Personal protective equipment - Test methods for footwear
1 Scope
This Standard specifies methods for testing footwear designed as personal protective equipment.
This standard is applicable to safety footwear, protective footwear and occupational footwear, as well as other personal protective footwear.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) to, or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this specification are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition applies.
GB/T 308 Rolling bearings - Steel balls (GB/T 308-2002, neq ISO 3290: 1998)
GB/T 528 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tensile stress-strain properties (GB/T 528-1998, eqv ISO 37: 1994)
GB/T 529 Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tear strength (Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces) (eqv GB/T 529-1999, ISO 34-1: 1994)
GB/T 1690 Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of the effect of liquids (GB/T 1690-1992, neq ISO 1817: 1985)
GB/T 2411 Plastics - Shore hardness test
GB/T 5723 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of dimensions of test pieces and products for test purposes (GB/T 5723-1993, eqv ISO 4648: 1991)
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods (GB/T 6682-1992, neq ISO 3696: 1987)
GB/T 9867 Rubber - Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylinderical drum device (GB/T 9867-1988, neq ISO 4649: 1985)
GB 21146-2007 Personal protective equipment - Occupational footwear (ISO 20347: 2004, MOD)
GB 21147-2007 Personal protective equipment - Protective footwear (ISO 20346: 2004, MOD)
GB 21148-2007 Personal protective equipment - Safety footwear (ISO 20345: 2004, MOD)
HG/T 2581 Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of tear resistance (HG/T 2581-1994, neq ISO 4674: 1977)
QB/T 2710 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of tensile strength and percentage extension (QB/T 2710-2005, ISO 3376: 2002, MOD)
QB/T 2711 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of tear load - Double edge tear (QB/T 2711-2005, ISO 3377-2: 2002, MOD)
QB/T 2716 Leather - Preparation of chemical test samples (QB/T 2716-2005, ISO 4044: 1977, MOD)
QB/T 2724 Leather - Chemical test - Determination of ph (QB/T 2724-2005, ISO 4045: 1977, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given in GB 21146-2007, GB 21147-2007 and GB 21148-2007 shall apply.
4 Sampling and conditioning
The minimum numbers of samples to be tested, together with the minimum number of test pieces taken from each sample, shall be in accordance with Table 1.
Wherever possible and necessary to ensure the essential safety requirements, test pieces shall be taken from the whole footwear. If it is not possible to obtain a large enough test piece from the footwear, then a sample of the material from which the component has been manufactured may be used instead and this shall be noted in the test report.
Where samples are required from each of three sizes, these shall comprise the largest, the smallest and a middle size of the footwear under test.
Unless otherwise stated in the test method, all test pieces shall be conditioned in a standard atmosphere of (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5)% r.h. for a minimum of 48 h before testing; and the maximum time which shall elapse between removal from the conditioning atmosphere and the start of testing shall not be greater than 10 min.
Table 1 Minimum number of samples and test specimens
Footwear component Property under test
B: basic requirement
A: additional requirement Clause reference Number of samples Number of test pieces from each sample Test only on the final footwear
Whole footwear Specific ergonomic features B 5.1 3 pairs from 3 different sizes 1 pair yes
Upper/outsole and sole interlayer bond strength B 5.2 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Internal toecap length B 5.3 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Impact resistance B 5.4 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Compression resistance B 5.5 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Corrosion resistance of metallic toecaps or penetration-resistant metallic inserts B 5.6 2 from different sizes 1 No for classification I
Yes for classification II
Leakproofness B 5.7 2 from different sizes 1 yes
Dimensional conformity and penetration resistance of inserts A 5.8 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Flex resistance of penetration-resistant insert A 5.9 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair no
Electrical resistance A 5.10 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Electrical insulation A 5.11 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Insulation against heat A 5.12 2 from different sizes 1 yes
Insulation against cold A 5.13 2 from different sizes 1 yes
Energy absorption of seat region A 5.14 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Water resistance A 5.15 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Impact resistance metatarsal protective device A 5.16 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Ankle protection A 5.17 1 pair from each of 3 sizes 1 pair yes
Upper, lining and tongue Thickness B 6.1 1 from each of 3 sizes 3 yes
Height of the upper B 6.2 1 from each of 3 sizes 3 yes
Tear strength B 6.3 1 from each of 3 sizes 3 yes
Tensile properties B 6.4 1 from each of 3 sizes 3 yes
Flexing resistance B 6.5 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Water vapour permeability B 6.6 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Water vapour absorption B 6.7 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Water vapour coefficient B 6.8 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
pH value B 6.9 1 2 no
Hydrolysis B 6.10 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Chromium VI content B 6.11 1 2 no
Abrasion resistance of lining B 6.12 3 4 no
Water penetration and water absorption A 6.13 3 1 no
Cut resistance A 6.14 3 4 no
Insole and insock Thickness of insole B 7.1 3 a 1 no
pH value B 6.9 1 2 no
Water absorption and desorption B 7.2 3 a 1 no
Abrasion resistance of insole B 7.3 3 a 1 no
Chromium VI content B 6.11 1 2 no
Abrasion resistance of insock B 6.12 3 4 no
Outsole Thickness B 8.1 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Tear strength B 8.2 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Abrasion resistance B 8.3 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Flexing resistance B 8.4 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Hydrolysis B 8.5 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Resistance to fuel oil B 8.6 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
Resistance to hot contact B 8.7 1 from each of 3 sizes 1 yes
a If the samples are taken from the footwear, use 3 different sizes.
