This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This document is Part 5 of GB/T 2424. The components of standard GB/T 2424 are given in Annex NA.
This document partially replaces GB/T 2424.5-2006 Environmental tests for electric and electronic products - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers. In addition to structural adjustment and editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 2424.5-2006:
a) The term and definition of "temperature extremes" is deleted (see 3.10 in Edition 2006);
b) The content of "test area environment" is simplified (see 4.1, 4.1 of Edition 2006);
c) "Determination of temperature performance" is deleted (see 4.5 of Edition 2006);
d) "Measurement method is added" (see 4.5);
e) The content of Chapter 5 of the 2006 edition is adjusted to 4.6.
This part, by means of translation, is identical to IEC 60068-3-5:2018 Environmental testing - Part 3-5: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers.
The Chinese document consistent and corresponding with the normative international document in this Documentation is as follows:
——GB/T 2424.7-2006, Environmental tests for electric and electronic products - Measurements in temperature chambers for tests A and tests B (with load) (IEC 60068-3-7:2001, IDT);
——GB/T 2424.27-2013, Environmental testing - Supporting documentation and guidance - Calculation of uncertainty of conditions in climatic test chambers (IEC 60068-3-11:2007, IDT).
The following editorial changes have been made in this document:
——The name of this document is changed to Environmental testing - Part 3: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers;
——An annex "Components of the standard GB/T 2424" is added (see Annex NA).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed and is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 8 National Technical Committee on Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electric and Electronic Products and of Standardization Administration of China.
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——This standard was issued in 2006 as first edition (GB/T 2424.5-2006).
——This edition is the first revision.
IEC 60068 (all parts) contains fundamental information on environmental testing procedures and severities.
The expression "environmental conditioning" or "environmental testing" covers the natural and artificial environments to which components or equipment may be exposed so that an assessment can be made of their performance under conditions of use, transport and storage to which they may be exposed in practice.
Temperature chambers used for "environmental conditioning" or "environmental testing" are not described in any publication, although the method of maintaining and measuring temperature and/or humidity has a great influence on test results. The physical characteristics of temperature chambers can also influence test results.
In this series of standards, each document of GB/T 2424 Environmental testing - Part 3: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers gives a set of background information for environmental testing.
Since 1981, GB/T 2424 has successively issued more than 20 documents (13 current national standards, 12 of which use IEC 60068 Environmental Test). The current components of GB/T 2424 are detailed in Appendix NA.
This revision of GB/T 2424.5 uses the translation method to be equivalent to the use of IEC 60068-3-5: 2018 Environmental testing - Part 3-5: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers. The revised version is consistent with international standards. Maintaining the same level will help eliminate technical trade barriers and better promote trade, exchanges and technical cooperation.
Environmental testing - Part 3: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers
1 Scope
This document provides a uniform and reproducible method of confirming that temperature test chambers, without specimens, conform to the requirements specified in climatic test procedures of IEC 60068-2 (all parts) and other standards. This document is intended for users when conducting regular chamber performance monitoring.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60068-2 (all parts) Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests
IEC 60068-3-7 Environmental testing - Part 3-7: Supporting documentation and guidance - Measurements in temperature chambers for tests A and B (with load)
IEC 60068-3-11 Environmental testing - Part 3-11: Supporting documentation and guidance - Calculation of uncertainty of conditions in climatic test chambers
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
IEC Electropedia: available at
ISO Online browsing platform: available at
temperature test chamber
enclosure or space in some parts of which the temperature conditions, specified in IEC 60068-2 (all parts), can be achieved
temperature setpoint
desired temperature as set by the test chamber control system
achieved temperature
stabilized temperature which desired temperature at the centre of the working space achieves within specified tolerance
temperature stabilization
state of maintaining temperature within specified tolerance during specified time at specified points in the working space
temperature fluctuation
difference, after stabilization, between the maximum and minimum temperatures at specified point in the working space during a specified interval of time
Note: For calibration, the centre point of working space may be used.
working space
part of the chamber in which the specified conditions can be maintained within the specified tolerances
Note: See Figure 1 and Table 1.
