This standard is applicable to a.c. circuit-breakers designed for indoor or outdoor installation and for operation at frequency of 50Hz on systems having voltages above 3,000V.
It is only applicable to three-pole circuit-breakers for use in three-phase systems and single-pole circuit-breakers for use in single-phase systems. Two-pole circuit-breakers for use in single-phase systems and application at frequencies lower than 50Hz are subject to agreement between manufacturer and user.
This standard is also applicable to the operating devices of circuit-breakers and to their auxiliary equipment. However, a circuit-breaker with a closing mechanism for dependent manual operation is not covered by this standard, as a rated short-circuit making current cannot be specified, and such dependent manual operation may be objectionable because of safety considerations.
Rules for circuit-breakers with an intentional non-simultaneity between the poles are given in GB/T 30846-2014; circuit-breakers providing single-pole auto-reclosing are within the scope of this standard.
Note 1: Circuit-breakers with an intentional non-simultaneity between the poles may, in some instances, be tested in accordance with this standard. For example, mechanically staggered pole designs may be tested according to this standard using three-phase direct tests. For synthetic testing, determining the most appropriate tests, particularly in respect to test current, recovery voltage and transient recovery voltage, is subject to agreement between manufacturer and user.
This standard does not cover circuit-breakers intended for use on motive power units of electrical traction equipment; these are covered by IEC 60077 [1] .
Generator circuit-breakers installed between generator and step-up transformer are not within the scope of this standard.
Switching of inductive loads is covered by GB/T 29489-2013.
Self-tripping circuit-breakers with mechanical tripping devices or devices which cannot be made inoperative may refer to this standard.
Circuit-breakers installed as by-pass switches in parallel with line series capacitors and their protective equipment are not within the scope of this standard. These are covered by GB/T 28565-2012 and IEC 60143-2[3].
Note 2: Tests to prove the performance under abnormal conditions shall be subject to agreement between manufacturer and user. Such abnormal conditions are, for instance, cases where the voltage is higher than the rated voltage of the circuit-breaker, conditions which may occur due to sudden loss of load on long lines or cables.
1.2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 4208-2008 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code) (IEC 60529:2001, IDT)
GB/T 4473-2008 Synthetic Testing of High-voltage Alternating Current Circuit-breakers (IEC 62271-101:2006, MOD)
GB 7674-2008 Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear for Rated Voltages of 72.5kV and above (IEC 62271-203:2003, MOD)
GB/T 8905-2012 The Guide for Processing and Measuring SF6 Gas in Power Apparatus (IEC 60480:2004, MOD)
GB/T 11022-2011 Common Specifications for High-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Standards (IEC 62271-1:2007, MOD)
GB/T 12022-2006 Sulphur Hexafluoride for Industrial Use (IEC 60376:1971; IEC 60376A:1973; IEC 603768:1974, MOD)
GB/T 14598.7-1995 Electrical Relays - Part 3: Single Input Energizing Quantity Measuring Relays with Dependent or Independent Time (idt IEC 60255-3:1989)
GB/T 16927.1-2011 High Voltage Test Techniques - Part 1: General Definitions and Test Requirements (IEC 60060-1:2010, MOD)
GB/T 29489-2013 Inductive Load Switching for High-voltage Alternating Current Switchgear and Controlgear (IEC 62271-110:2009, MOD)
GB/T 30846-2014 High-voltage Alternating Current Circuit-breakers with Intentionally Non-simultaneous Pole Operation (IEC/TR 62271-302:2010, MOD)
2Normal and Special Service Conditions
Chapter 2 of GB/T 11022-2011 is applicable.
