This standard specifies the terms and definitions, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of industrial oil and gas burners.
This standard is applicable to the design, manufacturing and acceptance of mechanically ventilated industrial oil and gas burners [hereinafter referred to as "burner(s)"] with output power of not less than 60 kW. This standard does not apply to the design, manufacturing and acceptance of naturally ventilated burners.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply to this standard. However parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition applies.
GB/T 1236-2000 Industrial fans — Performance testing using standardized airways (idt ISO 5801: 1997)
GB/T 2423.1-2001 Environmental testing for electric and electronic and electronic products — Part 2: Test methods — Tests A: Cold (idt IEC 60068-2-1: 1990)
GB/T 2423.2-2001 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products — Part 2: Test methods — Tests B: Dry heat (idt IEC 60068-2-2: 1974)
GB/T 2423.3-1993 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products — Test Ca: Damp heat, steady state (eqv IEC 68-2-3:1984)
GB/T 4942.2-1993 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low-voltage apparatus (eqv IEC 947-1: 1988)
GB/T 13384-1992 General specification for packagings of mechanical and electrical products
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
pressure atomizing burner
burner that atomizes and burns oil by the action of oil pressure
rotary cup burner
burner that atomizes and burns oil through the high-speed rotation of the rotary cup and the purging of primary air
low-pressure air atomizing burner
burner that atomizes and burns oil using air under pressure of not more than 0.02 MPa and consumption of (60 ~ 100)% of the total combustion air
high pressure medium atomizing burner
burner that atomizes and burns oil using compressed air or steam under pressure of not less than 0.30 MPa, which may be classified into compressed air atomizing burner and steam atomizing burner by atomizing medium
dual fuel (gas and oil) burner
burner that can use oil or gas alone as fuel, some types of which may also burn mixed oil and gas
maximum flow of fuel
maximum consumption of fuel that a burner can perform normal combustion in unit time
minimum flow of fuel
minimum consumption of fuel that a burner can perform normal combustion in unit time
normal combustion
under the specified conditions, working state in which the performance and parameter changes of the burner in the combustion process are within the predetermined range, and the flame shall be free of strong pulsation, fire loss and black or yellow smoke
process of burner forcing air supply into the combustion chamber to purge combustible gas before ignition and combustion
process of burner forcing air supply into the combustion chamber to purge combustible gas after extinction of ignition flame
safety time for establishing ignition flame
first safety time
maximum time interval in which the ignition fuel control valve is allowed to be open before the ignition flame is formed in the burner
