This part of GB/T 9978 specifies a test method for determining the fire resistance of various elements of construction when subjected to standard fire exposure conditions.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 9978, constitute provisions of this part. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties whose enter into agreement according to these specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these labels are applied or not. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this part.
GB/T5907 Fundamental Terminology of Fire Protection; Part 1
GB/T16839.1 Thermocouple- Part 1: Reference tables (GB/T16839.1-1997, idtIEC60584-1: 1995)
3 Terms and Definitions
Terms and definitions established by GB/T 5907 and the following ones are applicable to this Part of GB/T 9978.
Actual material properties
Properties of a material determined from representative samples taken from the specimen for the fire test according to the requirements of the concerned product standard.
3.2 Calibration test
Procedure to assess the test conditions experimentally.
Any change in dimension or shape of an element of construction due to structural and/or thermal actions. This includes deflection, expansion or contraction of elements
Element of building construction
Defined construction component, such as a wall, partition, floor, roof, beam or column.
The ability of the separating element of building construction to prevent the unexposed surface temperature from exceeding the specified value within a certain time when its one surface is exposed to fire under the standard fire test conditions.
Ability of a separating element of building construction, when exposed to fire on one side, to prevent the passage through it of flames and hot gases or the occurrence of flames on the unexposed side.
Load bearing capacity
Ability of a specimen of a load bearing element to support its test load, where appropriate, without exceeding specified criteria with respect to both the extent of and rate of deformation.
Load bearing element
An element that is intended for use in supporting an external load in a building and maintaining this support in the event of a fire.
Neutral pressure plane
Elevation at which the pressure is equal inside and outside the furnace.
Notional floor level
Assumed floor level relative to the position of the building element in service.
The constraint to expansion or rotation (induced by thermal and/or mechanical actions) afforded by the conditions at the ends, edges or supports of a test specimen.
Note: Examples of different types of restraint are longitudinal, rotational and lateral.
Separating element
An element that is intended for use in maintaining separation between two adjacent areas of a building in the event of a fire.
Supporting construction
If the overall dimension of test specimen is less than or equal to the size of furnace mouth, the construction that may be used for seal the furnace mouth, fix the test specimen and dose not have hot deformation in the fire resistance test, such as the wall into which a door is fitted.
Test construction
Complete assembly of the test specimen together with its supporting construction.
Test specimen
Element (or pan) of a building construction provided for the fire resistance test.
Contents Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Symbols and Abbreviations 5 Test Equipment 6 Test Conditions 7 Test Preparation 8 Application of Instrumentation 9 Test Procedure 10 Performance Criteria 11 Validity of the Test 12 Expression of Test Results 13 Test Report Appendix B (Informative) Technical Differences between this Standard And ISO 834-1: 1999 and the Reasons References