This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules for all types of fire vehicles.
This standard is applicable to all types of fire vehicles specified in GB 7956.1-2014.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 150 (all parts) Pressure Vessels
GB/T 1236 Industrial Fans - Performance Testing Using Standardized Airways
GB/T 3181-2008 Colour Standard for Paint Film
GB/T 3683 Rubber Hoses and Hose Assemblies - Wire-braid-reinforced Hydraulic Types for Oil-based or Water-based Fluids - Specification
GB 3836.1 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 1: General Requirements
GB 4208-2008 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code)
GB 4351.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers - Part 1: Performance and Construction
GB 4785 Prescription for Installation of the External Lighting and Light-signalling Devices for Motor Vehicles and Their Trailers
GB 5099 Seamless Steel Gas Cylinders
GB 6245 Fire Pumps
GB 6246 Fire Hose
GB 7956.1-2014 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 1: General Technical Specifications
GB 7956.2 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 2: Water Tank Fire Fighting Vehicle
GB 7956.3 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 3: Foam Fire Fighting Vehicle
GB 7956.6 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 6: Compressed Air Foam System Fire Fighting Vehicle
GB 7956.12 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 12: Aerial Fire Fighting Vehicle
GB 7956.14 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 14: Rescue Fire Fighting Vehicle
GB 9159 Safety Requirements for Radio Transmitting Equipment
GB 11918.1 Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes - Part 1: General Requirements
GB/T 12534 Motor Vehicles - General Rules of Road Test Method
GB/T 12539 Motor Vehicles - Steep Hill Climbing - Test Method
GB/T 12673 Motor Vehicles - Basic Dimensions - Measuring Method
GB 15052 Cranes - Safety Signs and Hazard Pictorials - General Principles
GB 15084 Motor Vehicles - Rear View Mirrors - Requirements of Performance and Installation
GB 15090 Fire Hose Reel
GB 15842 Mobile Radio Equipment Safety Requirements and Testing Methods
GB/T 19089-2012 Rubber- or Plastics-coated Fabrics - Determination of abrasion Resistance - Martindale Method
GB 19156 General Specifications for Fire Monitors
GB 19157 General Specification for Remote-controlled Fire Monitor Systems
GB/T 19843 Industrial Fan - Performance testing of Jet Fans
GB 25972 Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems and Components
GB 26755 Fire Mobile Illuminating Device
GB 50149 Erection Works of Electrical Installations Code for Construction and Acceptance of Bus-bar Device
JB/T 6441 Safety Valves for Compressor
JB/T 6445 Overspeed Test for Industrial Fan Impeller
MH/T 7002 The Assignment of Equipments in the Fire-fighting Station at Airports Serving Civil Aviation Transportation
TB/T 449 Wheel Profile for Locomotive and Car
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions given in GB 6245, GB 7956.1-2014, GB 7956.2 and GB 7956.3 and the following apply. For the convenience of application, some terms and definitions given in GB 7956.1-2014 are listed below.
dry powder fire fighting vehicle
fire fighting vehicle mainly equipped with dry powder extinguishing agent tank and complete set of dry powder jet apparatus
[GB 7956.1-2014, as defined in 3.1.4]
inflation time
the time since the working gas is started being inflated into the dry powder tank filled with rated filling amount till the pressure in the tank is as high as the rated working pressure
effective discharge time
the time since the dry powder tank filled with rated filling amount starts to jet under the rated working pressure specified in design till the pressure in the tank drops to the minimum working pressure specified in design
Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Water Tank Fire Fighting Vehicle 5 Water Supply Fire Fighting Vehicle 6 Foam Fire Fighting Vehicle 7 Dry Powder Fire Fighting Vehicle 8 Dry Powder and Foam Fire Fighting Vehicle 9 Dry Powder and Water Fire Fighting Vehicle 10 Gas Fire Fighting Vehicle 11 Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) Fire Fighting Vehicle 12 Pumper Fire Fighting Vehicle 13 High-expansion Foam Fire Fighting Vehicle 14 Water Mist Fire Fighting Vehicle 15 Airport Fire Fighting Vehicle 16 Turbo-jet Engine Fire Fighting Vehicle 17 Platform Fire Fighting Vehicle 18 Aerial Ladder Fire Fighting Vehicle 19 Water Tower Fire Fighting Vehicle 20 Command and Communication Fire Fighting Vehicle 21 Rescue Fire Fighting Vehicle 22 Chemical Accident Rescue Fire Fighting Vehicle 23 Transport and Return Fire Fighting Vehicle 24 Lighting Fire Fighting Vehicle 25 Smoke Exhauster Fire Fighting Vehicle 26 Decontamination Fire Fighting Vehicle 27 Reconnaissance and Detection Fire Fighting Vehicle 28 Tunnel Fire Fighting Vehicle 29 Crawler Fire Fighting Vehicle 30 Track Fire Fighting Vehicle 31 Equipment Storage Fire Fighting Vehicle 32 Fire Scene Investigation Vehicle 33 Fire Safety Publicity Vehicle 34 Hose Laying Fire Fighting Vehicle 35 Compressed Air Supply Fire Fighting Vehicle 36 Foam Liquid Supply Fire Fighting Vehicle 37 On-board Equipment, Apparatuses and Accessories of Fire Fighting Vehicle Annex A (Informative) Requirements for Signs of Fire Fighting Vehicle Annex B (Normative) On-board Water Supply System Annex C (Normative) On-board Fire Winch Annex D (Normative) On-board Breathing Air Filling System Annex E (Normative) Hooklift Annex F (Informative) Accompanied Apparatus Annex G (Normative) Accompanied Documents, Tools and Vulnerable Parts