This standard specifies the types, rating, contents to be rated, rating rules and requirements of public buses.
This standard is applicable to public buses, including electric public buses (pure electric public buses and hybrid electric public buses). This standard serves as the basis for the transportation management department to rate public buses. For trolley buses, this standard can also be used as a reference.
This standard is not applicable to fuel cell-powered electric public buses.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 4208 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB 7258 Technical specifications for safety of power-driven vehicles operating on roads
GB 13094 The safety requirements for bus construction
GB/T 13594 Antilock braking performance and test procedure for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 18386 Electric vehicles - Energy consumption and range - Test procedures
GB 19239 Mounting requirements of special equipment for gas vehicle
GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles
GB/T 19754 Test methods for energy consumption of heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles
GB/T 20734 Mounting requirements for liquefied natural gas vehicle special equipment
GB/T 23334 Open-type roof escape hatch on bus
GB/T 25982 Permissible levels and test methods of bus internal noise
GB 30510 Fuel consumption limits for heavy-duty commercial vehicles
GB/T 32960.3 Technical specifications of remote service and management system for electric vehicles - Part 3: Communication protocol and data format
GB 34655 Specifications for extinguishing equipment arrangement in bus
JT/T 1076 GNSS system for operating vehicles - Technical specification for vehicle video terminal
JT/T 1078 GNSS system for operating vehicles - Video communication protocol
JT/T 1095 Flame resistance of commercial bus interior materials
JT/T 1240 Technical specifications of special safety facilities for urban public bus and trolleybus
JT/T 1241 Technical specifications of separating facility for driver’s compartment of urban public bus and trolleybus
QC/T 476 Rain proof performance limit and test method for bus
QC/T 633 The seats of passenger vehicles
QC/T 1030 Bus push-out emergency window
QC/T 1048 Bus emergency hammer
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB 7258 and GB/T 19596 and the following apply.
public bus
buses designed and manufactured primarily to carry passengers and their accompanied baggage, which can be divided into public buses with passenger standing areas and public buses without passenger standing areas, depending on whether or not they have passenger standing areas
public bus with passenger standing area
buses with maximum design speed less than 70 km/h, equipped with seats and passenger standing areas, having sufficient space for passengers to get on and off and walk during frequent stopping, with fixed bus operation lines and stations and mainly operated in urban built-up areas
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Type dividing 5 Classification 6 Contents to be rated 7 Rating rules and requirements