艺冶炼并且经真空处理,P≤0.012%、S≤0.05%,并且严格限定钢中氢(H)、氧(O)、氮(N)气体含量及砷(As)、锡(Sn)、锑(S10)、铅(Pb)、铋(Bi)等有害痕量元素的含量。 力学性能 超高压容器受压元件用钢锻件的制造单位,应当提供室温力学性能,包括屈服强度、抗拉强度、断后伸长率、断面收缩率、夏比(V型缺口)冲击吸收能量和侧膨胀值,以及设计温度下材料的屈服强度、抗拉强度、断后伸长率和断面收缩率。其中KV2≥47J,LE≥0.53mm,当Rm≤880MPa时A≥16%;当Rm>880MPa时,A≥14%。 当改变冶炼、锻造或者热处理工艺时,还应当提供锻件的断裂韧性(KIC)和韧脆转变温度(FATT50),其中KIc≥130MPa·m1/2。 非焊接瓶式容器用钢专项要求(注2-3) 瓶体用钢材 (1)瓶体用钢材应当采用电炉或者氧气转炉冶炼,加炉外精炼并且经过真空处理; (2)瓶体在加工成型以后,进行调质(淬火+回火)热处理,热处理后的瓶体金相组织应当为回火索氏体。 化学成分和办学性能 (1)盛装氢气、天然气和甲烷等压缩气体用瓶式容器,其瓶体用钢材化学成分,C≤0.35%、P≤0.015%、S≤0.008%;经热处理后瓶体力学性能,Rm≤880MPa、屈强为(ReL/Rm,ReL为屈服强度)≤0.86、A≥20%;设计要求的冲击试验温度下的KV2≥47J,LE≥0.53mm,横向取样。 (2)盛装本条第(1)项以外其他压缩气体用瓶式容器,其瓶体用钢材化学成分,P≤0.020%、S≤0.010%;经热处理后瓶体力学性能,Rm≤1060MPa、ReL/Rm≤0.90、A≥16%;设计要求的冲击试验温度下的KV2≥47J,LE≥0.53mm,横向取样。 超声检测 瓶体用钢材应当按照NB/T 47013进行100%超声检测,合格级别为I级。 端塞用钢材 端塞用钢材应当与瓶体材料相匹配并且采用钢锻件,钢锻件应当符合NB/T 47008《承压设备用碳素钢和合金钢锻件》、NB/T 47009《低温承压设备用低合金钢锻件》或者NB/T 47010《承压设备用不锈钢和耐热钢锻件》的规定。与介质接触并且公称直径大于或者等于50mm的钢锻件,不得低于Ⅲ级;其余锻件,不得低于Ⅱ级。 储气井用钢专项要求 井管和接箍用钢管 力学性能应当符合以下要求: (1)当标准抗拉强度下限值689MPa |
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