This standard applies to alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches, designed for indoor and outdoor enclosed and open terminal installations for rated voltages 3,000 V or above and for service frequencies of 50 Hz.
It also applies to the operating mechanisms of these disconnectors and earthing switches and their auxiliary equipment.
Additional requirements for disconnectors and earthing switches in enclosed switchgear and controlgear are given in GB 3906, GB 7674 and IEC 62271-201.
Note: disconnectors in which the fuse forms an integral part are not covered by this standard.
1.2Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this document. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB 311.1-2012 Insulation Coordination - Part 1: Definitions, Principles and Rules(IEC 60071-1:2006+A1:2012, MOD)
GB 3906-2006 Alternating-current Metal-enclosed Switchgear and Controlgear for Rated Voltages Above 3.6 kV and Up to and Including 40.5 kV(IEC 62271-200:2003, MOD)
GB 7674-2008 Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear for Rated Voltages of 72.5kV and Above(IEC 62271-203:2003, MOD)
GB/T 11022-2011 Common Specifications for High-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Standards(IEC 62271-1:2007, MOD)
GB/Z 24837-2009 Specification for 1100 kV Alternating-current Disconnectors and Earthing Switches
GB/T 26218 (All Parts) Selection and Dimensioning of High-voltage Insulators Intended for Use in Polluted Conditions (IEC/TS 60815, MOD)
IEC 60865-1:1993 Short-circuit Currents-calculation of Effects-Part 1:Definitions and Calculation Methods
IEC 62271-201:2006 High-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear-Part 201: AC Insulation-enclosed Switchgear and Controlgear for Rated Voltages Above 1 kV and Up to and Including 52 kV
2Normal and Special Service Conditions
Chapter 2 of GB/T 11022-2011 is applicable.
3Terminologies and Definitions
Chapter 3 of GB/T 11022-2011 is applicable with the following addition:
This Chapter covers required definitions, most of them by reference to GB/T2900.20-1994.
General terms
Indoor switchgear and controlgear
[3.3, GB/T2900.20-1994]
Outdoor switchgear and controlgear
[3.4, GB/T2900.20-1994]
Temperature rise (of a part of a disconnector or earthing switch)
Difference between the temperature of the part and the ambient air temperature
Person or legal entity using the disconnectors or earthing switches
Note: this may include the purchaser (for example an electricity supplier), but it may also include the contracting company, the staff responsible for installation, the maintenance or operating staff or anybody else temporarily or permanently responsible for the disconnector, earthing switch or substation, or even the operation of the switchgear.
Assemblies of switchgear and controlgear
No particular definitions.
Parts of assemblies
No particular definitions.
Switching devices
3.24 of GB/T2900.20-1994 is applicable with the following additional notes:
Note 1: "negligible current" implies currents such as the capacitive currents of bushings, buses, connections, very short lengths of cable, currents of permanently connected grading impedances of circuit-breakers and currents of voltage transformers and dividers (see Appendix H). For rated voltages of 363 kV and below, a current not exceeding 0.5 A is a negligible current for the purpose of this definition; for rated voltage above 550 kV and currents exceeding 0.5 A, the manufacturer shall be consulted.
"No significant change in voltage" refers to such applications as the by-passing and bus transfer of induction voltage regulators or circuit-breakers.
Note 2: for a disconnector having a rated voltage of 40.5 kV and above, a rated ability of bus-transfer current switching may be assigned.
Disconnector class M0
Foreword i 1 General 1.1 Scope 1.2 Normative References 2 Normal and Special Service Conditions 3 Terminologies and Definitions 4 Rated Values 4.1 General 4.2 Rated Voltage (Ur) 4.3 Rated Insulation Level 4.4 Rated Frequency (fr) 4.5 Rated Current and Temperature Rise 4.6 Rated Short-time Withstand Current (Ik) 4.7 Rated Peak Withstand Current (Ip) 4.8 Rated Duration of Short Circuit (tk) 4.9 Rated Supply Voltage of Closing and Opening Devices and of Auxiliary and Control Circuits(Ua) 4.10 Rated Supply Frequency of Closing and Opening Devices and of Auxiliary Circuits 4.11 Rated Pressure of Compressed Gas Supply for Controlled Pressure System 4.12 Rated Filling Level for Insulation and/or Operation 4.101 Rated Short-circuit Making Current 4.102 Rated Contact Zone 4.103 Rated Mechanical Terminal Load 4.104 Rated Values of the Bus-transfer Current Switching Capability of Disconnectors 4.105 Rated Values of the Induced Current Switching Capability of Earthing Switches 4.106 Rated Values of Mechanical Endurance for Disconnectors and Earthing Switches 4.107 Rated Values of Electrical Endurance for Earthing Switches 4.108 Rated Values of the Negligible Capacitive Current Switching Capability of Disconnectors 4.109 Rated Values of the Negligible Inductive Current Switching Capability of Disconnectors 5 Design and Construction 5.1 Requirements for Liquids in Disconnectors and Earthing Switches 5.2 Requirements for Gases in Disconnectors and Earthing Switches 5.3 Earthing of Disconnectors and Earthing Switches 5.4 Auxiliary and Control Equipment 5.5 Dependent Power Operation 5.6 Stored Energy Operation 5.7 Independent Manual Operation 5.8 Operation of Releases 5.9 Low- and High-pressure Interlocking and Monitoring Devices 5.10 Nameplates 5.11 Interlocking Devices 5.12 Position Indication 5.13 Degree of Protection by Enclosures 5.14 Creepage Distance 5.15 Gas and Vacuum Tightness 5.16 Liquid Tightness 5.17 Flammability 5.18 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 5.19 X-ray Emission 5.20 Corrosion 5.101 Special Requirements for Earthing Switches 5.102 Requirements in Respect of the Isolating Distance of Disconnectors 5.103 Mechanical Strength 5.104 Operation of Disconnectors and Earthing Switches – Position of the Moving Contact System and its Indicating and Signalling Devices 5.105 Maximum Force Required for Dependent Manual Operation 5.106 Dimensional Tolerances 6 Type Tests 6.1 General Provisions 6.2 Dielectric Tests 6.3 Radio Interference Voltage (r.i.v) Test 6.4 Measurement of the Resistance of Circuits 6.5 Temperature Rise Test 6.6 Short-time Withstand Current and Peak Withstand Current Tests 6.7 Verification of the Protection 6.8 Tightness Tests 6.9 Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC) 6.10 Additional Tests on Auxiliary and Control Circuits 6.11 X-ray Test Procedure of Vacuum Arc Extinguishing Chamber 6.101 Test to Prove the Short-circuit Making Performance of Earthing Switches 6.102 Operating and Mechanical Endurance Tests 6.103 Operation under Severe Ice Conditions 6.104 Operation at the Temperature Limits 6.105 Tests to Verify the Proper Functioning of the Position Indicating Device 6.106 Bus-transfer Current Switching Tests 6.107 Induced Current Switching Tests 6.108 Negligible Capacitive Current Switching Tests 6.109 Negligible Inductive Current Switching Tests 7 Routine Tests 7.1 General 7.2 Dielectric Test on the Main Circuit 7.3 Dielectric Test on Auxiliary and Control Circuits 7.4 Measurement of the Resistance of the Main Circuit 7.5 Tightness Test 7.6 Design and Visual Checks 7.101 Mechanical operating tests 8 Guide to the Selection of Disconnectors and Earthing Switches 8.101 General 8.102 Selection of Rated Values for Normal Service Conditions 9 Information to be Given with Enquiries, Tenders and Orders 9.1 General 9.101 Information to be Given with Enquiries and Orders 9.102 Information to be Given with Tenders 10 Rules for Transport, Storage, Installation, Operation and Maintenance 10.1 General 10.2 Conditions during Transport, Storage and Installation 10.3 Installation 10.4 Operation 10.5 Maintenance 11 Safety 11.1 General 11.2 Preventive Measures of the Manufacturer 11.3 Preventive Measures of the User 11.4 Electrical Aspects 11.5 Mechanical Aspects 11.6 Thermal Aspects 11.7 Operation Aspects 12 Influence of Products on Environment; Appendix A (Normative) Design and Testing of Position Indicating Devices Appendix B (Normative) Bus-transfer Current Switching by Disconnectors Appendix C (Normative) Induced Current Switching by Earthing Switches Appendix D (Informative) Test Voltage for the Most Disadvantageous Dielectric Position of an Earthing Switch during Operation (Temporary Approach) Appendix E (Normative) Special Requirements for Disconnectors and Earthing Switches Used in Gas-insulated and/or Metal-enclosed Switchgear Appendix F (Normative) Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear for Rated Voltages 72.5 kV and above Requirements for Switching of Bus-charging Currents by Disconnectors Appendix G (Normative) Alternative Test Methods for Short-circuit Current Making Tests Appendix H (Normative) Capacitive Current Switching Capability of Air-insulated Disconnectors for Rated Voltages 126 kV and above Appendix I (Informative) Switching Analysis about Capacitive Current of Air-Insulated Disconnectors Appendix J (Informative) Capacitive Charging Current of Air-insulated Equipment in Substation Appendix K (Informative) Test Circuit of Switching Capacitive Current of Air-Insulated Disconnectors Appendix L (Informative) Rated Insulation Level of Disconnector for the Neutral Earthing of Power Transformer Appendix M (Informative) Technical Differences between this Standard and IEC 62271-102: 2001+A1:2011 and The Reasons Appendix N (Informative) Comparison of Chapter and Article Numbers in This Standard and Those in IEC 62271-102: 2001+A1:2011 and IEC/TR 62271-305: