This document describes a method for determining the fire resistance of non load bearing independent members made of fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) when heated on one side.
This document is applicable to FRP products, whose final use dimensions are usually smaller than those specified in GB/T 9978.1, such as fire barriers used in the transportation industry.
This document is applicable to FRP products with basically flat surface, as well as sandwich panel members with reinforced components and FRP surface.
2 Normative References
The contents in the following documents constitute indispensable provisions of this document through normative references. Among them, only the version corresponding to the date of the referenced document is applicable to this document: the latest version (including all amendments) of the referenced document not in oral form is applicable to this document.
GB/T 2035 Terminology and Definitions of Plastics (GB/T 2035-2008, ISO 472:1999. IDT)
GB/T 5907.2 Fire fighting vocabulary Part 2: Fire prevention
GB/T 9978.1 Fire resistance test methods for building elements (GB/T 9978.1-2008.1SO 834-1: 1999, MOD)
ISO 834-12 Fire resistance tests - Building elements - Part 12: Fire resistance tests Elements of building construction - Part 12: Specific requirements for sep arrating elements evaluated on less than full scale furnaces
EN 1363-2 Fire resistance tests Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 2035, GB/T 5907.2 and ISO 834-12 are applicable to this document.
4 General
The fire resistance of medium scale test pieces in the vertical or horizontal direction is determined by exposing their surfaces to the conditions specified in ISO 834-12. The time temperature curve specified in EN1363-2 can also be used when it is required to be related to the final use conditions of the tested product.
5 Instruments and equipment
5.1 General requirements
The test equipment shall include combustion furnace, restraint and support frame and other instruments in accordance with GB/T 9978.1 or ISO 834-12, as well as test piece installation frame in accordance with 5.2.
5.2 Test piece installation frame
The test piece mounting frame (hereinafter referred to as the frame) shall be made of incombustible material, i.e. steel or concrete. During the test, the structure of the frame shall be strong enough to support the test piece under high temperature. The deformation of the frame shall not adversely affect the test piece.
Note: The test piece is not stressed in this test
The frame lining in direct contact with the test piece shall be made of incombustible materials, such as calcium silicate board, with a dry density of (950 ± 100) kg/m 'and a minimum thickness of 50 mm. When the test is conducted under the high temperature conditions specified in ISO 834-12, the frame shall be firm enough to support the test piece,
6 Test piece
6.1 Number of test pieces
For symmetrical structures or members requiring fire protection from only one specific side, one test piece shall be tested. For the asymmetric structure with double-sided fire protection requirements, 2 test pieces shall be tested so that each side of the component is exposed to fire.
6.2 Dimensions
The vertical and horizontal dimensions of the test piece shall not be less than (1000 ± 30) mm. The structure of the test piece shall represent the final use of the member. For this reason, the size of the test piece shall be increased to the size of the ruler used for the final use of the member. The length and width of the FRP test piece installed in the metal straight direction and horizontal direction should be 1.5 m. The test pieces shall be installed in a way that reflects the final service conditions, and shall also be included when there are stiffeners and/or thermal insulation systems.
6.3 Structure
The test piece should include all reinforcement components that are part of the FRP product's final construction.
NOTE ISO 10295-1 specifies fire resistance tests for impermeable seals in building elements.
6.4 Thermal insulation of test piece
In the final use, FRP members need to be attached with thermal insulation systems, and these FRP members need to have fire resistance. If the thermal insulation system is added under the final service conditions, the thermal insulation system shall be installed and fixed on the test piece close to the final service conditions.
The thermal insulation system is usually installed on the side with high fire risk. During the test, the thermal insulation surface of the test piece shall be exposed in the combustion furnace.
In an insulation system representative of the end use conditions, the test piece shall contain either a vertical connection or a horizontal connection, or a vertical connection and a horizontal connection.
7 Condition adjustment and test environment
The test piece shall be conditioned at (23 ± 2) ℃ and 50%~75% relative humidity for at least 24 hours, and the test shall be conducted at 15 ℃~35 ℃ and 45%~75% relative humidity.
8 Test Procedures
8.1 Test piece installation
The test piece shall be installed in the frame, and the smoke shall not pass through the connection between the test piece and the frame. The entire area of the test piece shall be exposed to the heating conditions.
8.2 Thermocouples
The installation of thermocouples used to measure and control the temperature in the furnace shall comply with ISO 834-12.
8.3 Temperature measuring points of test piece
The thermocouple for measuring the temperature of the back fire surface of the test piece shall be installed at the center of the whole back fire surface of the test piece and at the center of each quarter area of the back fire surface according to ISO 834-12, as shown in Figure 1.
Thermocouples and thermal insulation pads should be installed on the surface of the test piece with heat-resistant adhesive. There is no adhesive between the thermocouple copper sheet and the test piece or between the thermocouple copper sheet and the thermal insulation pad. If there is a gap between them, it should meet the minimum size specified in GB/T 9978,1. If it cannot be bonded, it should be fixed with pins, screws or clips, and it can only contact the part of the pad. The pad should not exceed the copper sheet.
