is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 1596 2005 Fly Ash Used for Cement and Concrete.
The following technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 1596-2005 (the previous edition):
——"Reference sample: in conformity with GSB 14-1510 Standard Cement Sample for Strength Inspection" is replaced by "reference cement: in conformity with GSB 14-1510, or portland cement or ordinary portland cement with strength grade of 42.5 which is in conformity with GB 175 and meets the relevant requirements of this standard" (see 3.2, also 3.2 in Edition 2005);
——In the technical requirements, "total mass fraction and indicators of density and strength activity indexes of SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3" are added in the "fly ash for mixing concrete and mortar"; as for the fineness indicator of Grade II fly ash, "residue on 45μm square hole sieve shall be no greater than 25 % " is replaced by "residue on 45μm square hole sieve shall be no greater than 30%"; the ignition loss of Grade III fly ash is changed from "no greater than 15.0%" to "no greater than 10.0%"(see 6.1, also 6.1 in Edition 2005);
——In the technical requirements, the indicators of "total mass fraction and density of SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3" are added in the "fly ash as active admixture for cement" (see 6.2);
——The radioactive index "accepted" is replaced by "in conformity with the requirements of GB 6566 for materials of major building structure" (see 6.2, also 6.3 in Edition 2005);
——The content of calcium sulfate hemihydrate is required to be detected for fly ash produced with dry or semi-dry desulfurization process, for which the specified indicators and test methods are added (see 6.4 and 7.5);
——The mix ratio of radioactive testing samples is added (see 7.9);
——The mortar fluidity of reference cement in water demand ratio test for fly ash is changed from “130 mm~140 mm” to “145 mm~155 mm”, and the test procedure is modified (see Annexes A.3 and A.5, and also Annexes B.3 and B.5 in Edition 2005).
This standard was proposed by China Building Materials Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 184 National Technical Committee on Cements of Standardization Administration of China.
The previous editions of the standard replaced by this standard are as follows:
——GB/T 1596-1979, GB/T 1596-1991 and GB/T 1596-2005.
Fly Ash Used for Cement and Concrete
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, grading, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transport and storage of fly ash used for cement and concrete.
This standard is applicable to fly ash serving as admixture for mixing of mortar and concrete as well as that serving as active admixture in cement production.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated reference, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 175 Common Portland Cement
GB/T 176 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Cement
GB/T 208 Standard Test Method for Cement Density
GB/T 1345 The Test Sieving Method for Fineness of Cement
GB/T 1346 Test Methods for Water Requirement of Normal Consistency, Setting Time and Soundness of the Portland Cement
GB/T 2419 Test Method for Fluidity of Cement Mortar
GBT 5484 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Gypsum
GB 6566 Limits of Radionuclides in Building Materials
GB/T 12573 Sampling Method for Cement
GB/T 17671-1999 Method of Testing Cements - Determination of Strength
GSB 08-1337 Chinese ISO Standard Sand
GSB 08-2506 Standard Sample for Fineness of Fly Ash
GSB 14-1510 Standard Cement Sample for Strength Inspection
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
fly ash
powder collected from the gas in flue of pulverized coal boiler
Note: Fly ash does not include the following: (1) when the coal is calcined together with urban garbage or other wastes; (2) when industrial or urban garbage is calcined in the incinerator; (3) the powder collected by burning in a circulating fluidized bed boiler.
reference cement
portland cement or ordinary portland cement with strength grade of 42.5 which is in conformity with GB 175 and meets the relevant requirements of this standard
testing sample
made by mixing the reference cement and fly ash to be inspected in the mass ratio of 7:3
reference mortar
made by mixing the reference cement with standard sand of specified grading in the mass ratio of 1:3
testing mortar
made by mixing the testing sample with standard sand of specified grading in the mass ratio of 1:3
strength activity index
the ratio of compressive strength of testing mortar to that of reference mortar at the specified age, expressed as a percentage
4 Classification
4.1 With respect to the type of fuel coal, it is divided into fly ash Type F (fly ash collected by calcining anthracite or bituminous coal) and fly ash Type C (fly ash with calcium oxide content greater than or equal to 10% generally, collected by calcining brown coal or sub-bituminous coal).
4.2 With respect to the purpose, it is divided into fly ash for mixing mortar and concrete and fly ash as active admixture for cement.
5 Grading
Fly ash for mixing mortar and concrete is divided into three grades: Grade I, Grade II and Grade III.
Active admixture for cement is not subject to grading.
6 Technical Requirements
6.1 Requirements for physical and chemical performances
Fly ash for mixing mortar and concrete shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 1; fly ash as active admixture for cement shall meet those specified in Table 2.
Table 1 Requirements for Physical and Chemical Performances of Fly Ash for Mixing Mortar and Concrete
Item Requirements for physical and chemical performances
Grade I Grade II Grade III
Fineness (residue on 45µ square-mesh sieve)/% Fly ash Type F ≤12.0 ≤30.0 ≤45.0
Fly ash Type C
Water demand ratio/% Fly ash Type F ≤95 ≤105 ≤115
Fly ash Type C
Ignition loss/% Fly ash Type F ≤5.0 ≤8.0 ≤10.0
Fly ash Type C
Moisture content/% Fly ash Type F ≤1.0
Fly ash Type C
Mass fraction of sulfur trioxide (SO3)/% Fly ash Type F ≤3.0
Fly ash Type C
Mass fraction of free calcium oxide (f-CaO)/% Fly ash Type F ≤1.0
Fly ash Type C ≤4.0
Total mass fraction of silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and ferric oxide (Fe2O3) /% Fly ash Type F ≥70.0
Fly ash Type C ≥50.0
Density /(g/cm3) Fly ash Type F ≤2.6
Fly ash Type C
Soundness (Le Chatelier test)/(mm) Fly ash Type C ≤5.0
Strength activity index /% Fly ash Type F ≥70.0
Fly ash Type C
Table 2 Requirements for Physical and Chemical Performances of Fly Ash as Active Admixture for Cement
Item Requirements for physical and chemical performances
Ignition loss/% Fly ash Type F ≤8.0
Fly ash Type C
Moisture content/% Fly ash Type F ≤1.0
Fly ash Type C
Mass fraction of sulfur trioxide (SO3)/% Fly ash Type F ≤3.5
Fly ash Type C
Mass fraction of free calcium oxide (f-CaO)/% Fly ash Type F ≤1.0
Fly ash Type C ≤4.0
Total mass fraction of silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and ferric oxide (Fe2O3) /% Fly ash Type F ≥70.0
Fly ash Type C ≥50.0
Density /(g/cm3) Fly ash Type F ≤2.6
Fly ash Type C
Soundness (Le Chatelier test)/(mm) Fly ash Type C ≤5.0
Strength activity index /% Fly ash Type F ≥70.0
Fly ash Type C
6.2 Radioactivity
It shall conform to the requirements of GB 6566 on specified indexes of materials for major building structure.
6.3 Alkali content
It shall be expressed by the calculated value of Na2O+0.658K2O. In the case of alkali content requirement during fly ash application, it shall be determined through the negotiation of the Supplier and the Demander.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification 5 Grading 6 Technical Requirements 7 Test Methods 8 Inspection Rules 9 Packaging, Marking, Transport and Storage Annex A (Informative) Test Method for Water Demand Ratio of Fly Ash Annex B (Normative) Test Method for Determining Moisture Content of Fly Ash Annex C (Normative) Test Method for Determining Strength Activity Index of Fly Ash