safety time for establishing main flame
second safety time
maximum time interval in which the main flame fuel control valve is allowed to be open before the main flame is formed in the burner
safety time for extinction of flame
third safety time
maximum time interval in which the main flame fuel control valve is allowed to remain open after the extinction of main flame in the combustion process of burner
sequent regulation
within the load regulating range of the burner, regulation mode that the amount of fuel and combustion air entering the burner may be controlled smoothly in proportion
stage regulation
within the load regulating range of the burner, regulation mode that the amount of fuel and combustion air entering the burner may be controlled by stage in proportion
turndown ratio of load
under normal combustion conditions, ratio of the maximum flow of fuel to the minimum flow for a single burner
lock-out; lock up
safe cut-off in which the burner cannot be automatically restarted according to the program without manual re-setting after the interruption of operation program due to fault
process of restoring all movable parts of an actuated electrical appliance to the original position, including manual and automatic re-settings
atomizing viscosity
maximum permissible viscosity of oil entering the atomizer provided that the burner meets the requirements of normal combustion
atomizing medium consumption
mass fraction of consumed atomizing medium and oil volume provided the burner meets the requirement of normal combustion at the maximum flow of fuel
circle exit of burner
exit where the oil mist or gas output from the burner is mixed with combustion air and starts to ignite and burn
hard coking carbon formed by dehydrogenation and decomposition of oil adhered to circle exit of burner or inner wall of combustion chamber rafter high temperature baking
combustion chamber pressure
flue gas pressure in the combustion chamber of burner measured under normal combustion state
cold state
operation state of flameless burner
heat state
operation state of flamed burner
simulated signal
in the burner performance test, equivalent signal input to the automation system which imitates parameter signal of the actual operating condition
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Requirements 5 Test method 6 Test rules 7 Marking 8 Packaging, transportation, and storage
1 范围 本标准规定了工业燃油和燃气燃烧器的术语和定义,要求,试验方法,检验规则,标志,包装、运输和贮存等。 本标准适用于输出功率不小于60kW的机械通风的工业燃油、燃气燃烧器(以下简称燃烧器)的设计、制造和验收。本标准不适用于自然通风的燃烧器的设计、制造和验收。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB/T 1236—2000 工业通风机 用标准化风道进行性能试验(idt ISO 5801:1997) GB/T 2423.1—2001 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法试验 A:低温(idt IEC 60068-2-1:1990) GB/T 2423.2—2001 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验B:高温(idt IEC 60068-2-2:1974) GB/T 2423.3—1993 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Ca:恒定湿热试验方法(eqv IEC 68-2-3:1984) GB/T 4942.2—1993 低压电器外壳防护等级(eqv IEC 947-1:1988) GB/T 13384—1992 机电产品包装通用技术条件 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 压力雾化式燃烧器 pressure atomizing burner 通过油压作用使燃油雾化燃烧的燃烧器。 