If the test piece includes an insulation system, additional back fire surface temperature measurements shall be made at the relative position of the vertical connection center, the horizontal connection center, and the intersection of the horizontal connection and the vertical connection.
8.4 Temperature before test
Before the test, the thermocouple shall be checked to confirm whether the temperature of the thermocouple on the back fire surface is consistent with that of the ambient temperature thermocouple, and records shall be made within 5 minutes before the test.
Before the test, the furnace temperature shall be less than 50 ℃, and the difference between the back fire surface temperature of the test piece and the initial ambient temperature shall be within 5 ℃.
8.5 Start of test
The test shall be conducted after the initial conditions are set. The starting point of the test is when the furnace temperature is heated according to the standard heating curve specified in GB/T9978.1 or EN 1363-2. The running time shall be calculated from this point, and all measurement and observation systems shall start to run or operate at this time.
8.6 Heating conditions
The furnace temperature controlled by thermocouple (8.2) shall meet the temperature conditions specified in GB/T 9978.1. When it is required to be related to the final use conditions of the tested product, the time temperature curve specified in EN 1363-2 can also be used.
8.7 Measurement and observation
8.7.1 Temperature and pressure
The temperature and furnace pressure of all thermocouples shall be measured and recorded in accordance with GB/T 9978.1 or ISO 834-12, with the recording interval not exceeding 1 min
8.7.2 Penetration of smoke and gas
Observe the deformation of the test piece, smoke and/or hot gas passing through the test piece and other phenomena (if any), and record the occurrence time. The penetration of hot gas shall be checked with absorbent cotton.
8.7.3 Formation of deformation, holes and cracks
During measurement, attention shall be paid to the generation and development of holes or cracks on the backfired surface of the test piece, because this problem will be considered when determining the integrity time (i.e. the time when holes and cracks cause integrity failure), and the integrity time shall be determined and recorded according to the provisions of GB/T 9978.1.
8.7.4 Deflection
During the test, the deflection of the center of the test piece shall be measured at least once every minute with a deflection measurement accuracy of ± 2 mm. Note that the application guide for deflection measurement has been given in GB/T 9978.1
8.8 Test termination
According to the provisions of GB/T 9978.1, the test of FRP specimens can be terminated for one or more of the following reasons:
a) Personnel safety problems or equipment damage;
b) Meet the failure standard specified in the product standard;
c) The Client's requirements,
However, in the case of b), the test can be continued to obtain more data.
8.9 Observation after test
After the test, observe and record the condition and any damage of the test pieces, including the thermal insulation system.