Foreword V 1 General 2 Normal and Special Service Conditions 3 Terminologies and Definitions 4 Rated Values 4.1 Overview 4.2 Rated Voltage (Ur) 4.3 Rated Insulation Level 4.4 Rated Frequency (fr) 4.5 Rated normal Current and Temperature Rise 4.6 Rated Short-time Withstand Current (Ik) 4.7 Rated Peak Withstand Current (Ip) 4.8 Rated Duration of Short Circuit (tk) 4.9 Rated Supply Voltage of Closing and Opening Devices and of Auxiliary and Control Circuits (Ua) 4.10 Rated Supply Frequency of Closing and Opening Devices and Auxiliary Circuits 4.11 Rated Pressures of Compressed Gas Supply for Insulation, Operation and/or Interruption 4.101 Rated Short-circuit Breaking Current (Isc) 4.102 Transient recovery voltage related to the rated short-circuit breaking current 4.103 Rated Short-circuit Making Current 4.104 Rated Operating Sequence 4.105 Characteristics for Short-line Faults 4.106 Rated Out-of-phase Making and Breaking Current 4.107 Rated Capacitive Switching Currents 4.108 Inductive Load Switching 4.109 Rated Time Quantities 4.110 Number of mechanical operations 4.111 Classification of Circuit-breakers as a Function of Electrical Endurance 5 Design and Construction 5.1 Requirements for Liquids in Circuit-breakers 5.2 Requirements for Gases in Circuit-breakers 5.3 Earthing of Circuit-breakers 5.4 Auxiliary Equipment 5.5 Dependent Power Closing 5.6 Stored Energy Closing 5.7 Independent Manual Operation 5.8 Operation of Releases 5.9 Low- and High-pressure Interlocking Devices 5.10 Nameplates 5.11 Interlocking Devices 5.12 Position Indication 5.13 Degrees of Protection by Enclosures 5.14 Creepage Distances 5.15 Gas and Vacuum Tightness 5.16 Liquid Tightness 5.17 Fire Hazard (Flammability) 5.18 Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC) 5.19 X-ray Emission 5.20 Corrosion 5.101 Requirements for simultaneity of poles during single closing and single opening operations 5.102 General Requirement for Operation 5.103 Pressure Limits of Fluids for Operation 5.104 Vent Outlets 6 Type Test 6.1 General 6.2 Insulation Tests 6.3 Radio Interference Voltage (r.i.v.) Tests 6.4 Measurement of the Resistance of the Main Circuit 6.5 Temperature-rise Tests 6.6 Short-time Withstand Current and Peak Withstand Current Tests 6.7 Verification of the Degree of Protection 6.8 Tightness Tests 6.9 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Tests 6.10 Additional Tests on Auxiliary and Control Circuits 6.11 Test Procedure of X-ray of Vacuum Interrupters 6.101 Mechanical and Environmental Tests 6.102 Miscellaneous Provisions for Making and Breaking Tests 6.103 Test Circuits for Short Circuit Making and Breaking Tests 6.104 Short-circuit Test Parameters 6.105 Short-circuit Test Procedure 6.106 Basic Short-circuit Test-duties 6.107 Critical Current Tests 6.108 Single-phase and Double-earth Fault Tests 6.109 Short-line Fault Tests 6.110 Out-of-phase Making and Breaking Tests 6.111 Capacitive Current Switching Tests 6.112 Special Requirements for Making and Breaking Tests on Class E2 Circuit-breakers 7 Routine Tests 7.1 Dielectric Test on the Main Circuit 7.2 Tests on Auxiliary and Control Circuits 7.3 Measurement of the Resistance of the Main Circuit 7.4 Tightness Test 7.5 Design and Visual Checks 7.101 Mechanical Operating Tests 8 Guidance to the Selection of Circuit-breakers for Service 8.101 General 8.102 Selection of Rated Values for Service Conditions 8.103 Selection of Rated Values for Fault Conditions 8.104 Selection for Electrical Endurance in Networks of Nominal Voltage above 3kv and up to and Including 35kv 8.105 Selection for Capacitive Current Switching 9 Information to Be Given with Enquiries, Tenders and Orders 9.101 Information to Be Given with Enquiries and Orders 9.102 Information to Be Given with Tenders 10 Rules for Transport, Storage, Installation, Operation and Maintenance 10.1 Conditions during Transport, Storage and Installation 10.2 Installation 10.3 Operation 10.4 Maintenance 11 Safety 12 Influence of the Product on the Environment Appendix A (Normative) Calculation of Transient Recovery Voltages for Short-line Faults from Rated Characteristics Appendix B (Normative) Tolerances on Test Quantities during Type Tests Appendix C (Informative) Records and Reports of Type Tests Appendix D (Normative) Determination of Short-circuit Power Factor Appendix E (Informative) Method of Drawing the Envelope of The Prospective Transient Recovery Voltage of a Circuit and Determining the Representative Parameters Appendix F (Normative) Methods of Determining Prospective Transient Recovery Voltage Waves Appendix G (Informative) Rationale Behind Introduction of Circuit-breakers Class E Appendix H (Informative) Inrush Currents of Single and Back-to-back Capacitor Banks Appendix I (Informative) Explanatory Notes Appendix J (Informative) Test Current and Line Length Tolerances for Short-line Fault Testing Appendix K (Informative) List of Symbols and Abbreviations Used in This Standard Appendix L (Informative) Explanatory Notes on the Revision of TRVs for Circuit-breakers of Rated Voltages Higher than 1 kV and Less than 100 kV Appendix M (Normative) Requirements for Breaking of Transformer-limited Faults by Circuit-breakers with Rated Voltage Equal to or Higher than 3.6 kV and Less than 126 kV Appendix N (Normative) Use of Mechanical Characteristics and Related Requirements Appendix O (Informative) Guidance for Short-circuit and Switching Test Procedures for Metal-enclosed and Dead Tank Circuit-breakers Appendix P (Normative) Calculation of the TRV Parameters During Asymmetrical Fault Condition (T100a) Appendix Q (Informative) Examples for the Application of the Asymmetry Criteria During Asymmetrical Test-Duty T100a Appendix R (Normative) Requirements for Circuit-breakers with Opening Resistor Appendix S (Informative) Technical Differences between This Standard and IEC 62271-100:2008 and Their Reasons Appendix T (Informative) Comparison between Chapter and Article Numbers of This Standard and Those of IEC Bibliography