This standard specifies the requirements in classification, grading, marking, definition, testing method, and requalification of enclosure protection degree of low-voltage electrical apparatus (hereinafter referred as to electric apparatus).
This standard is applicable to enclosure protection grading of electric apparatus.
This standard is not applicable to protection of electric apparatus against physical damage, explosive / active gas, condensing wet (e.g. dew), mold, damage by insect, etc.
This standard is also not applicable to stress effect caused by short-circuit operation.
2 Normative References
GB 2900.18 Electrotechnical terminology - Low voltage apparatus
GB 14048.1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - General rules
3 Terms, Symbols and Codes
3.1 Terms
3.1.1 Enclosure
A part providing protection of equipment against certain external influences and, in any direction, protection against direct access or contact to alive part and running part.
Note: Barriers, shapes of openings or any other means - whether attached to the enclosure or formed by the enclosed equipment - suitable to prevent or limit direct access or contact of external solid subject to alive part and running part are considered as a part of the enclosure, except when they can be removed without the use of a key or tool.
3.1.2 Degree of protection
The extent of protection provided by an enclosure against, ingress of solid foreign objects to alive part or moving component in enclosure and/or against ingress of water and verified by standardized test methods.
3.1.3 IP code
A coding system to indicate the degrees of protection provided by an enclosure, consisted of letters "IP" and two characteristic numerals and additional letter.