9 Test report
contents 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and definitions 4 General 5 Instruments and equipment 6 Test piece 7 Condition adjustment and test environment 8 Test Procedures 9 Test report Bibliography
1范围 本文件描述了一种由纤维增强塑料(FRP)制成的非承重独立构件在单面受热时的耐火性能的测定方法。 本文件适用于FRP产品,其最终用途尺寸通常小于GB/T 9978.1中规定的尺寸,如交通运输行业使用的防火屏障。 本文件适用于表面基本平整的FRP制品﹐也适用于含有加强组件和表层由FRP构成的夹层板式构件。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引辩而构成本文件必不可少的条款。其中,注日期的引用文件,仅该日期对应的版本适用于本文件:不在口期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 2035塑料术语及其定义(GB/T 2035-2008,ISO 472:1999.IDT) GB/T 5907.2消防词汇 第2部分;火灾预防 GB/T 9978.1建筑构件耐火试验方法(GB/T 9978.1-2008.1SO 834-1: 1999,MOD) ISO 834-12 耐火试验建筑构件第12部分;在非全尺寸耐火炉上进行评估的分隔构件的特殊要求(Fire resistance tests—Elements of building construction - Part 12: Specific requirements for sep-arating elements evaluated on less than full scale furnaces) EN 1363-2耐火试验第2部分:替换和附加程序(Fire resistance tests-Part 2: Alternative andadditional procedures) 3术语和定义 GB/T 2035,GB/T 5907.2和ISO 834-12界定的术语和定义适用于本文件。 4总则 垂直或水平方向的中等尺度试件的耐火性是通过将其表面暴露于ISO 834-12规定的条件下来测定的。当需要与被测产品的最终使用条件相关时,也能使用EN1363-2中规定的时间-温度曲线。 5仪器设备 5.1通用要求 试验设备应包括符合GB/T 9978.1或ISO 834-12规定的燃烧炉,约束与支撑框架以及其他仪器,并含有符合5.2规定的试件安装框架。 5.2试件安装框架 试件安装框架(以下简称框架)应由不燃材料制成,即钢或混凝土。在试验过程中,框架的结构应足够坚固,能在高温下支撑试件。框架的变形不应对试件产生不利影响。 注:本试验中试件不受力. 与试件直接接触的框架衬里应由不燃材料构成,如硅酸钙板,其干密度为(950±100)kg/m',最小厚度为50 mm。在ISO 834-12规定的高温条件下进行试验时,框架应坚固以能支撑试件, 6试件 6.1试件数量 对于对称结构或仅要求从一个特定侧面防火的构件,应测试1个试件。对于有双面防火要求的不对称结构,应测试2个试件,以使构件的每一面都暴露于灾焰下。 6.2尺寸 试件的垂直尺寸和水平尺寸都不宜少于(1000士30)mm。试件的结构应代表构件最终使用情况,为此,试件尺寸增加到构件最终使用的尺对,金直方向与水平方向安装的FRP试件长度和宽度尺寸都宜为1.5 m。试件的安装方式应能够反映最终使用条件,当有加强构件和/或隔热系统时也应包括。 6.3结构 试件宜包括所有加强组件,这些组件是 FRP产品最终使用时构造的一部分。 注:ISO 10295-1规定了建筑构件中防渗透密封件的耐火测试。 6.4试件的隔热性 在最终使用时, FRP构件上需要附加隔热系统,这类FRP构件需要具有耐火性能。如果在最终使用条件下附加隔热系统,则应接近最终使用条件,将隔热系统安装并固定在试件上。 隔热系统通常安装在火灾危险性较大的一侧。试验时应使试件的隔热面暴露在燃烧炉中。 在代表最终使用条件的隔热系统中,试件应包含一个垂直连接或水平连接,或者一个垂直连接和水平连接。 7状态调节和试验环境 试件应在温度为(23±2)℃、相对湿度为50%~75%的条件下状态调节至少24 h,并应在温度为15℃~35℃、相对湿度为45%~75%的环境下进行试验。 8试验步骤 8.1―试件安装 试件应安装在框架内﹐且确保烟气不通过试件与框架之间的连接处。试件的整个区域都应暴露在加热条件下。 8.2热电偶 用于测量和控制炉内温度的热电偶的安装应符合ISO 834-12的规定。 8.3试件测温点 测量试件背火面温度的热电偶应当按照ISO 834-12的规定,安装在整个试件背火面的中心位置以及背火面的每1/4区域的中心位置﹐如图1所示。 热电偶和隔热垫宜用耐热黏合剂安装在试件表面,热电偶铜片和试件之间或热电偶铜片与隔热垫之间没有任何黏合剂,若它们之间有间隙,应满足GB/T 9978,1规定的最小尺寸,当无法黏合时,应使用销钉,螺丝或夹子固定,且只能与衬垫部分接触,衬垫不应超出铜片。 如果试件包括隔热系统﹐则应在垂直连接中心相对位置,水平连接中心位置和水平连接与垂直连接交点处进行额外的背火面温度测量。 8.4试验开始前的温度 试验前,应检查热电偶﹐确认背火面的热电偶和环境温度热电偶的温度是否一致,并在测试开始前5 min内进行记录。 试验开始前,炉温应小于50 ℃ ,试件背火面温度与初始环境温度差应在5℃以内。 8.5试验起始 试验应在初始条件设置好后进行。按照GB/T9978.1或 EN 1363-2规定的标准加热曲线开始加热炉温时即为试验的起始点。从该点开始计算运行时间,所有测量和观测系统应在此时开始运行或操作。 8.6加热条件 由热电偶(8.2)控制的炉温应符合GB/T 9978.1规定的温度条件。当需要与被测产品的最终使用条件相关时,也可使用EN 1363-2中规定的时间-温度曲线。 8.7测量和观察 8.7.1温度和压力 所有热电偶的温度和炉压应按照GB/T 9978.1或ISO 834-12的规定进行测量和记录,记录间隔不超过1 min. 8.7.2烟和气的渗透 观察试件的变形、烟和/或热气透过试件的情况以及其他现象(如果有),并记录发生的时间。应采用脱脂棉检查热气的渗透情况。 8.7.3变形、孔洞和裂缝的形成 测量时,应注意试件背火面的孔洞或裂纹的产生和发展﹐因为在确定完整性时间(即孔洞和裂缝导致完整性失效的时间)时会考虑此问题﹐并应按那服GB/T 9978.1的规定确定并记录完整性时间。 8.7.4挠度 试验过程中,试件中心的挠度应每分钟至少测量一次,挠度测量精度为±2 mm,注,关于挠度测量的应用指南已在GB/T 9978.1中给出 8.8试验终止 按照 GB/T 9978.1的规定﹐对FRP试件的试验可因下列一种或几种原因而终止: a)出现人员的安全问题或设备即将发生损坏; b)达到产品标准中规定的失效标准; c)委托方的要求, 但是,在发生 b)的情况下,可继续进行试验以获得更多的数据。 8.9试验后观察 试验结束后,应观察并记录包括隔热系统在内的试件的状况和任何损坏。 9试验报告 参考文献