This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, general requirements, requirements and test methods of building hardware for windows and doors.
This standard is applicable to all common building hardware for windows and doors other than gating hardware.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 905 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerance for Cold-drawn Round, Square and Hexagonal Steels
GB/T 1220 Stainless Steel Bars
GB/T 1766 Paints and Varnishes - Rating Schemes of Degradation of Coats
GB/T 1865 Paints and Varnishes - Artificial Weathering and Exposure to Artificial Radiation - Exposure to Filtered Xenon-arc Radiation
GB/T 3190 Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy - Chemical Composition
GB/T 3280 Cold Rolled Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip
GB 5237.1 Wrought Aluminium Alloy Extruded Profiles for Architecture - Part 1: Mill Finish Profiles
GB 5237.2 Wrought Aluminium Alloy Extruded Profiles for Architecture - Part 2: Anodized Profiles
GB 5237.3 Wrought Aluminium Alloy Extruded Profiles for Architecture - Part 3: Electrophoretic Coating Profiles
GB 5237.4 Wrought Aluminium Alloy Extruded Profiles for Architecture - Part 4: Powder Coating Profiles
GB/T 5823 Terminology for Building Windows and Doors
GB/T 6461 Methods for Corrosion Testing of Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings on Metallic Substrates - Rating of Test Specimens and Manufactured Articles Subjected to Corrosion Tests
GB/T 6465 Metallic and Other Non-organic Coatings - Corrodkote Corrosion Test (CORR Test)
GB/T 9799 Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings - Electroplated Coatings of Zinc with Supplementary Treatments on Iron or Steel
GB/T 10125 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt Spray Tests
GB/T 11253 Cold-rolled Sheets and Strips of Carbon Structural Steels
GB/T 29048-2012 Operating Forces - Test method - Windows
GB/T 29555-2013 Test Method of Operating Forces for Doors
GB/T 29739-2013 Test Method of Resistance to Repeat Opening and Closing for Windows and Doors
JG/T 124 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Handles for Espagnolette Gears
JG/T 125 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Hinges
JG/T 126 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Espagnolette Gears
JG/T 127 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Friction Hinges
JG/T 128 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Stay Arms
JG/T 129 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Rollers
JG/T 130 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Single Point Locking Gears
JG/T 213 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Casement Fastener Handles
JG/T 214 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Latch Bolts
JG/T 215 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Multipoint Locking Gears
JG/T 393 Building Hardware for Windows and Doors - Lever Handles and Knob Furniture
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions given in GB/T 5823 and the following ones apply.
basic component
the minimum hardware configuration which can meet the use function of windows and doors
operating part
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification 4.1 Classification by the Function of Hardware 4.2 Classification by the Basic Component of Hardware for Common Open-type Windows and Doors 5 General Requirements 5.1 Basic Component of Hardware for Common Open-type Windows and Doors 5.2 Materials 6 Requirements 6.1 Appearance 6.2 Corrosion Resistance, Weather Resistance, Film Thickness and Adhesion 6.3 Mechanical Property 7 Test Methods 7.1 Appearance 7.2 Corrosion Resistance, Weather Resistance, Film Thickness and Adhesion 7.3 Mechanical Property Annex A (Normative) Test Device and Test Specimen