1.0.1 The purpose of the standard is to unify the basic principle and procedures for reliability design of building structure of various materials, and make the design meet the requirements of advanced in techniques, reasonable economy, safety and application, and quality assurance.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the design of building structure, components, and the base.
1.0.3 The standard for building structure load and design standards of steel structure, thin-wall frame steel structure, concrete structure, and wooden structures, must observe this standard; the standard for structure base and Seismic should observe the principles of this standard.
1.0.4 The base duration of design in this standard is 50 years.
1.0.5 The design service life of structures should refer to Table 1.0.5.
Table 1.0.5 Classification of design service life
Type Design service life (year) Example
1 5 Temporary structures
2 25 Structure components easy to be substituted
3 50 Average house and structures
4 100 Buildings for memory and especially important structures
1.0.6 The adequate reliability should be retained for structures in the design service life. The structure reliability can be determined by the limit state design procedures based on the probability theory.
1.0.7 The following functionality should be reached for the structures in the design service life:
1 All possible actions can be withstood during normal construction and normal service;
2 The good working performance should be maintained during normal service;
3 The adequate duration of performance should be kept for the structures in normal maintenance;
4 The necessary whole stability can be held during and after occasional cases specified by the standards.
1.0.8 The different safety classes should be adopted based on the degree of possible results (life-threatening, economic lost, social influences) stem from structure failure when designing structures. The classification of structure safety should follow the requirements listed in Table 1.0.8.
Table 1.0.8 Safety classification of structures
Safety class Failure results Structure type
ClassⅠ Very serious Important house
ClassⅡ Serious Average house
ClassⅢ Not serious Less important house
Note: 1 The safety classification of the special structures should be settled according to specific situations.
2 The safety classification for the base design and ones following Seismic (anti-seismic) requirements, also should observe other present related standards of the nation.
1.0.9 The safety classification of all the structure components should be the same as the ones of the whole structure. Some adjustment can be made to part of the components, but must not be below Class three.
1.0.10 In order to maintain the specified reliability for structures, the corresponding controls over materials performance, construction quality, service and maintenance should be executed, as well as necessary calculation. The specific requirements of controls should follow the items of related reconnaissance, design, construction, and maintenance.
Contents 1 General 2 Terminology, symbols 3 The design principles for limit state 4 Actions on structures 5 Properties of materials and rock, and geometric parameters 6 Structure analysis 7 Design expressions for the limit state 8 Requirements of quality control Wording explanations for this code