Safety of motoroperated hand-held,transportable and garden tools- Part 4:Particular requirements for walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
Part 4 of GB/T 3883 Safety of Motor-operated Hand-held, Transportable and Garden Tools deals with motor-operated garden tools and is preliminarily expected to consist of the following 8 parts:
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Chain Saws;
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Hedge Trimmers;
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Walk-behind and Hand-held Lawn Trimmers and Lawn Edge Trimmers;
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Scissor Type Grass Shears;
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Pedestrian-controlled Motor-operated Lawn Scarifier and Aerator;
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Pedestrian-controlled Motor-operated Mower;
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Handheld Motor-operated Garden Blowers, Vacuum and Combined Blower and Vacuum;
——Part 4: Particular Requirements for Intelligent Mower.
This is Part 4 of GB/T 3883: Particular Requirements for Walk-behind and Hand-held Lawn Trimmers and Lawn Edge Trimmers.
This part is developed according to the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB/T 4706.54-2008 Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Part 2: Particular Requirements for Walk-behind and Hand-held Lawn Trimmers and Lawn Edge Trimmers and the following main changes have been made with respect to GB/T 4706.54-2008:
——Foreword: for the general requirements of safety adopted, the reference is modified from GB 4706.1-2005 Household and Similar Electrical Appliances-Safety - Part 1: General Requirements to GB/T 3883.1-2014 Safety of Motor-operated Hand-held, Transportable Electric Tools and Lawn and Garden Tools - Part 1: General Requirements, and the standard name is modified accordingly;
——"Normal operation" and "power switch" are deleted from terms and definitions (3.1.9 and 3.108 in 2008 edition);
——Annex AA is deleted, and part of its content is moved to "Marking and Instructions" (see 8.2); "safety warning of walk-behind and handheld lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers" (see is added; instruction on coming into use is modified [see 8.14.2 a)];
——Conditions of heating running under normal load is deleted (11.5 in 2008 edition);
——Table 4 in "Abnormal Operation" of GB/T 3883.1-2014 is modified (see 18.8, and 19 in 2008 edition);
——Handle requirements in "Structure" are modified and are moved to "Mechanical Hazard" (see 19.102, and 22.36 in 2008 edition);
——In "Component", "The switch used for connecting motor and operated by cutting means control shall be provided with a at least 3mm clearance between open contacts, which shall be realized by monopole or bipole disconnection" (24.1.3 in 2008 edition); the power cord length of cable coupler is modified (see 24.1, and 25.5 in 2008 edition);
——Annexes BB and CC are combined into Annex I;
——The content of Annex DD is moved to Annex AA;
——Annexes B, D, I and EE are deleted.
This part shall be used together with GB/T 3883.1-2014 Safety of Motor-operated Hand-held, Transportable Electric Tools and Lawn and Garden Tools - Part 1: General Requirements.
In this part, clauses stating "Applicable" mean that corresponding clauses of GB/T 3883.1-2004 are applicable; clauses stating "Replacement" shall be subject to clauses in this part; clauses stating "Modification" mean that relevant contents of corresponding clauses in GB/T 3883.1-2014 shall be subject to the modified contents of this part, and other contents of this clause are still applicable; clauses stating "Addition" mean that both the corresponding clauses of GB/T 3883.1-2014 and the clause added in this part shall be met.
This part was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association.
This part is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Electric Tools of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 68).
Safety of Motor-operated Hand-held, Transportable and Garden Tools - Part 4: Particular Requirements for Walk-behind and Hand-held Lawn Trimmers and Lawn Edge Trimmers
1 Scope
This chapter of GB/T 3883.1-2014 applies except as follows:
1.1 Addition:
This part is applicable to walk-behind and handheld lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers, they have cutting element with non-metal fiber rope or free turning non-metal cutting means and is used for mowing operation by the standing operator at kinetic energy of less than or equal to 10J, and their AC and DC rated voltage shall be less than or equal to 250V and 75V respectively.
Note: The calculation method of kinetic energy with regard to this part is specified in 21.103.
This part is not applicable to:
——Cutting means is different from the one of the above-mentioned scissor type lawn trimmer and lawn edge trimmer;
——Lawn trimmer and lawn edge trimmer with collecting device;
——Self-propelled lawn trimmer and lawn edge trimmer.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. Any dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
This chapter of GB/T 3883.1-2014 applies except as follows.
GB/T 17248.2-1999 Acoustics - Noise Emitted by Machinery and Equipment - Measurement of Emission Sound Pressure Levels at a Work Station and at Other Specified Positions - Engineering Method in an Essentially Free Field over a Reflecting Plane (eqv ISO 11201: 1995)
GB/T 20247-2006 Acoustics - Measurement of Sound Absorption in a Reverberation Room (ISO 354: 2003, IDT)
3 Terms and Definitions
This chapter of GB/T 3883.1-2014 applies except as follows.
handheld trimmer
tool gripped by hands and can be assisted by wheel, pulley, shoulder strap, etc., which cannot be kept in the operating position without being gripped by an operator
walk-behind trimmer
tool supported by the ground and controlled by walking operator behind it, which can be kept at the operating position without being gripped by an operator
lawn trimmer
a lawn trimming tool whose cutting means rotates on the plane approximately parallel to the ground
lawn edge trimmer
a lawn trimming tool whose cutting means rotates on the plane approximately vertical to the ground
cutting means
mechanical device used for providing cutting operation, which contains one or more cutting elements rotating around the axis perpendicular to the cutting face and cutting depending on high-speed impact
cutting element
single non-metal fiber rope or single turning non-metal cutting means
cutter head
support of cutting element
cutting means control
means operated by operator's hands or fingers and used for controlling the motion of cutting means
operation of a tool equipped with new cutting means under rated voltage, which shall cut the extensible single fiber rope into one whose length is 5mm less than the maximum cutting length
4 General Requirements
This chapter of GB/T 3883.1-2014 applies.
5 General Conditions of Test
This chapter of GB/T 3883.1-2014 applies except as follows.
5.17 Addition:
The mass of tool shall include that of auxiliary handle, excluding that of shoulder strap (if any).
6 Radiation, Toxicity and Similar Hazards
This chapter of GB/T 3883.1-2014 applies.
7 Classification
This chapter of GB/T 3883.1-2014 applies except as follows.
7.1 Replacement:
The tool shall be of type II or type III.
Inspect via observation and corresponding tests.
7.2 Replacement:
Type II walk-behind lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers or those with type II components shall at least be of type IPX4.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 General Requirements 5 General Conditions of Test 6 Radiation, Toxicity and Similar Hazards 7 Classification 8 Marking and Instructions 9 Protection of Preventing Touching Live Part 10 Starting 11 Input Power and Current 12 Heating 13 Heat Resistance and Flame Retardance 14 Moisture Resistance 15 Rust Prevention 16 Overload Protection of Transformer and Associated Circuits 17 Durability 18 Abnormal Operation 19 Mechanical Hazard 20 Mechanical Strength 21 Structure 22 Internal Wiring 23 Component 24 Power Connection Lines and External Cord 25 Wiring Terminal of External Conductor 26 Grounding Device 27 Screws and Connecting Pieces 28 Creepage Distance, Electric Clearance and Distance through Insulation Annexes Annex I (Informative) Measurement of Noise and Vibration Emissions Annex K (Normative) Battery Tools and Battery Packs Annex L (Normative) Battery Tool and Battery Packs Providing Power Connection or Non-isolated Sources Annex AA (Informative) Examples of Material and Structure Required by Artificial Surface Bibliography