1.1 This standard specifies a method for the determination of the "free" length of a roll of plastics film or sheeting (see Chapter 2).
This method is intended for use with rolls of length up to 100 m as a reference method. All the other length measuring methods may be applied as long at its measuring result is same with that of this method. If automatic measuring device is adopted, measurements of various plastics film and sheeting according to the specified procedures of this method shall be examined.
Due to this method is complicated, for long roll when checking other aforementioned measuring methods, the plastics film or sheeting with its length measured of about 100maccording to this method is allowed to be adopted for checking.
1.2 Meanwhile, this standard specifies a method for the determination of the average "free" width of a roll and the width of a sample of plastics film or sheeting not less than 5 mm wide, also intended for use as a reference method (see Chapter 3). If the width is only slightly greater than 5 mm, the accuracy of the method is only 2%.This methods specifies two kinds of width measuring procedures, and the adoption of these two procedures shall be determined depending on the width of the specimen.
This method specifies the test methods for measuring the "free" length of the plastics film or sheeting roll.
This method is the reference method for examining the other measuring methods, and all the rest width measuring methods may be applied as long as their measuring results are equal to that of this method. If automatic measuring device is adopted, measurements of various plastic film and sheeting according to specified procedures of this method shall be examined.
Foreword I ISO Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Reference Method for Length Measurement of Roll 3 Reference Method for the Width Measurement of Film or Sheeting