This standard specifies the test methods for color fastness to saliva of a type of textile.
This standard is applicable to various textiles.
2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding amending error in the text) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not be applied. However, the parties whose enter into agreement according to these specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these references are applied or not. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to these specifications.
GB 250 "Gray scale for assessing change in color" (idt ISO 105/A02)
GB 250 "Gray scale for assessing staining" (idt ISO 105/A03)
GB/T 3922 Textiles--Testing method for color fastness to perspiration (eqv ISO 105/E04)
GB 7564~7568 Textiles-Tests for color fastness-Specification for standard adjacent fabric (neq ISO 105/F)
GB 11404 Textiles-Tests for color fastness-Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Multi-fiber (neq ISO/DIS 105/F10)
3 Principles
Joint a specimen and the specified adjacent fabric together, remove the test solution after the treatment in artificial saliva, lay it between two pieces of flat plates inside the test equipment and apply the specified pressure, and then dry the specimen and adjacent fabric respectively, evaluate the discoloration of the specimen and staining of the adjacent fabric.
4.8 Adjacent fabric: each composite specimen requires two pieces of single-fiber adjacent fabric or a piece of multi-fiber adjacent fabric; the size of each piece is 10cm × 4cm.If single fiber is used for lining, the first piece shall be made of the allied fiber in the specimen while the second piece shall be made of the specified fiber in Table 1. If the specimen is blending or intertexture, the first piece shall be made of the fiber of main content while the second piece shall be made of the fiber of secondary content. The specification of the used adjacent fabric shall meet those specified in GB 7564~7568and GB 11404.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Principles 4 Reagents And Materials 5 Instruments 6 Sample Preparation 7 Preparation Of The Test Solution 8 Operation Procedure 9 Test Report