3.2 转杯式燃烧器 rotary cup burner 通过转杯高速旋转作用和一次风冲刷作用而使燃油雾化燃烧的燃烧器。 3.3 低压空气雾化式燃烧器 low-pressure air atomizing burner 采用压力不高于0.02MPa、耗量为全部助燃空气量的(60~100)%的空气使燃油雾化燃烧的燃烧器。 3.4 高压介质雾化式燃烧器 high pressure medium atomizing burner 采用压力不低于0.30MPa的压缩空气或蒸汽使燃油雾化燃烧的燃烧器。按雾化介质种类不同分为压缩空气雾化式燃烧器和蒸汽雾化式燃烧器两类。 3.5 油、气双燃料燃烧器 dual fuel (gas and oil) burner 既可单独以燃油为燃料,又可单独以燃气为燃料的燃烧器。有些燃烧器还可实现燃油、燃气的混合燃烧。 3.6 燃料最大流量 maximum flow of fuel 燃烧器在单位时间内能实现正常燃烧的最大燃料耗量。 3.7 燃料最小流量 minimum flow of fuel 燃烧器在单位时间内能实现正常燃烧的最小燃料耗量。 3.8 正常燃烧 normal combustion 在规定的条件下,燃烧器在燃烧过程中的性能和参数变化均在预定范围内的工作状态。在此状态下,火焰应无强烈脉动、脱火和冒黑烟或冒黄烟现象。 3.9 前(预)扫气pre-purge 燃烧器在点火燃烧前,向炉膛强制送风吹扫可燃气体的过程。 3.10 后扫气 post-purge 燃烧器燃烧火焰熄灭后,向炉膛强制送风吹扫可燃气体的过程。 3.11 点火火焰建立安全时间 sefety time for establish ignition flame 第一安全时间 first safety time 燃烧器在点火火焰形成前,允许点火燃料控制阀处于开启状态的最长时间间隔。 3.12 主火火焰建立安全时间 sefety time for establish main flame 第二安全时间 second safety time 燃烧器在主火火焰形成前,允许主火燃料控制阀处于开启状态的最长时间间隔。 3.13 火焰熄灭安全时间 sefety time for extinction of flame 第三安全时间 third safety time 燃烧器在燃烧过程中主火火焰熄灭后,允许主火燃料控制阀仍处于开启状态的最长时间间隔。 3.14 连续调节 sequent regulation 在燃烧器负荷调节范围内,进入燃烧器的燃料量和助燃空气量可按比例平滑控制的调节方式。 3.15 位式调节 stage regulation 在燃烧器负荷调节范围内,进入燃烧器的燃料量和助燃空气量可按比例跳跃控制的调节方式。 3.16 负荷调节比 turndown ratio of load 在正常燃烧条件下,单台燃烧器的燃料最大流量与最小流量之比。 3.17 锁定 lock-out;lock up 燃烧器因故障中断运行程序后,未经人工复位不能再按程序重新自动启动运行的一种安全切断 3.18 复位 re-setting 已动作的电器的所有可动部分回复到原始位置状态的过程。包括人工和自动复位。 3.19 雾化黏度 atomizing viscosity 保证达到燃油正常燃烧要求时,进入雾化器的燃油所允许的最大黏度。 3.20 雾化介质耗量 atomizing medium consumption 燃烧器在燃油最大流量下达到正常燃烧要求时,所耗雾化介量与燃油量的质量分数。 3.21 燃烧器旋口 circle exit of burner 燃烧器输出的油雾或燃气与助燃空气混合及开始着火燃烧的出口部位。 3.22 结焦 coking 粘附在燃烧器旋口或炉膛内壁的燃油,经高温烘烤脱氢分解后形成的坚硬焦化炭。 3.23 炉膛压力 combustion chamber pressure 燃烧器在正常燃烧状态下所测定的炉膛内的烟气压力。 3.24 冷态 cold state 燃烧器处于无火焰时的运行状态。 3.25 热态 heat state 燃烧器处于有火焰时的运行状态。 3.26 模拟信号 simulated signal 在燃烧器性能试验中,模仿实际运行工况参数信号向自动化系统输入的等效信号。 4 要求 4.1 结构和外观 4.1.1 结构 燃油燃烧器一般应包含的主要部件有:燃油雾化器,电磁阀,燃油定量泵,燃油流量调节装置,风机,调风器和配风器,空气.燃油联动调节装置,点火装置(无辅助点火燃料喷嘴的燃烧器仅含电火花引燃器),火焰监测器和控制箱等。 高压介质雾化燃烧器还应有雾化介质控制阀和雾化介质压力检测开关等。 燃用重柴油、重油的燃烧器,还应有燃油加热器和油温调节器等。 燃气燃烧器一般应包含的主要部件有:燃气喷嘴,燃气阀系组件,燃气流量调节阀,风机,调风器和配风器,空气燃气联动调节装置,点火装置(无辅助点火燃料喷嘴的燃烧器仅含电火花引燃器),燃气压力检测开关,助燃空气压力检测开关,火焰监测器,主燃气控制阀自动检漏装置和控制箱等。 4.1.2 外观 燃烧器壳体表面应涂覆与工作条件相适应的防护装饰面漆,漆层应完整、均匀、光洁,不应有划伤、起泡或脱落。 4.2 介质管路密性 4.2.1 从燃油定量泵出口到雾化器入口的燃油管路,在1.25倍设计压力的液压下持续15min,应无燃油泄漏。 4.2.2 从燃气阀系入口到出口的燃气管路,在空气压力达到1.25倍设计压力后,在15min内管路内的压降应符合如下要求: a) 额定功率不大于2000kW的燃烧器不大于50Pa; b) 额定功率大于2000kW的燃烧器不大于25Pa。 4.2.3 从雾化介质控制阀入口到雾化器出口的高压雾化介质管路,在1.25倍设计压力的液压下持续15min,应无试验介质泄漏。 4.3 空气动力性能 当燃烧器出口静压达到配套炉炉膛压力的1.1倍时,燃烧器出口空气量应能满足燃烧器负荷调节范围内最大流量燃料正常燃烧的要求。 4.4 控制 4.4.1 运行控制 燃油燃烧器在自动和手动操作下应能正常运行。其运行顺序一般应符合下列基本要求:风机启动→前扫气→电极产生电火花→建立点火火焰→建立主火火焰→正常燃烧(自动或手动调节燃烧负荷)→主火火焰熄灭→后扫气→停机。 对于高压介质雾化式燃烧器,在进入前扫气程序时,还应通入雾化介质;主火火焰熄灭和后扫气程序之间,应设置主油枪清扫程序。 对无辅助点火燃料喷嘴的燃烧器,不设置“建立点火火焰”程序;对于额定功率不大于860kW的燃烧器,可不设置“后扫气”程序。 除供需双方另有约定外,燃气燃烧器只宜设置自动控制系统。其运行顺序一般应符合下列要求:启动条件验证→风机启动→前扫气→电极产生电火花→建立点火火焰→建立主火火焰→正常燃烧(自动或手动调节燃烧负荷)→主火火焰熄灭(含主火火焰故障)→后扫气→停机。 对于额定功率大于860kW的燃烧器,在“启动条件验证”程序中,应包括对主燃气控制阀的自动检漏程序;对无辅助点火燃料喷嘴的燃烧器,不设置“建立点火火焰”程序。 4.4.2 油温控制 在燃烧器负荷调节范围内任一工况下,燃油实际加热温度与设定值的正、负偏差,宜分别控制在12℃和6℃之内。