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1 General 1.0.1 This code was formulated with a view to implementing the national technical and economic policies in the design of concrete structures, achieving safety, applicability and economy and guaranteeing quality. 1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of buildings and other general structures made by reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete and plain concrete. But it is not applicable to the design of structures using light self-weight aggregate concrete and special concrete. 1.0.3 This code was formulated based on the principle of the current national standards “Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures” (GB 50153) and “Unified Standard Reliability Design of Building Structures” (GB 50068). This code gives the basic requirements for the design of concrete structures. 1.0.4 In addition to this code, the design of concrete structures shall also comply with those stipulations specified in the relevant current national standards. 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.1.1 Concrete structure The structure that is made mainly by concrete, including plain concrete structure, reinforced concrete structure and prestressed concrete structure, etc.. 2.1.2 Plain concrete structure The concrete structure that has no reinforcement or no load-carrying reinforcement. 2.1.3 Steel rebar A generic term for non-prestressing reinforcement used in concrete structural members. 2.1.4 Prestressing tendon A generic term for prestressing steel wires, strands and deformed steel rebars used in concrete structural members. 2.1.5 Reinforced concrete structure The concrete structure that is provided with load-carrying reinforcement. 2.1.6 Prestressed concrete structure The concrete structure that is provided with load-carrying prestressing tendons. The prestress is introduced through stretching or other methods. 2.1.7 Cast-in-situ concrete structure The concrete structure that is built by erecting form and integrally casting at its permanent location. 2.1.8 Precast concrete structure The concrete structure that is formed by assembling and connecting precast concrete members or parts. 2.1.9 Assembled monolithic concrete structure The concrete structure that is assembled by connecting precast concrete members or parts with steel reinforcement, connectors or prestressing force and is finished by casting concrete at connecting spots to form an integeral structure that responds to loads as one unit. 2.1.10 Composite member The structural member that is produced by combining precast concrete members (or existing concrete structural members) and cast-in-situ concrete but so interconnected that the combined components act together as a single member and respond to loads as one unit. 2.1.11 Deep flexural member The flexural member having span to height ratio less than 5. 2.1.12 Deep beam The simply-supported single-span beam having span to height ratio less than 2, or multi-span continuous beam having span to height ratio less than 2.5. 2.1.13 Pretensioned prestressed concrete structure The concrete structure that is built by tensioning prestressing tendons on pedestal first and then pouring concrete. The tendons and/or bars are then released from the pedestal and the prestress is introduced into concrete through bonding action. 2.1.14 Post-tensioned prestressed concrete structure The concrete structure in which the prestressing tendons are not tensioned until the concrete has reached the required strength. The stretched prestressing tendons are anchored on the concrete to establish prestress. 2.1.15 Unbonded prestressed concrete structure One type of the post-tensioned prestressed concrete structures, using unbonded prestressing tendons that can slide relative to concrete. 2.1.16 Bonded prestressed concrete structure The concrete structure in which the prestress is established by grouting or by directly contacting with concrete to form the mutual bonding between prestressing tendons and concrete. 2.1.17 Structural joint A generic term for gaps dividing a concrete structure according to the requirements of structural design. 2.1.18 Concrete cover Concrete ranging from the outer edge of reinforcement to the surface of concrete member with a function to protect the reinforcement. 2.1.19 Anchorage length A length that is required for reinforcement to provide design stresses through bonding action between the surface of the reinforcement and concrete, or via bearing action between the folded end of the reinforcement and concrete. 2.1.20 Splice of reinforcement A structural form realizing the transfer of internal forces between reinforcement by such methods as binding and lapping, mechanical connecting and welding. 2.1.21 Ratio of reinforcement The ratio of the reinforcement areas (or volumes) to the specified cross-sectional area (or volume) of a concrete member. 2.1.22 Shear span ratio The ratio of the section bending moment to the shear force multiplied by effective depth. 2.1.23 Transverse reinforcement Stirrup or indirect reinforcement perpendicular to longitudinal reinforcement. 2.2 Symbols 2.2.1 Material properties Ec—— Elastic modulus of concrete; Es—— Elastic modulus of steel reinforcement; C30—— Strength grade of concrete having a characteristic value of 30N/mm2 for the cube compressive strength; HRB500—— Ordinary hot rolled ribbed steel rebar with a strength level of 500MPa; HRBF400—— Fine grain hot rolled ribbed steel rebar with a strength level of 400MPa; RRB400—— Remained heat treatment ribbed steel rebar with a strength level of 400MPa; HPB300—— Hot rolled plain round steel rebar with a strength level of 300MPa; HRB400E—— Ordinary hot rolled ribbed steel rebar with a strength level of 400MPa and having relatively high seismic performance; fck, fc—— Characteristic value and design value of the axial compressive strength of concrete, respectively; ftk, ft—— Characteristic value and design value of the axial tensile strength of concrete, respectively; fyk, fpyk—— Characteristic values of the yield strength for steel rebars and prestressing tendons, respectively; fstk, fptk—— Characteristic values of the ultimate strength for steel rebars and prestressing tendons, respectively; fy, —— Design values of the tensile strength and compressive strength for steel rebars, respectively; fpy, —— Design values of tensile strength and compressive strength for prestressing tendons, respectively; fyv—— Design value of tensile strength for transverse reinforcement; δgt—— Total percentage elongation of reinforcement at the maximum force, also referred to as uniform percentage elongation. 2.2.2 Actions and action effects N—— Design value of axial force; Nk, Nq—— Values of axial forces calculated in accordance with the characteristic combination and the quasi-permanent combination of loads, respectively; Nu0—— Design value of the axial compression or axial tension load-carrying capacity of member section; Np0—— Prestressing force applied to prestressed concrete where prestress in the normal direction of the concrete is equal to zero; M—— Design value of bending moment; Mk, Mq—— Values of bending moment calculated in accordance with the characteristic combination and the quasi-permanent combination of loads, respectively; Mu—— Design value of the flexural capacity for the normal section of a member; Mcr—— Cracking bending moment value for the normal section of a flexural member; T—— Design value of torsional moment; V—— Design value of shear force; Fl—— Design value of localised force or concentrated reaction; σs, σp—— Stresses in longitudinal reinforcement and in prestressing tendon respectively, in the calculation of load-carrying capacity for normal section; σpe—— Effective prestress of prestressing tendon; σl, —— Losses of prestress at the corresponding stages for prestressing tendon in tension zone and compression zone, respectively; τ—— Shear stress of concrete; ωmax—— The maximum crack width calculated according to quasi-permanent loads combination or characteristic loads combination, and taking into account effects of long term action. 2.2.3 Geometric parameters b—— Width of rectangular section, or web width of T-shaped or I-shaped sections; c—— Thickness of concrete cover; d—— Nominal diameter of steel reinforcement (hereinafter referred to as “diameter”) or diameter of circular section; h—— Depth of section; h0—— Effective depth of section; lab, la—— Basic anchorage length, and anchorage length of longitudinal tensile reinforcement, respectively; l0—— Effective span or length; s—— Spacing of transverse reinforcement, spacing of spiral reinforcement or spacing of stirrups in the longitudinal direction of a member; x—— Depth of concrete compression zone; A—— Cross-sectional area of a member; As, —— Cross-sectional areas of longitudinal steel rebars in tension zone and compression zone, respectively; Ap, —— Cross-sectional areas of longitudinal prestressing tendons in tension zone and compression zone, respectively; Al—— Local compression area of concrete; Acor—— Core cross-sectional area of concrete surrounded by stirrups, spiral reinforcement or reinforcement mesh; B—— Section rigidity of a flexural member; I—— Moment of inertia of section; W—— Elastic section modulus with respect to the extreme fiber in tension zone of section; Wt—— Plastic torsional section modulus. 2.2.4 Calculation coefficients and miscellaneous αE—— Ratio of the elastic modulus of steel reinforcement to the elastic modulus of concrete; γ—— Plastic coefficient for section modulus of concrete members; η—— Amplifying coefficient for eccentricity of axial force considering second order effect; λ—— Ratio of shear span to effective depth for calculated section, namely M/(Vh0); ρ—— Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement; ρv—— Volumetric reinforcement ratio for indirect reinforcement or stirrup; —— Diameter of rebar, 20 represents the rebar having a diameter of 20mm. 3 General Requirements 3.1 General 3.1.1 The design of concrete structures shall include the following contents: 1 Design of structural scheme, including the structure selection, member layout and force transfer route; 2 Action and effects of action analysis; 3 Limit states design of the structure; 4 Detailing and connection measures of structures and members; 5 Durability and construction requirements; 6 Special performance design of such structure meeting special requirements. 3.1.2 This code adopts the probability-based limit states design method, the degree of reliability of structural members is measured by the reliability index, and the design is carried out by adopting the design expressions of partial factors. 3.1.3 The limit states design of concrete structures shall include: 1 Ultimate limit states: A structure or a structural member reaches the maximum load-carrying capacity and appears the fatigue failure or undue deformation unsuitable for loading continually or has progressive collapse due to the local failure of structure; 2 Serviceability limit states: A structure or a structural member reaches a certain specified limit value of serviceability or a certain specified state of durability. 3.1.4 The direct action (load) on a structure shall be determined in accordance with the current national standard “Load Code for the Design of Building Structures” (GB 50009) and the relevant standards; the seismic action shall be determined in accordance with the current national standard “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings” (GB 50011). The indirect action and accidental action shall be determined in accordance with the relevant standards or the specific conditions. Structural members directly bearing crane loads shall take the dynamic factor of crane loads into account. For fabrication, transportation and installation of precast members, the corresponding dynamic factors shall be taken into account. For cast-in-situ structures, the loads during the construction stage shall be taken into account if necessary. 3.1.5 The safety class and design working life of concrete structures shall meet the current national standard “Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures” (GB 50153). The safety class of different structural members in a concrete structure should be the same as the safety class of the whole structure. The safety class of parts of the structural member may be adjusted properly according to their importance. For important members and critical force transfer positions in the structure, the safety class should be elevated appropriately. 3.1.6 The design of concrete structures shall take the technical level of construction and the feasibility of practical engineering condition into account. For concrete structures with special functions, the corresponding construction requirements shall be proposed. 3.1.7 The design shall explicate the purposes of the structures. The purposes and the aplication circumstances of the structures shall not be modified within the design working life without technical evaluation or design permission. 3.2 Structural Scheme 3.2.1 The design scheme of concrete structures shall meet the following requirements: 1 Reasonable structural system, member form and layout shall be selected; 2 The plan and elevation of the structure should be arranged regularly, the mass and rigidity of all parts should be uniform and continuous; 3 The force transfer path of the structure shall be simple and definite, and vertical members should be continuous and aligned; 4 The statically indeterminte structure should be adopted; important members and crucial force transfer positions shall have additional redundant constraints or have several load transfer paths; 5 Measures should be taken to reduce the effects of accidental actions. 3.2.2 The design of structural joints in concrete structures shall meet the following requirements: 1 The position and structural form of structural joints shall be determined reasonably in accordance with the load-carrying characteristics, architectural scale and shape, and service requirements of the structure; 2 The number of structural joints should be controlled, and effective measures shall be taken to reduce the adverse impacts of joints on the service function; 3 The temporary structural joints during construction stage may be arranged as required. 3.2.3 The connection of structural members shall meet the following requirements: 1 The load-carrying capacity of the connecting part shall ensure the force transfer between the connected members; 2 When the concrete members are connected with those made of other materials, reliable measures shall be taken; 3 The impact caused by the deformation of concrete member on connecting joints and adjacent structures or members shall be considered. 3.2.4 The design of concrete structures shall meet the requirements on material saving, ease of construction, reducing energy consumption and protecting environment. 3.3 Ultimate Limit States 3.3.1 The ultimate limit states design of concrete structures shall include the following contents: 1 The calculation of load-carrying capacity (including instability) shall be carried out for structural members; 2 Fatigue analysis shall be carried out for members undergoing repeated loads; 3 When seismic design is required, the calculation of seismic capacity shall be carried out; 4 The analysis of structural overturning, sliding or floating shall be carried out if necessary; 5 Regarding the important structures that may suffer from accidental actions and may cause serious consequences if collapsing, the design against progressive collapse should be carried out. 3.3.2 For persistent design situation, transient design situation and seismic design situation, if expressed in the form of internal force, the following design expressions shall be adopted for ultimate limit states design of the structural members: γ0S≤R (3.3.2-1) R=R(fc, fs, ak, …)/γRd (3.3.2-2) Where γ0——The significance coefficient of structure: under the persistent design situation and transient design situation, this coefficient shall not be less than 1.1 for the structural members having the safety grade of Class I ; it shall not be less than 1.0 for the structural members having the safety grade of Class II; and it shall not be less than 0.9 for the structural members having the safety grade of Class III; under the seismic design situation, this coefficient shall be 1.0; S——The design value of the effect for combination of actions at ultimate limit states: it shall be calculated according to the basic combination of actions under the persistent design situation and transient design situation; and it shall be calculated according to the seismic combination of actions under seismic design situation; R——The design value of resistance of structural member; R(·)——The function of resistance of structural member; γRd——The uncertainty coefficient of the resistance model of structural member: it is taken as 1.0 for static design, and taken as values larger than 1.0 according to specific conditions for the structural members with large uncertainty; in the seismic design, γRd shall be replaced by the seismic adjustment coefficient of load-carrying capacity γRE; fc, fs——The design values of the strength for concrete and steel reinforcement respectively, which shall be taken as the values in accordance with Article 4.1.4 and Article 4.2.3 of this code; ak——The characteristic value of geometric parameter. If the variation of the geometric parameter has significant adverse impact on the structural behavior, ak may be increased or decreased by an additional value. Note: γ0S in Expression (3.3.2-1) is the design value of internal force and is expressed by N, M, V, T in chapters of this code. 3.3.3 For the two-dimensional and three-dimensional concrete structural members, if the analysis is carried out according to the elastic or elastic-plastic method and the expression is in the form of stress, the concrete stress may be equivalently substituted into the design value of internal force in the zone and be calculated according to Article 3.3.2 of this code; or the design may be carried out by directly adopting the multi-axial strength criterion. 3.3.4 Where the ultimate limit states design of the structure under accidental actions is carried out, the design value S in Expression (3.3.2-1) shall be calculated according to the accidental combination and the significance coefficient of structure (γ0) shall be taken as a value no less than 1.0; the design values of strength of concrete and steel reinforcement (fc and fs) in Expression (3.3.2-2) shall be replaced by the characteristic values of strength (fck and fyk) (or fpyk). Where progressive collapse analysis of structure is carried out, the function of load-carrying capacity of structural member shall be determined according to the principles stated in Section 3.6 of this code. 3.3.5 The ultimate limit states design of existing structures shall be carried out according to the following requirements: 1 Where ultimate limit states analysis is required for conducting safety reassessment, changing service purpose or extending the service life of existing structures, it should meet the requirements specified in Article 3.3.2 of this code; 2 Where existing structures are redesigned for the purpose of renovation, extension or consolidation, the calculation of ultimate limit states shall meet the requirements specified in Section 3.7 of this code. 3.4 Serviceability Limit States 3.4.1 On the basis of the functions and appearance requirements of the concrete structural members, the serviceability limit states shall be checked according to the following provisions: 1 For members requiring deformation control, the deformation shall be checked; 2 For members that are not allowed to crack, the tensile stress of concrete shall be checked; 3 For members that are allowed to crack, the width of cracks shall be checked; 4 For floor system having comfort requirements, the vertical natural vibration frequency shall be checked. 3.4.2 For serviceability limit states, reinforced concrete members and prestressed concrete members shall be checked respectively according to the quasi-permanent combination or characteristic combination of loads, and taking into account the influence of long-term actions, by adopting the following design expression: S≤C (3.4.2) Where S——The design value of the effect of load combination for serviceability limit states; C——The limit value of the specified deformation, stress, crack width or natural vibration frequency when the structural member meets the serviceability requirements. 3.4.3 The maximum deflection of reinforced concrete flexural member shall be calculated according to the quasi-permanent combination of loads; the maximum deflection of prestressed concrete flexural member shall be calculated according to the characteristic combination of loads; the influence of long-term action of loads shall be considered in both calculations; the calculated values shall not exceed the deflection limit values specified in Table 3.4.3. Table 3.4.3 Deflection Limit Values of Flexural Members Member type Limit value of deflection Crane girder Manual-operate crane l0/500 Electric-operate crane l0/600 Roof, floor and stair members If l0<7m l0/200(l0/250) If 7m≤l0≤9m l0/250(l0/300) If l0>9m l0/300(l0/400) Note: 1 l0 in this Table is the effective span of members; to calculate the limit value of deflection of cantilever members, its effective span l0 shall be adopted as two times the actual cantilever length; 2 Values in parentheses in this Table are applicable to members that have comparatively high requirement on deflection in application; 3 If the member is cambered before fabrication and it is allowed in application, the camber value shall be deducted from the calculated deflection value during the deflection analysis; for prestressed concrete members, the inverted camber value caused by jacking force may be also be deducted; 4 The camber value during the fabrication of member and the inverted camber value caused by jacking force should not exceed the calculated deflection value of the member under the action of corresponding load combination. 3.4.4 The control of force-induced cracks for normal section of structural member shall be divided into three levels, and the classification and requirements of the control level shall meet the following provisions: Level 1——For members on which cracks are strictly prohibited, if the calculation is in accordance with the characteristic combination of loads, tensile stress shall not occur at the extreme fiber in tension zone of concrete. Level 2——For members on which cracks are generally prohibited, if the calculation is in accordance with the characteristic combination of loads, tensile stress at the extreme fiber in tension zone of concrete shall not be larger than the characteristic value of concrete tensile strength. Level 3——For members on which cracks are allowed: as for reinforced concrete members, if the calculation is in accordance with the quasi-permanent combination of loads and considering the influence of long-term actions of loads, the maximum crack width of the member shall not exceed the limit values of maximum crack width as specified in Table 3.4.5 of this code. As for prestressed concrete members, if the calculation is in accordance with the characteristic combination of loads and considering the influence of long-term actions of loads, the maximum crack width of the member shall not exceed the limit values of maximum crack width as specified in Article 3.4.5 of this code; as for the prestressed concrete members of Environmental Category II-a, the calculation shall also be in accordance with the quasi-permanent combination of loads and the concrete tensile stress at the extreme fiber in tension zone of the member shall not be larger than the characteristic value of the concrete tensile strength. 3.4.5 The different crack control levels and the limit values of maximum crack width ωlim of structural members shall be selected from Table 3.4.5 according to the structure type and the environmental categories specified in Article 3.5.2 of this code. Table 3.4.5 Crack Control Levels and Limit Values of Maximum Crack Width (mm) of Structural Members Environmental category Reinforced concrete structure Prestressed concrete structure Crack control level ωlim Crack control level ωlim I Level 3 0.30 (0.40) Level 3 0.20 II-a 0.20 0.10 II-b Level 2 — III-a and III-b Level 1 — Note: 1 For flexural members of Environmental Category I in such areas where the annual average relative humidity is less than 60%, the limit value for the maximum crack width may be taken as the values in parentheses; 2 Under Category I environment, the limit value for the maximum crack width of reinforced concrete roof truss, bracket and crane girder requiring fatigue analysis shall be taken as 0.20mm; and for reinforced concrete roof beam and joist, the limit value shall be taken as 0.30mm; 3 Under Category I environment, the prestressed concrete roof truss, bracket and two-way slab system shall be checked according to the crack control level 2; under the Category I environment, the prestressed concrete roof beam, joist and one-way slab shall be checked according to the requirements for Category II-a environment as given in this Table; under the Category I and II-a environments, the prestressed concrete crane girder requiring the checking of fatigue shall be checked according to the members with crack control level no less than Level 2; 4 The crack control levels and the limit values of maximum crack width for prestressed concrete members are only applicable to the checking of normal section; the checking of the crack control of inclined section of prestressed concrete members shall meet the relevant requirements stated in Chapter 7 of this code; 5 For chimneys, silos and structures under liquid pressure, the crack control requirements shall meet the relevant provisions of special standards; 6 For structural members under Category IV and V environments, the crack control requirements shall meet the relevant provisions of special standards; 7 The limit values of the maximum crack width in this Table are used for the checking of maximum crack width caused by the action of loads. 3.4.6 For concrete floor systems, the vertical natural vibration frequency shall be checked according to the requirements of their service functions and should meet the following requirements: 1 The vertical natural vibration frequency of residential buildings and apartments should not be less than 5Hz; 2 The vertical natural vibration frequency of office buildings and hotels should not be less than 4Hz; 3 The vertical natural vibration frequency of large-span public buildings should not be less than 3Hz. 3.5 Durability Requirements 3.5.1 The durability of concrete structures shall be designed in accordance with the design working life and environmental categories, and the durability design shall include the following contents: 1 The environmental category in which the structure is located shall be determined; 2 The basic requirements on the durability of concrete materials shall be proposed; 3 The thickness of concrete cover for steel reinforcement in members shall be determined; 4 The technical measures for durability taken under different ambient conditions; 5 The inspection and maintenance requirements for structures in service shall be proposed. Note: As for the temporary concrete structures, the requirements for durability of concrete may not be considered. 3.5.2 The category of exposure environment of concrete structure shall be divided according to the requirements of Table 3.5.2. Table 3.5.2 Environmental Categories for Concrete Structures Environmental category Condition I Dry indoor environment; Submersion environment of non-aggressive static water II-a Indoor humid environment; Open-air environment of non-severe cold and non-cold areas; Environment in non-severe cold and non-cold areas, directly contacting with non-aggressive water or soil; Environment below the frost lines in severe cold and cold areas, directly contacting with non- aggressive water or soil II-b Alternate wetting and drying environment; Environment with frequently varying water levels; Open-air environment of the severe cold and cold areas; Environments above the frost lines in severe cold and cold areas, directly contacting with non-aggressive water or soil III-a Environment in regions with varying water levels in winter in the severe cold and cold areas; Environment affected by deicing salt; Sea wind environment III-b Environment of salty soil; Environment under the action of deicing salt; Seacoast environment IV Sea water environment V Environment affected by human action or natural corrosive substance Note: 1 The indoor humid environment refers to the environment in which the member surface is at the dew or wet state frequently; 2 The division of severe cold and cold areas shall meet the relevant provisions of the current national standard “Thermal Design Code for Civil Building” (GB 50176). 3 The seacoast environment and sea wind environment should be determined by investigations and engineering experiences based on local circumstances, in consideration of the influence of the prevailing wind direction and windward and leeward positions of the structure; 4 The environment affected by deicing salt refers to the environment that is affected by the mist of deicing salt; the environment under the action of deicing salt refers to the environment that is splashed by deicing salt solution and buildings in areas where deicing salt is used, such as in car wash and parking structures. 5 Exposure environment of concrete structures refers to the environment that surrounds surfaces of concrete structures. 3.5.3 For concrete structures with design working life of 50 years, the concrete materials should be in accordance with Table 3.5.3. Table 3.5.3 Basic Requirements on Durability of Structural Concrete Materials Environmental category Maximum water-cement ratio Minimum strength grade Maximum chloride ion content (%) Maximum alkali content (kg/m3) I 0.60 C20 0.30 Unlimited II-a 0.55 C25 0.20 3.0 II-b 0.50 (0.55) C30 (C25) 0.15 III-a 0.45 (0.50) C35 (C30) 0.15 III-b 0.40 0.40 0.10 Note: 1 Chloride ion content refers to the percentage of chloride ions in the total amount of cementitous materials; 2 The maximum chloride ion content in concrete for prestressed member is 0.06%; the minimum concrete strength grade should be increased by two grades according to the table; 3 Requirements on the water-cement ratio and minimum strength grade of concrete for plain concrete members may be reduced appropriately; 4 If reliable engineering experience is available, the minimum concrete strength grade in the environmental category II may be reduced by one grade; 5 The concrete in the Category II-b and III-a environments of severe cold and cold areas shall be used with air entraining agent and may adopt relevant parameters in the parentheses; 6 Where the non-alkali activated aggregate is applied, the alkali content in the concrete may not be limited. 3.5.4 Concrete structures and members shall also employ the following technical measures for the durability: 1 The prestressing tendons in prestressed concrete structures shall be taken with such measures as surface protection, duct grouting and increasing the thickness of concrete cover according to specific conditions. The exposed anchored end shall be taken with effective measures, such as anchor seal and concrete surface treatment; 2 For concrete structures with requirements on impermeability, the impermeability grade of concrete shall meet the requirements of relevant standards; 3 In the humid environment in severe cold and cold areas, the structural concrete shall meet the requirements on freezing resistance, and the resistance class to freezing-thawing of concrete shall meet the requirements of relevant standards; 4 Cantilever members in Category II and III environment should adopt the structural form of cantilever beam-slab or may be added with protective coating on upper surfaces; 5 For structural members in Category II and III environments, surfaces of metal elements such as embedded parts, hooks and connecting pieces, shall have reliable rust prevention measures; as for the exposed metal anchorage devices of post-tensioning prestressed concrete, protection requirements are detailed in Article 10.3.13 of this code; 6 Concrete structural members in Category III environment may adopt corrosion inhibitor, epoxy coated steel reinforcement or other steel reinforcement having corrosion resistance; they may alternatively employ cathodic protection, or use replaceable parts. 3.5.5 In Category I environment, concrete structures with design working life up to 100 years shall meet the following requirements: 1 The minimum strength grade of concrete used in reinforced concrete structures and prestressed concrete structures is C30 and C40 respectively; 2 The maximum chloride ion content in concrete is 0.06%; 3 The non-alkali activated aggregate should be used. If alkali activated aggregate is used, the maximum alkali content in concrete shall be 3.0kg/m3; 4 The thickness of concrete cover shall meet Article 8.2.1 of this code; where effective surface protection measures are taken, the thickness of concrete cover may be reduced appropriately. 