is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 22638 consists of the following ten parts under the general title Test methods for aluminium and aluminium alloy foils:
—Part 1: Determination of thickness;
—Part 2: Determination of pinhole;
—Part 3: Determination of stickiness;
—Part 4: Determination of surface wetting tension;
—Part 5: Determination of wettability;
—Part 6: Determination of direct current resistance;
—Part 7: Determination of heat seal strength;
—Part 8: Determination of cube texture content;
—Part 9: Determination of hydrophilic property;
—Part 10: Determination of mass per unit area (surface density) of coatings.
This is Part 5 of GB/T 22638.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part replaces GB/T 22638.5-2008 Test methods for aluminium and aluminium alloy foils—Part 5: Determination of wettability by brushing, and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 22638.5-2008:
——The standard name is modified to Test methods for aluminium and aluminium alloy foils—Part 5: Determination of wettability;
——Two wettability determination methods are added, namely "spray method" and "drop method”;
——The thickness of the outer layer of the foil roll that shall be removed before inspection is modified to 3 mm;
——The requirement of "if the wettability determination is directly carried out on the foil roll, the test solution shall be prevented from polluting the end face of the foil roll" is added;
——The requirement of "repeated determination is not allowed in the same area of the foil surface" is added.
This part was proposed by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.
This part is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Nonferrous Metals of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 243).
The previous edition of this part is as follows:
——GB/T 22638.5-2008.
Test methods for aluminium and aluminium alloy foils—Part 5: Determination of wettability
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 22638 specifies the determination method for wettability of aluminium and aluminium alloy foils.
This part is applicable to the determination of wetted parts on the foil surface after annealing.
The wiping method specified in this part is the arbitration method for the wettability determination of aluminium and aluminium alloy foils.
2 Principle
This method uses the principle that different liquids have different wettability on the surface of a fixed material, and uses test solutions with different ratios to detect the foil surface to determine its wettability.
3 Reagents and materials
3.1 Anhydrous ethanol: analytically pure.
3.2 Distilled water.
3.3 Degreasing cotton.
3.4 Forceps.
3.5 Spray bottle.
3.6 Dropper.
3.7 Test solution: take anhydrous ethanol (3.1) and distilled water (3.2) and prepare corresponding test solution according to Table 1.
Table 1 Test solution ratio
S.N. of test solution Test solution
1 Distilled water (3.2)
2 Ethanol solution (1+9)
3 Ethanol solution (2+8)
4 Ethanol solution (3+7)
5 Ethanol solution (4+6)
6 Ethanol solution (5+5)
7 Ethanol solution (6+4)
8 Ethanol solution (7+3)
4 Test conditions
The test shall be carried out at room temperature, and the temperature of the foil roll shall not be higher than 5°C or above the room temperature.
5 Sampling
5.1 The outer layer of foil roll with a thickness of at least 3 mm shall be removed before testing.
5.2 The dark side should be selected as the determination surface of double-face aluminum foil.
6 Wiping method
6.1 Take a absorbent cotton ball with forceps, dip it into the prepared test solution (3.7) and wipe it along the foil width, as shown in Figure 1. The width of the contact surface between the absorbent cotton and the specimen surface should not be less than 20 mm, and observe the shrinkage of the test solution on the foil surface.
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of wiping method
6.2 If the wettability determination is directly carried out on the foil roll, the test solution shall be prevented from polluting the end face of the foil roll.
6.3 Repeated determination is not allowed in the same area of the foil surface.
6.4 If the wetted area of the test solution shrinks within 2s, the test solution of the next serial number shall be selected for retest until the wetted area of the test solution on the foil surface does not shrink within 2s. If the wetted area of the test solution does not shrink within 2s, it indicates that the wettability of the tested aluminium and aluminium alloy foils reaches the corresponding grade of the test solution (see Table 2).
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Principle 3 Reagents and materials 4 Test conditions 5 Sampling 6 Wiping method 7 Spray method 8 Drop method 9 Test report
图1 擦拭法示意图 6.2 若直接在箔卷上进行润湿性检测,应防止试液污染箔卷端面。 6.3 不允许在箔面同一区域进行重复检测。 6.4 若试液所润湿面积在2 s内收缩,应选择下一序号的试液重新检测,直到试液在铝箔表面润湿面积在2 s内不收缩为止。若试液所润湿面积在2 s内不收缩,表明被检铝箔的润湿性达到该试液对应等级(见表2)。 表2 试液对应的润湿性等级 试液序号 润湿性等级 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 H 7 喷雾法 7.1 将铝箔展开,使铝箔自然下垂,沿铝箔宽度方向用装有试液(3.7)的喷雾瓶在表面进行喷雾(如图2所示),观察铝箔表面的润湿情况。