Figure 1 Working space
Table 1 Practical dimensions
Size Volume (L) Distance X mm X (min.)/mm
Small <1000 L/10 50
Middle 1000~2000 L/10 100
Large >2000 L/10 150
Note: Not all chambers are cubic in construction.
temperature gradient
maximum difference in mean value, after stabilization, at any moment in time between two separate points in the working space
temperature variation in space
difference in mean value, after stabilization, at any moment in time between the temperature at the centre of the working space and at any other point in the working space
temperature rate of change
rate, in kelvin per minute, for the transition between two specified temperatures measured at the centre of the working space
Note: see Figure 2.
Figure 2 Example of temperature differences
4 Measuring test chamber performances
4.1 Test area environment
The environment around a temperature test chamber may influence the conditions inside the test chamber.
The confirmation of performance of temperature chambers should be carried out under standard atmospheric conditions specified in IEC 60068-1.
4.2 Temperature measurement system
The uncertainty of measurement of the output of the measurement system should be determined by calibration of the system, traceable to international standards (see ISO 10012).
The temperature sensors may be either calibrated platinum resistors or a thermocouple. The thermal response time of the sensors shall be within a minimum of 10 s and a maximum of 40 s for 50 % of response. It is preferred that the thermal response time of the entire measurement system to be less than 40 s. The use of sensors that are compliant to IEC 60584-1 tolerance class 1 (for thermocouples) or IEC 60751 tolerance class A (for resistors) is recommended.
4.3 Test load
All measurements described in 4.5 are performed with an empty working space. For measuring with test specimens (with or without heat dissipation), see IEC 60068-3-7.
4.4 Specified location of temperature sensors in working space
Temperature measuring sensors are located in each corner and in the centre of the working space (see Figure 3, minimum 9 sensors). For temperature chambers over 2000 L, additional sensors should be located in front of the centre of each wall (see Figure 4, minimum 15 sensors). The measuring system is to be arranged in such a way that the temperature distribution of the empty test chamber will not be affected.
For a large capacity chamber, there may be a significant difference between the temperature control sensor(s) and the temperature at the centre of the working space. It may be necessary to adjust the temperature setting to achieve the necessary tolerance.
For confirmation monitoring, data shall be recorded at least once a minute. The device used for recording data from the test chamber monitoring sensors shall be independent of the test chamber control system.
Foreword I
Introduction III