3.5.6 In Category II and III environment, concrete structures with design working life up to 100 years shall employ special effective measures. 3.5.7 For concrete structures in Category IV and V environment, the durability requirements shall meet those specified in the relevant standards. 3.5.8 Concrete structures shall also meet the following requirements within their design working life: 1 Periodical inspection and maintenance system shall be established; 2 Replaceable concrete members in design shall be replaced as specified; 3 Protective coating for surface of members shall be maintained or replaced as specified; 4 Visible durability defects of structures, if any, shall be treated timely. 3.6 Principles for Design Against Progressive Collapse 3.6.1 The design of preventing the progressive collapse of concrete structures should meet the following requirements: 1 Measures should be taken to reduce the effects of accidental actions; 2 Measures should be taken to protect important members and key force transfer position from directly undergoing accidental actions; 3 Redundant constraints should be added and alternative force transfer paths shall be arranged in the zones where the structure is susceptible to the effects of accidental actions; 4 The load-carrying capacity and deformability of important structural members and key force transfer positions in emergency evacuation exits, shelters etc. should be reinforced; 5 Steel reinforcement should be continuous in horizontal and vertical members and reliably anchored with adjacent members; 6 Structural joints should be arranged to control the scope of possible progressive collapse. 3.6.2 The design against progressive collapse of important structures may adopt the following methods: 1 Local reinforcement method: Enhance the safety margin of vertical important members and crucial force transfer parts that may be damaged because of accidental actions. Alternatively, the design may be carried out directly based on the accidental actions. 2 Member tying method: if the local vertical member of the structure is out of service, the load-carrying capacity may be checked according to the beam-tie model, suspension cable-tie model and cantilever-tie model respectively based on the specific conditions, in order to maintain the stability of overall structure. 3 Member dismantling method: the main loaded members of the structure are dismantled according to certain rules and the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the residual structural system shall be checked; the design may also be carried out by adopting the overall process analysis of collapse. 3.6.3 To check the progressive collapse of the structure under accidental actions, the dynamic factor caused by the collapse impact at the corresponding position of this structure should be considered in the actions. In the calculation of the function of resistance, the concrete strength shall be taken as the characteristic value of strength fck; the strength of steel rebars shall be taken as the characteristic value of ultimate strength fstk, the strength of prestressing tendon shall be taken as the characteristic value of ultimate strength fptk with the consideration of the influence of anchorage device. The influence of the collapse of structure due to the accidental actions on the geometric parameters of this structure should be taken into account. If necessary, the strengthening and brittleness of the material properties under dynamic actions also shall be considered, and the corresponding characteristic values of strength shall be taken. 3.7 Principles for Design of Existing Structures 3.7.1 The existing structures shall be evaluated, checked or redesigned with a view to extending service life, changing service functions, renovation, extension or consolidation and restoration, etc.. 3.7.2 To evaluate the safety, applicability, durability and disaster resistance of the existing structures, the requirements of the principles stated in the current national standard “Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures” (GB 50153) as well as the following requirements shall be met: 1 The design scheme of existing structure shall be determined according to the evaluation result, service requirements and continuous service life; 2 For the existing structures, if their service functions are changed or their service life is extended, the analysis of ultimate limit states should meet the relevant provisions of this code; 3 Where the existing structures are redesigned for purpose of renovation, extension or consolidation, the calculation of ultimate limit states shall meet this code and the relevant standards; 4 For existing structures, the analysis of serviceability limit states and the detailing requirements should meet those specified in this code; 5 If necessary, the purpose of use may be adjusted correspondingly, and the requirements for restriction of service shall be proposed. 3.7.3 The design of existing structures shall meet the following requirements: 1 The structural scheme shall be optimized to guarantee the integrity of the structure; 2 The loads may be determined according to the current codes and may also be adjusted appropriately according to the purpose of use; 3 The design values of strength of concrete and steel reinforcement in the existing structure shall be determined by test values; where the properties of materials meet the requirements of the original design, the strength may also take the values as specified in the original design; 4 The design shall take into account the actual geometric dimensions, sectional reinforcement, connection detailing and imperfections of the existing structural members; if they meet the requirements of the original design, values may be taken according the requirements of the original design; 5 The load carrying history of the existing structure and the influence of the construction conditions shall be taken into consideration; the composite members formed in two-phase may be designed according to Section 9.5 of this code. 4 Materials 4.1 Concrete 4.1.1 The strength grade of concrete shall be determined according to the characteristic value of cube compressive strength. The characteristic value of cube compressive strength refers to the compressive strength value with a 95% guarantee rate measured by the standard test method on 150mm-side-long cube specimen that is cast and cured for 28 days or an age specified in the design according to the standard test. 4.1.2 The strength grade of concrete for plain concrete structures shall not be less than C15 and that of reinforced concrete structures shall not be less than C20; if the steel reinforcement of or above strength grade 400MPa are used, the concrete strength grade shall not be less than C25. The strength grade of concrete for prestressed concrete structures should not be less than C40 and shall not be less than C30. The strength grade of concrete for reinforced concrete members bearing repeated loads shall not be less than C30. 4.1.3 The characteristic value of axial compressive strength (fck) of concrete shall be selected according to Table 4.1.3-1; the characteristic value of axial tensile strength (ftk) shall be selected according to Table 4.1.3-2. Table 4.1.3-1 Characteristic Values of the Axial Compressive Strength of Concrete (N/mm2) Strength Concrete strength grade C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 C55 C60 C65 C70 C75 C80 fck 10.0 13.4 16.7 20.1 23.4 26.8 29.6 32.4 35.5 38.5 41.5 44.5 47.4 50.2 Table 4.1.3-2 Characteristic Values of the Axial Tensile Strength of Concrete (N/mm2) Strength Concrete strength grade C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 C55 C60 C65 C70 C75 C80 ftk 1.27 1.54 1.78 2.01 2.20 2.39 2.51 2.64 2.74 2.85 2.93 2.99 3.05 3.11 4.1.4 The design value of axial compressive strength (fc) of concrete shall be selected according to Table 4.1.4-1; the design value of axial tensile strength (ft) shall be selected according to Table 4.1.4-2. Table 4.1.4-1 Design Value of the Axial Compressive Strength of Concrete (N/mm2) Strength Concrete strength grade C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 C55 C60 C65 C70 C75 C80 fc 7.2 9.6 11.9 14.3 16.7 19.1 21.1 23.1 25.3 27.5 29.7 31.8 33.8 35.9 Table 4.1.4-2 Design Value of the Axial Tensile Strength of Concrete (N/mm2) Strength Concrete strength grade C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 C55 C60 C65 C70 C75 C80 ft 0.91 1.10 1.27 1.43 1.57 1.71 1.80 1.89 1.96 2.04 2.09 2.14 2.18 2.22 4.1.5 The elastic modulus of concrete (Ec) in compression or in tension should be selected according to Table 4.1.5. The shear modulus of concrete (Gc) may be adopted as 40% of the values of corresponding elastic modulus. The Poisson’s ratio of concrete (υc) may be adopted as 0.2. Table 4.1.5 Elastic Modulus of Concrete (×104N/mm2) Concrete strength grade C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 C55 C60 C65 C70 C75 C80 Ec 2.20 2.55 2.80 3.00 3.15 3.25 3.35 3.45 3.55 3.60 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 Note: 1 Where reliable test basis is available, the elastic modulus may be determined according to the actual measured data; 2 Where the concrete is mixed with a large amount of admixtures, the elastic modulus of concrete may be determined according to the actual measured data based on the specified age. 4.1.6 The design values of the axial compressive fatigue strength and axial tensile fatigue strength of concrete, namely and , shall be determined by multiplying the design values of strength listed in Table 4.1.4-1 and Table 4.1.4-2 with a correction coefficient γρ of fatigue strength, respectively. The correction coefficient γρ for the compressive or tensile fatigue strength of concrete shall be selected respectively according to Table 4.1.6-1 and Table 4.1.6-2 based on the fatigue stress ratio ; if the concrete is under the action of tensile-compressive fatigue stress, the correction coefficient γρ of fatigue strength shall be taken as 0.60. The fatigue stress ratio shall be calculated according to the following expression: (4.1.6) Where , ——The minimum and maximum stresses of concrete at the same fiber of the section in fatigue analysis of members respectively. Table 4.1.6-1 Correction Coefficient γp of Concrete Compressive Fatigue Strength γρ 0.68 0.74 0.80 0.86 0.93 1.00 Table 4.1.6-1 Correction Coefficient γp of Concrete Tensile Fatigue Strength γρ 0.63 0.66 0.69 0.72 0.74 — γρ 0.76 0.80 0.90 1.00 — Note: For concrete members carrying fatigue loads directly, if they are steam cured, the curing temperature should not exceed 60℃. 4.1.7 The fatigue deformation modulus of concrete shall be selected according to Table 4.1.7. Table 4.1.7 Fatigue Deformation Modulus of Concrete (×104N/mm2) Strength grade C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 C55 C60 C65 C70 C75 C80 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 4.1.8 If the temperature is within the range from 0℃ to 100℃, the thermal parameters of concrete may be taken as the following values: Linear expansion coefficient ac: 1×10-5/℃; Coefficient of thermal conductivity λ: 10.6kJ/(m · h ·℃); Specific heat capacity c: 0.96kJ/(kg ·℃). 4.2 Steel Reinforcement 4.2.1 The steel reinforcement in concrete structures shall be selected according to the following provisions: 1 The longitudinal load-carrying steel rebars should adopt the HRB400, HRB500, HRBF400 and HRBF500 steel reinforcement and may also adopt the HPB300, HRB335, HRBF335 and RRB400 steel reinforcement; 2 The longitudinal load-carrying steel rebars for beam and column shall adopt HRB400, HRB500, HRBF400 and HRBF500 steel reinforcement; 3 Stirrups should adopt HRB400, HRBF400, HPB300, HRB500 and HRBF500 steel reinforcement and may also adopt HRB335 and HRBF335 steel reinforcement; 4 The prestressing tendons should adopt prestressing steel wires, steel strands and prestressed deformed steel reinforcement. 4.2.2 The guarantee probability for the characteristic value of strength of steel reinforcement shall not be less than 95%. The characteristic value of yield strength (fyk) and the characteristic value of ultimate strength (fstk) of steel rebars shall be selected according to Table 4.2.2-1; the characteristic values of yield strength (fpyk) and characteristic values of ultimate strength (fptk) of prestressing steel wires, steel strands and prestressed deformed steel reinforcement shall be selected according to Table 4.2.2-2. Table 4.2.2-1 Characteristic Values of Strength of Steel Rebars (N/mm2) Grade Symbol Nominal diameter d (mm) Characteristic value of yield strength fyk Characteristic value of ultimate strength fstk HPB300 Φ 6~22 300 420 HRB335 HRBF335 6~50 335 455 HRB400 HRBF400 RRB400 6~50 400 540 HRB500 HRBF500 6~50 500 630 Table 4.2.2-2 Characteristic Values of Strength of Prestressing tendons (N/mm2) Type Symbol Nominal diameter d (mm) Characteristic value of yield strength fpyk Characteristic value of ultimate strength fptk Medium-strength prestressing steel wire Plain Spiral rib ΦPM ΦHM 5, 7, 9 620 800 780 970 980 1270 Prestressed deformed steel reinforcement Deformed ΦT 18, 25, 32, 40, 50 785 980 930 1080 1080 1230 Stress-relieved steel wire Plain Spiral rib ΦP ΦH 5 — 1570 — 1860 7 — 1570 9 — 1470 — 1570 Steel strand 1×3 (three-wire) ΦS 8.6, 10.8, 12.9 — 1570 — 1860 — 1960 1×7 (seven-wire) 9.5, 12.7, 15.2, 17.8 — 1720 — 1860 — 1960 21.6 — 1860 Note: Where the steel strands with characteristic value of ultimate strength of 1960N/mm2 are used as the post-tensioned prestressed reinforcement, reliable engineering experiences shall be available. 4.2.3 The design values of tensile strength and compressive strength of steel rebars, namely fy and , shall be selected according to Table 4.2.3-1; the design values of tensile strength and compressive strength of prestressing tendons, namely fpy and , shall be selected according to Table 4.2.3-2. If different types of steel reinforcement are used in one member, each type of steel reinforcement shall adopt its own design strength. The design tensile strength (fyv) of transverse steel reinforcement shall be selected according to the fy values given in the table; if fyv is used in calculation of shear, torsion or punching shear capacity, it shall be taken as 360N/mm2 when it is larger than 360N/mm2. Table 4.2.3-1 Design Values of Strength of Steel Rebars (N/mm2) Grade Design value of tensile strength fy Design value of compressive strength HPB300 270 270 HRB335, HRBF335 300 300 HRB400, HRBF400, RRB400 360 360 HRB500, HRBF500 435 410 Table 4.2.3-2 Design Values of Strength of Prestressing Tendons (N/mm2) Type Characteristic value of ultimate strength fptk Design value of tensile strength fpy Design value of compressive strength Medium-strength prestressing steel wire 800 510 410 970 650 1270 810 Stress-relieved steel wire 1470 1040 410 1570 1110 1860 1320 Steel strand 1570 1110 390 1720 1220 1860 1320 1960 1390 Prestressed deformed steel reinforcement 980 650 410 1080 770 1230 900 Note: Where the characteristic value of strength of prestressing tendon does not conform to Table 4.2.3-2, the design value of strength shall be converted by corresponding ratio. 4.2.4 The total percentage elongation δgt of steel rebars and prestressing tendons at the maximum force shall not be less than the values specified in Table 4.2.4. Table 4.2.4 Limit Values for Total Percentage Elongation of Steel Rebars and Prestressing Tendons at the Maximum Force Type Steel rebar Prestressing tendon HPB300 HRB335, HRBF335, HRB400, HRBF400, HRB500, HRBF500 RRB400 δgt (%) 10.0 7.5 5.0 3.5 4.2.5 The elastic modulus Es of steel rebar and prestressing tendon shall be selected according to Table 4.2.5. Table 4.2.5 Elastic Modulus of Steel Reinforcement (×105N/mm2) Grade or type Elastic modulus Es HPB300 steel reinforcement 2.10 HRB335, HRB400 and HRB500 steel reinforcement HRBF335, HRBF400 and HRBF500 steel reinforcement RRB400 steel reinforcement Prestressed deformed steel reinforcement 2.00 Stress-relieved steel wire and medium-strength prestressing steel wire 2.05 Steel strand 1.95 Note: If necessary, the measured elastic modulus may be adopted. 4.2.6 The limit values and for the fatigue stress amplitude of steel rebars and prestressing tendons shall be taken respectively from Table 4.2.6-1 and Table 4.2.6-2 by linear interpolation based on the fatigue stress ratio and of steel reinforcement. Table 4.2.6-1 Limit Values for Fatigue Stress Amplitude of Steel Rebars (N/mm2) Fatigue stress ratio Limit value for fatigue stress amplitude HRB335 HRB400 0 175 175 0.1 162 162 0.2 154 156 0.3 144 149 0.4 131 137 0.5 115 123 0.6 97 106 0.7 77 85 0.8 54 60 0.9 28 31 Note: If the longitudinal tensile steel reinforcement are connected by flash butt welding, the limit value for the fatigue stress amplitude of steel reinforcement at the joint shall be the listed values in the table multiplied by 0.8. Table 4.2.6-2 Limit Values for Fatigue Stress Amplitude of Prestressing Tendons (N/mm2) Fatigue stress ratio Steel strand fptk=1570 Stress-relieved steel wire fptk=1570 0.7 144 240 0.8 118 168 0.9 70 88 Note: 1 If is no less than 0.9, there is no need of fatigue analysis for prestressing tendons; 2 If sufficient basis is available, the limit value of fatigue stress amplitude specified in the table may be adjusted appropriately. The fatigue stress ratio of steel rebars shall be calculated as the following expression: (4.2.6-1) Where ——The minimum and maximum stresses of steel reinforcement at the same layer in fatigue analysis of members. The fatigue stress ratio of prestressing tendon shall be calculated as the following expression: (4.2.6-2) Where ——The minimum and maximum stresses of prestressing tendons at the same layer in fatigue analysis of members. 4.2.7 Steel reinforcement in the members may be arranged in the form of bundled bars. The number of bundled steel reinforcement in diameter of 28mm or less shall not exceed 3; the numer of bundled steel reinforcement in diameter of 32mm should be 2; and the steel reinforcement in diameter of 36mm or above shall not be bundled. The bundled bars shall be treated as a single rebar, and the diameter of this rebar shall be determined in accordance with the principle of equivalent cross-sectional area. 4.2.8 When the steel reinforcement are replaced, in addition to the load-carrying capacity of members, the total percentage elongation at maximum force, the analysis of crack width and the seismic provisions as stated in the design, the requirements on minimum ratio of reinforcement, spacing of bars, cover thickness, anchorage length of steel reinforcement, joint area percentage and lap splice length shall also be met. 4.2.9 If prefabricated steel welded-meshes or cages are used as reinforcement in members, they shall comply with the relevant current national standards. 4.2.10 The nominal cross-sectional area and theoretical self-weight of steel rebars and prestressing tendons with various nominal diameters shall be taken as the values specified in Appendix A of this code. 5 Structural Analysis 5.1 General 5.1.1 Concrete structures shall be analyzed on the basis of overall action effects. If necessary, more detailed analysis shall be carried out for the parts undergoing special load conditions. 5.1.2 If there are different load conditions during different stages of construction and service period, the structural analysis shall be carried out individually, and the most unfavorable action combination shall be identified. Corresponding structural analysis shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current relevant national standards if structures are susceptible to accidental actions such as fire, hurricane, explosion and impact. 5.1.3 The model of the structural analysis shall meet the following requirements: 1 The calculation diagrams, geometric dimensions, calculation parameters, boundary conditions, properties of structural materials and detailing measures adopted for the structural analysis shall agree with the actual work conditions; 2 The possible actions and action combinations, initial stress and deformation conditions of the structure shall agree with the actual state of the structure; 3 All kinds of approximate assumption and simplification adopted in the structural analysis shall be relied on theoretical and experimental evidence or be verified through engineering practice; the accuracy of calculated results shall meet the requirements of the engineering design. 5.1.4 The structural analysis shall meet the following requirements: 1 Satisfy mechanical equilibrium conditions; 2 Satisfy deformation compatibility conditions in varying degrees, including constraint conditions of joints and boundary; 3 Adopt reasonable material constitutive relation or the load-deformation relation of member unit. 5.1.5 In structural analysis, the following analysis methods shall be selected according to structural types, material properties and structural characteristics: 1 Elastic analysis method; 2 Analysis method on plastic redistribution of internal forces; 3 Elastic-plastic analysis method; 4 Plastic limit analysis method; 5 Test analysis method. 5.1.6 The calculation software adopted for the structural analysis shall be assessed and verified, and the technical conditions shall meet the requirements of this code and current relevant national standards. The analysis results shall be judged and checked, and shall be applied to the engineering design only after the confirmation of the reasonableness and effectiveness. 5.2 Analysis Model 5.2.1 Global structural analysis should be carried out for concrete structures based on three dimension system. The influence of deformations resulted from flexure, axial force, shear and torsion on internal forces should be considered. The simplification analysis shall meet the following requirements: 1 The three dimensional structure with regular shape may be analyzed respectively by resolving into plane structures along axes of columns or walls. But the interactive effect between the plane structures shall be considered; 2 If the axial, shear and torsional deformations of members have little influence on the analysis of internal force, they may be excluded from consideration. 5.2.2 The calculation diagrams of the concrete structure should be determined according to the following methods: 1 The axes of one-dimension members such as beams, columns and rods should be the lines connecting section geometric centers ; the middle axle surfaces of two-dimension members such as walls and slabs should take the planes or curved surfaces composed by section center lines; 2 The connecting parts of beam-column joints, columns and foundation in cast-in-situ structure and assembled monolithic structure may be deemed as rigid connection; the ends of the non-integral cast secondary beam and the ends of slab may be approximately deemed as hinged connection; 3 The effective span or height of beams and columns may be determined according to the clear distance or central distance of supporting ends and shall be corrected according to the connecting rigidity of joints or the position of reactions; 4 If the rigidity of connection parts is far larger than the rigidity of members, the parts may be treated as rigid zone in the computational model. 5.2.3 In global structural analysis, for cast-in-situ structures or assembled monolithic structures, the floor slabs in their own planes may be assumed as infinitely rigid. If the floor slabs have relatively large openings or may have obvious in-plane local deformation, the influence of in-plane rigidity shall be considered in structural analysis. 5.2.4 For cast-in-situ floor slabs and assembled monolithic floor slabs, the effect of slab acting as the flange of beam on the rigidity and load-carrying capacity of the beam should be considered. The effective flange width in compression zone of the beam may use the minimum value listed in Table 5.2.4 regarding the corresponding situation; it also may be approximately considered by adopting the beam rigidity enhancement coefficient method, and the rigidity enhancement coefficient shall be determined according to the relative scale of the effective flange dimension and section dimensions of the beam. Table 5.2.4 Effective Flange Width of Flexural Member in Compression Zone Situation T-shaped or I-shaped section Inverted L-shaped section Ribbed beam (slab) Isolated beam Ribbed beam (slab) 1 Considered as effective span l0 l0/3 l0/3 l0/6 2 Considered as beam (rib) clear distance sn b+sn — b+sn/2 3 Considered as flange height /h0≥0.1 — b+12 — 0.1> /h0≥0.05 b+12 b+6 b+5 /h0<0.05 b+12 b b+5 Note: 1 b in this Table refers to web thickness of the beam; 2 If transverse ribs are arranged in the span of ribbed beams and their spacing is less than the spacing of longitudinal ribs, the requirements of Situation 3 in this Table may not be considered; 3 For haunched T-shaped, I-shaped and inverted L-shaped sections, if the haunched height hh in the compression zone is not less than and the haunched length bh is not larger than 3hh, the effective width of flange may be increased by 2bh (for T-shaped or I-shaped sections) and bh (for inverted L-shaped sections) respectively as per the requirements of Situation 3 in this Table. 4 If the flange of the isolated beam in the compression zone under loads may have cracks along the direction of longitudinal ribs by calculation, the effective width of the flange shall be the web width b. 5.2.5 If the interaction between the base and structure has an evident impact on the internal force and deformation of the structure, the effect of the interaction should be considered in structural analysis. 5.3 Elastic Analysis 5.3.1 The elastic analysis method may be used in the analysis of action effects in serviceability limit states and ultimate limit states. 5.3.2 The rigidity of structural members may be determined according to the following principles: 1 The elastic modulus of concrete may be adopted according to Table 4.1.5; 2 The moment of inertia of section may be calculated according to the gross section of uniformly graded concrete; 3 For haunched members, the influence of section change shall be considered in the structural analysis; 4 The section rigidity of members under various load conditions should be reduced appropriately considering the effects of crack and creep of concrete. 5.3.3 The elastic analysis on concrete structures should use structural mechanics or elastic mechanics analysis methods. The proper simplification analysis method may be adopted for the structure with regular shape according to the type and characteristic of the action. 5.3.4 If the second order effect of the structure may evidently increase the action effect, the adverse impact of the second order effect shall be considered in structural analysis. The second order effect of gravity of the concrete structure may be calculated with the finite element analysis method or the simplified method specified in Appendix B of this code. The impact of concrete cracking on the rigidity of concrete members should be considered if the finite element analysis method is adopted. 5.3.5 If the displacement of boundary supports has a relatively significant impact on internal forces and deformations of two-way slabs, the influence of vertical deformation and torsion of boundary supports should be considered in the analysis. 5.4 Plastic Internal Forces Redistribution Analysis 5.4.1 The plastic internal forces redistribution analysis method may be adopted for concrete continuous beams and continuous one-way slabs. For cast-in-situ beams and two-way slabs in frame and frame-shear wall structures under gravity load, after obtaining the internal forces by elastic analysis, the bending moment amplitude at supports or joints may be modulated appropriately and the moment amplitude at mid-span may be determined correspondingly. 5.4.2 For structures and members designed by plastic internal forces redistribution analysis method, the reinforcement shall be selected in accordance with the requirements in Article 4.2.4 of this code. The requirements of serviceability limit states shall be satisfied, and the effective detailing measures shall be taken. The plastic internal forces redistribution analysis method shall not be employed for members directly carrying dynamic loads, structures not allowed to have cracks, or structures located in Class IIIa and IIIb environmental conditions. 5.4.3 The modulated amplitude of hogging moment at edges of supports or joints of reinforced concrete beams should not be larger than 25%; the relative depth of compression zone for beam ends shall not exceed 0.35 and should not be less than 0.10 after moment modulation. The modulated amplitude of hogging moment for reinforced concrete slabs should not be larger than 20%. The modulated amplitude of bending moment for prestressed concrete beams shall meet the requirements in Article 10.1.8 of this code. 5.4.4 For concrete structural members under compatibility torsion, the influence of redistribution of internal forces should be considered for the torsional moment of supporting beams restricted by adjacent members. For supporting beams considering the internal forces redistribution, the load-carrying capacity shall be calculated as bending, shear and torsional members. Note: Other design methods may be adopted if reliable evidence is available. 5.5 Elastic-Plastic Analysis 5.5.1 For important structures or structures under complex actions, the elastic-plastic analysis method should be adopted to analyze the structures globally or locally. The elastic-plastic analysis should be complied with the following principles: 1 The shape, dimension, boundary conditions, material properties and reinforcement of the structure shall be pre-established; 2 The material properties should use mean values and should be determined by tests or by the requirements in Appendix C of this code; 3 The adverse impact of the geometrical nonlinearity of the structure should be considered; 4 If the analysis result is used for the load capacity design, the resistance of the structure should be adjusted properly by considering the uncertainty coefficient of the resistance model. 5.5.2 The static or dynamic analysis methods may be adopted for the elastic-plastic analysis of concrete structures according to actual conditions. The computational model of basic members of structures should be determined according to the following principles: 1 Bar members such as beams, columns and rods may be reduced to one-dimension elements. F Contents 1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 General Requirements 3.1 General 3.2 Structural Scheme 3.3 Calculation of Ultimate Limit States 3.4 Checking of Serviceability Limit States 3.5 Durability Design 3.6 Principles for Design of Preventing Progressive Collapse 3.7 Principles for Design of Existing Structures 4 Materials 4.1 Concrete 4.2 Steel Reinforcement 5 Structural Analysis 5.1 General 5.2 Analysis Model 5.3 Elastic Analysis 5.4 Analysis on Plastic Redistribution of Internal Forces 5.5 Elastic-Plastic Analysis 5.6 Plastic Limit Analysis 5.7 Indirect Action Effect Analysis 6 Calculation of Ultimate Limit States 6.1 General 6.2 Calculation of Normal Section Load-bearing Capacity 6.3 Calculation of Inclined Section Load-bearing Capacity 6.4 Calculation of Load-bearing Capacity of Distortion Section 6.5 Calculation of Punching Shear Bearing Capacity 6.6 Calculation of Partial Compression Load-bearing Capacity 6.7 Checking of Fatigue 7 Checking of Serviceability Limit States 7.1 Checking of Cracks 7.2 Checking of Deflection of Flexural Members 8 Detailing Requirements 8.1 Expansion Joint 8.2 Concrete Cover 8.3 Anchorage of Steel Reinforcement 8.4 Splices of Steel Reinforcement 8.5 Minimum Ratio of Reinforcement for Longitudinal Stressed Steel Reinforcement 9 Fundamental Requirements for Structural Members 9.1 Slabs 9.2 Beams 9.3 Columns, Beam-column Joints and Brackets 9.4 Walls 9.5 Composite Members 9.6 Precast Concrete Structures 9.7 Embedded Parts and Connecting Pieces 10 Prestressed Concrete Structural Members 10.1 General 10.2 Calculation of Value for Loss of Prestress 10.3 Detailing of Prestressed Concrete Members 11 Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Members 11.1 General 11.2 Materials 11.3 Frame Beams 11.4 Frame Columns and Frame-supported Columns 11.5 Column of Hinged Bent 11.6 Nodes of Frame Beam Column 11.7 Shear Walls and Connecting Beams 11.8 Prestressed Concrete Structural Members 11.9 Slab-column Joints Appendix A Nominal Diameter, Nominal Sectional Area and Theoretical Weight of Steel Reinforcement Appendix B Amplified Coefficient Method for Approximate Calculation of Sway Second-order Effect of Eccentric Compression Members Appendix C Constitutive Relations for Steel Reinforcement and Concrete and the Multi-axial Strength Criterion for Concrete Appendix D Design of Plain Concrete Structural Members Appendix E Calculation for Load-bearing Capacity of Arbitrary Sections, Circular and Annular Normal Sections of Members Appendix F Design Value of Equivalent Concentrated Reaction Used for Calculation of Slab-column Joints Appendix G Deep Flexural Members Appendix H Composite Beam and Slab Without Support Appendix J Prestress Loss of Curved Post-tensioned Prestressing Tendons and/or Bars Due to Anchorage Deformation and Tendon Shrinkage Appendix K Time-dependent Loss of Prestress Explanation of Wording in This Code List of Quoted Standards
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