5 Test methods for whole footwear
5.1 Specific ergonomic features
The specific ergonomic features of the footwear shall be assessed by examining the footwear using wear trials on 3 wearers with appropriate foot sizes.
During the trials, the wearers wearing each pair of the correctly fitting footwear will simulate typical tasks likely to be undertaken in general use.
These tasks are:
——walk normally for 5 min at a speed of approx. 6 km/h;
——climb and descend 17 stairs for 1 min;
——kneel / crouch down, see Figure 1.
Note: This degree of shoe flexion will not be achieved for all types of footwear (for example footwear with a penetration-resistant metallic insert)
Figure 1 Position to adopt during the kneel / crouch down test
After having completed all tasks, each wearer shall fill in the questionnaire given in table 2.
Table 2 Questionnaire for the assessment of ergonomic features
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Sampling and conditioning 5 Test methods for whole footwear 5.1 Specific ergonomic features 5.2 Determination of upper/outsole and sole interlayer bond strength 5.3 Determination of internal toecap length 5.4 Determination of impact resistance 5.5 Determination of compression resistance 5.6 Determination of compression resistance 5.7 Determination of leakproofness 5.8 Determination of the dimensional conformity of penetration-resistant inserts and the penetration resistance of the sole 5.9 Determination of the flex resistance of penetration-resistant inserts 5.10 Determination of electrical resistance 5.11 Determination of the electrical insulation 5.12 Determination of insulation against heat 5.13 Determination of insulation against cold 5.14 Determination of energy absorption of seat region 5.15 Determination of resistance to water for whole footwear 5.16 Determination of impact resistance of metatarsal protective device 5.17 Determination of the shock absorption capacity of ankle protection materials incorporated into the upper 6 Test methods for upper, lining and tongue 6.1 Determination of thickness of upper 6.2 Measurement of the height of the upper 6.3 Determination of tear strength of upper, lining and/or tongue 6.4 Determination of the tensile properties of upper material 6.5 Determination of upper flexing resistance 6.6 Determination of water vapour permeability 6.7 Determination of water vapour absorption 6.8 Determination of water vapour coefficient 6.9 Determination of pH value 6.10 Determination of resistance to hydrolysis of upper 6.11 Determination of chromium VI content 6.12 Determination of abrasion resistance of lining and insock 6.13 Determination of water penetration and water absorption for upper 6.14 Determination of resistance of upper to cutting 7 Test methods for insole and insock 7.1 Determination of insole thickness 7.2 Determination of water absorption and desorption of insole and insock 7.3 Determination of abrasion resistance of insole 8 Test method for outsole 8.1 Determination of outsole thickness 8.2 Determination of outsole abrasion resistance 8.3 Determination of outsole abrasion resistance 8.4 Determination of flexing resistance of outsole 8.5 Determination of resistance to hydrolysis of outsole 8.6 Determination of resistance to fuel oil 8.7 Determination of resistance to hot contact Annex A (Informative) Other specifications for cotton canvas Bibliography
个体防护装备 鞋的测试方法 1 范围 本标准规定了个体防护装备中鞋的测试方法。 本标准适用于安全鞋、防护鞋和职业鞋,也适用于其他用于个体防护的鞋类。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB/T 308 滚动轴承 钢球(GB/T 308-2002,neq ISO 3290:1998) GB/T 528 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 拉伸应力应变性能的测定(GB/T 528-1998,eqv ISO 37:1994) GB/T 529 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶撕裂强度的测定(裤形、直角形和新月形试样)(eqv GB/T 529-1999,ISO 34-1:1994) GB/T 1690 硫化橡胶耐液体试验方法(GB/T 1690-1992,neq ISO 1817:1985) GB/T 2411 塑料邵氏硬度试验方法 GB/T 5723 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 试验用试样和制品尺寸的测定(GB/T 5723-1993,eqv ISO 4648:1991) GB/T 6682 分析实验室用水规格和试验方法(GB/T 6682-1992,neq ISO 3696:1987) GB/T 9867 硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定(GB/T 9867-1988,neq ISO 4649:1985) GB 21146-2007 个体防护装备 职业鞋(ISO 20347:2004,MOD) GB 21147-2007 个体防护装备 防护鞋(ISO 20346:2004,MOD) GB 21148-2007 个体防护装备 安全鞋(ISO 20345:2004,MOD) HG/T 2581 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物耐撕裂性能的测定(HG/T 2581-1994,neq ISO 4674:1977) QB/T 2710 皮革 物理和机械试验 抗张强度和伸长率的测定(QB/T 2710-2005,ISO 3376:2002,MOD) QB/T 2711 皮革 物理和机械试验 撕裂力的测定:双边撕裂(QB/T 2711-2005,ISO 3377-2:2002,MOD) QB/T 2716 皮革 化学试验样品的准备(QB/T 2716-2005,ISO 4044:1977,MOD) QB/T 2724 皮革 化学试验pH 的测定(QB/T 2724-2005,ISO 4045:1977,MOD) 3 术语和定义 GB 21146-2007、GB 21147-2007和GB 21148-2007确立的术语和定义适用于本标准。 4 取样和调节 被测样品的最少数量以及从每个样品上取得的试样最少数量应与表1一致。 为确保基本安全要求,试样应从成鞋上取下。如果不能从鞋上获得足够大的试样,则可以用生产该部分所用的材料样品代替,并且应在测试报告中注明。 如果样品要求三个鞋号,测试中应包括鞋的最大、最小和中间号。 除非测试方法中另有说明,所有试样测试前应在(23±2)℃和相对湿度(50±5)%的标准环境中调节至少48h;从停止环境调节到测试开始之间的时间间隔最长不应超过10min。 表1 样品和试样的最少数量 鞋部件 测试的性能 B:基本要求 A:附加要求 条款号 样品数量 从每个鞋号样品中取得的试样数量 只在成鞋上测试 成鞋 特定的工效学特征 B 5.1 3个鞋号每号取3双 1双 是 鞋帮与外底和鞋底中间层结合强度 B 5.2 3个鞋号每号取1只 1个 是 保护包头内部长度 B 5.3 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 抗冲击性 B 5.4 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 耐压力性 B 5.5 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 金属保护包头或金属防刺穿垫耐腐蚀性 B 5.6 不同鞋号2只 1个 I类不是 II类是 防漏性 B 5.7 不同鞋号2只 1个 是 防刺穿垫尺寸符合性和抗刺穿性 A 5.8 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 防刺穿垫耐折性 A 5.9 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 不是 电阻 A 5.10 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 电绝缘性 A 5.11 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 隔热性 A 5.12 不同鞋号2只 1个 是 防寒性 A 5.13 不同鞋号2只 1个 是 鞋座区域能量吸收 A 5.14 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 防水性 A 5.15 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 跖骨保护装置抗冲击性 A 5.16 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 踝保护 A 5.17 3个鞋号每号取1双 1双 是 鞋帮、衬里和鞋舌 厚度 B 6.1 3个鞋号每号取1只 3个 是 鞋帮高度 B 6.2 3个鞋号每号取1只 3个 是 撕裂强度 B 6.3 3个鞋号每号取1只 3个 是 拉伸性能 B 6.4 3个鞋号每号取1只 3个 是 耐折性 B 6.5 3个鞋号每号取1只 1个 是 水蒸气渗透性 B 6.6 3个鞋号每号取1只 1个 是 水蒸气吸收性 B 6.7 3个鞋号每号取1只 1个 是 水蒸气系数 B 6.8 3个鞋号每号取1只 1个 是 pH值 B 6.9 1只 2个 不是 水解 B 6.10 3个鞋号每号取1只 1个 是 六价铬含量 B 6.11 1只 2个 不是 衬里耐磨性 B 6.12 3只 4个 不是 透水性和吸水性 A 6.13 3只 1个 不是 抗切割性 A 6.14 3只 4个 不是 内底和鞋垫 内底厚度 B 7.1 3只a 1个 不是 pH值 B 6.9 1只 2个 不是 吸水性和水解吸性 B 7.2 3只a 1个 不是 内底耐磨性 B 7.3 3只a 1个 不是 六价铬含量 B 6.11 1只 2个 不是 鞋垫耐磨性 B 6.12 3只 4个 不是 外底 厚度 B 8.1 3个号每号取1只 1个 是 撕裂强度 B 8.2 3个号每号取1只 1个 是 耐磨性 B 8.3 3个号每号取1只 1个 是 耐折性 B 8.4 3个号每号取1只 1个 是 水解 B 8.5 3个号每号取1只 1个 是 耐油性 B 8.6 3个号每号取1只 1个 是 耐热接触性 B 8.7 3个号每号取1只 1个 是 a 如果样品来自鞋,用3个不同鞋号。 5 成鞋的测试方法 5.1 特定的工效学特征 应在3个鞋号合适的穿着者脚上进行试穿,通过检查鞋来评价特定的工效学特征。 在试穿期间,穿着正确合适的鞋的穿着者将模仿通常会做的动作。 这些动作是: ——以大约6 km/h的速度走5 min; ——上和下17级楼梯1min; ——跪/蹲下,见图1。