This standard specifies the pollutants classification and source, as well as the technical requirements, supervision and management for control and discharge of pollutants for purpose of environment protection in heat treatment industry.
This standard is applicable to environmental impact assessment, environmental protection engineering design, environmental protection acceptance after completion, and the prevention, control and management of pollutants in production of the factories and workshops engaged in heat treatment production, as well as the constructed, renovated or extended heat treatment projects of industrial enterprises.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative documents (including any amendments) applies.
GB 5085.1 Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - Identification for Corrosivity
GB 5085.2 Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - Screening Test for Acute Toxicity
GB 5085.3 Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - Identification for Extraction Toxicity
GB 5085.4 Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - Identification for Ignitability
GB 5085.5 Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - Identification for Reactivity
GB 5085.6 Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - Identification for Toxic Substance Content
GB 5085.7 Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - General Specifications
GB 8702 Regulations for Electromagnetic Radiation Protection
GB 8978 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard
GB 12348 Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary
GB/T 16157 Methods for Article Measurement and Gaseous Pollutant Sampling of Stationary Pollution Source Emission
GB 16297 Integrated Emission Standards of Air Pollutants
GB 18597 Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage
GB/T 27945.1 Management of Hazardous Solid Wastes from Heat Treatment Salt - Part 1: General Management
GB/T 27945.2 Management of Hazardous Solid Wastes from Heat Treatment Salt - Part 2: Test Method of Extractives
GB/T 27945.3 Management of Hazardous Solid Wastes from Heat Treatment Salt - Part 3: Method of Innocent Treatment
GB/T 27946 Limited Value of Hazardous Substance in the Air of Heat Treatment Working Place
3 Terms and Definitions
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification and Source of Pollutants 5 Technical Requirements for Control and Discharge of Pollutants 6 Supervision and Administration Appendix A (Normative) Determination Method of Heat-treated Oil Fume - Weight Method Appendix B (Normative) Determination Method of Heat-treated Oil Fume - Infrared Spectrophotometric Method