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Measuring test chamber performances
5 Information to be given in the performance test report
Annex NA (Informative) Components of the standard GB/T
Figure 1 Working space
Figure 2 Example of temperature differences
Figure 3 Location of sensors for temperature chambers up to 2000 L
Figure 4 Location of minimal additional sensors for temperature chambers over 2000 L
Figure 5 Example of achieved temperature
Figure 6 Example of temperature stabilization for chambers up to 2000 L
Figure 7 Example of temperature fluctuation
Figure 8 Example of temperature gradient for chambers up to 2000 L
Figure 9 Example of temperature gradient for chambers <2000 L
Figure 10 Example of temperature rate of change
Table 1 Practical dimensions
ICS 19.040
CCS K 04
GB/T 2424.5—2021/IEC 60068-3-5:2018
代替GB/T 2424.5—2006
环境试验 第3部分:支持文件及导则温度试验箱性能确认
Environmental testing—Part3 :Supporting documentation and guidance—Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers
(IEC 60068-3-5:2018,Environmental testing—Part 3-5:Supporting documentation and guidance—Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers,IDT)
2021-05-21发布 2021-12-01实施
国家标准化管理委员会 发布
本文件按照 GB/T1.1—2020《标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。
本文件是GB/T2 424的第5部分。GB/T 2424的组成部分见附录NA。
本文件代替GB/T 2424.5—2006《电工电子产品环境试验 温度试验箱性能确认》,与GB/T 2424.5—2006相比,除结构调整与编辑性改动外,主要技术变化如下:
a) 删除了术语和定义的“温度极值”(见2006年版的3.10);
b) 简化了“测量场所的环境”的内容(见4.1,2006年版的4.1);
c) 删除了“温度性能测定”(见2006年版的4.5);
d) 增加了“测量方法”(见4.5);
e) 将2006年版第5章的内容调整至4.6。
本文件使用翻译法等同采用IEC 60068-3-5:2018《环境试验 第3-5部分:支持文件及导则 温度试验箱性能确认》。
——GB/T 2424.7—2006 电工电子产品环境试验 试验A和B(带负载)用温度试验箱的测量(IEC 60068-3-7:2001,IDT);
——GB/T 2424.27—2013 环境试验 支持文件和指南 温湿度试验箱不确定度计算(IEC 60068-3-11:2007,IDT)。
——本文件名称改为《环境试验 第3部分:支持文件及导则 温度试验箱性能确认》;
——增加了附录“GB/T 2424标准的组成部分”(见附录NA)。
本文件由全国电工电子产品环境条件与环境试验标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 8)提出并归口。
——2006年首次发布为GB/T 2424.5—2006;
IEC 60068(所有部分)包含有关环境试验程序和严酷度的基本信息。
在该系列标准中,GB/T 2424《环境试验 第3部分:支持文件及导则》每个文件分别给出了一组环境试验的背景资料。
1981年以来,GB/T 2424先后发布了20余项文件(现行国家标准13项,其中12项采用IEC 60068《环境试验》),现行GB/T2424组成部分详见附录NA。
本次对GB/T 2424.5的修订,使用翻译法等同采用IEC 60068-3-5:2018《环境试验 第3-5部分:支持文件及导则 温度试验箱性能确认》,修订后与国际标准的水平保持一致,有利于消除技术性贸易壁垒,更好地促进贸易、交流及技术合作。
环境试验 第3部分:支持文件及导则温度试验箱性能确认
1 范围
本文件提供了一种统一的可再现的方法,用于确认温度试验箱在没有负载的情况下是符合IEC 60068-2(所有部分)气候试验方法及其他标准规定的要求。本文件适用于用户进行常规的试验箱性能监测。
2 规范性引用文件
IEC 60068-2(所有部分) 环境试验 第2部分:试验(Environmental testing—Part 2:Tests)
IEC 60068-3-7 环境试验 第3-7部分:支持文件及导则 试验A(低温)和B(高温)(带负载)用温度箱测量[Environmental testing—Part 3-7:Supporting documentation and guidance—Measurements in temperature chambers for tests A (Cold) and B (Dry heat)(with load)]
IEC 60068-3-11 环境试验 第3-11部分:支持文件及导则 气候试验箱的不确定度计算(Environmental testing—Part 3-11:Supporting documentation and guidance—Calculation of uncertainty of conditions in climatic test chambers)
3 术语和定义
温度试验箱 temperature test chamber
封闭体或空间,其中某部分能达到IEC 60068-2(所有部分)规定的温度条件。
温度设定值 temperature setpoint
达到温度 achieved temperature
温度稳定 temperature stabilization
温度波动度 temperature fluctuation
工作空间 working space
图1 工作空间
表1 实际尺寸
规格 容积L 距离X mm X(min.) mm
小 <1000 L/10 50
中 1000~2000 L/10 100
大 >2000 L/10 150
温度梯度 temperature gradient
空间温度差 temperature variation in space
温度变化速率 temperature rate of change
图2 温差示例
4 试验箱性能的测量
4.1 测量场所的环境
温度试验箱性能确认宜在IEC 60068-1规定的标准大气条件下进行。
4.2 温度测量系统
由测量系统引入的测量不确定度应由系统的校准来确定,可溯源至ISO 10012。
一般来说,温度传感器应为校准的铂电阻或热电偶。传感器50%响应时间应在10s~40s之间。整个系统的响应时间应小于40s。推荐使用符合IEC 60584-1的1级允差(用于热电偶)或IEC 60751的允差等级A(用于铂电阻)的传感器。
4.3 试验负载
4.5中所述所有测量都是在空载的工作空间中进行的。对于有负载(散热或非散热)时的测量见IEC 60068-3-7。
4.4 温度传感器的布放
图3 2000L以下容积的温度试验箱内的温度传感器的布放位置
图4 2000L以上容积的温度试验箱内的配置最少附加温度传感器的布放位置
4.5 测量方法
4.5.1 概述
在试验箱稳定之后,工作空间的达到温度、温度波动度和温度梯度根据测量系统(图3和图4)的测量结果来确定。试验箱工作空间的中心点应满足设备规范,至少要满足IEC 60068-2系列标准所规定的试验容差。传感器的布放位置至少为9点或15点。这取决于试验箱的大小。以9点布放位置对该测量方法进行说明。
温度测量系统的测量不确定度应符合IEC 60068-3-11。
4.5.2 达到温度
当工作空间的中心温度保持在IEC 60068-2(所有部分)要求的容差后,即达到温度。示例参见图5。
注1:对于容差,按温度试验箱的规范要求,或如有必要,按IEC 60068-2在工作空间中心保持规定要求。
注2:T1至少为30 min。N5为工作空间中心的温度。
图5 达到温度的示例
4.5.3 温度稳定
工作空间温度达到并维持在允差范围内,如图6所示。允许范围取决于温度试验箱规范规定的温度波动度、空间温度差和温度梯度。指定时间T2在测量点(例如N1~N9)处于允许范围内后至少30 min。
图6 2000L以下容积的试验箱温度稳定的示例
4.5.4 温度波动度
图7 温度波动度的示例
当温度稳定后,对于给定的测量点,在30 min长度的时间上等间隔进行10次或以上的测量,得到温度测量值系列如下:
4.5.5 温度梯度
图8 2000L以下容积的试验箱温度梯度的示例
4.5.6 空间温度差
图9 2000L以下容积的试验箱空间温度差的示例
4.5.7 温度变化速率
图10 温度变化速率的示例
4.6 标准温度试验顺序
5 性能测试报告给出的信息
a) 测量场所的大气条件;
b) 试验箱和工作空间的尺寸和容积;
c) 温度波动度、空间温度差和温度梯度;
d) 温度变化速率;
e) 最高/最低温度;
f) 每个测量位置的测量结果;
g) 数据采集系统的详情信息;
h) 测量不确定度;
i) 传感器布放所用的固定装置。
GB/T 2424 的组成部分
除本文件外,GB/T 2424的其他组成部分如下:
GB/T 2424.1—2015 环境试验 第3部分:支持文件及导则 低温和高温试验(IEC 60068-3-1:2011,IDT)
GB/T 2424.2—2005 电工电子产品环境试验 湿热试验导则(IEC 60068-3-4:2001,IDT)
GB/T 2424.6—2021 环境试验 第3部分:支持文件及导则 温度/湿度试验箱性能确认(IEC 60068-3-6:2018,IDT)
GB/T 2424.7—2006 电工电子产品环境试验 试验A和B(带负载)用温度试验箱的测量(IEC 60068-3-7:2001,IDT)
GB/T 2424.10—2012 环境试验 大气腐蚀加速试验的通用导则
GB/T 2424.11—2013 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Kc:接触点和连接件的二氧化硫试验导则(IEC 60068-2-49:1983,IDT)
GB/T 2424.12—2014 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Kd:接触点和连接件的硫化氢试验导则(IEC 60068-2-46:1982,IDT)
GB/T 2424.15—2008 电工电子产品环境试验 温度/低气压综合试验导则(IEC 60068-3-2:1976,IDT)
GB/T 2424.17—2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验T:锡焊试验导则(IEC 60068-2-44:1995,IDT)
GB/T 2424.25—2000 电工电子产品环境试验 第3部分:试验导则 地震试验方法(IEC 60068-3-3:1991,IDT)
GB/T 2424.26—2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第3部分:支持文件和导则 振动试验选择(IEC 60068-3-8:2003,IDT)
GB/T 2424.27—2013 环境试验 支持文件和指南 温湿度试验箱不确定度计算(IEC 60068-3-11:2007,IDT)
[1]IEC 60068-1 Environmental testing—Part 1:General and guidance
[2]IEC 60068-3-6 Environmental testing—Part 3-6:Supporting documentation and guidance—Confirmation of the performance of temperature/humidity chambers
[3]IEC 60584-1 Thermocouples—Part 1:EMF specifications and tolerances
[4]IEC 60751 Industrial platinum resistance thermometers and platinum temperature sensors
[5]ISO 10012 Measurement management systems—Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment