This part of GB 7956 specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of water tank fire fighting vehicle.
This part is applicable to water tank fire fighting vehicle; water supply fire fighting vehicle is implemented by reference to this part.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3181 Color Standard for Paint Film
GB 4351.1-2005 Portable Fire Extinguishers - Part 1: Performance and Construction
GB 6245-2006 Fire Pumps
GB 7956.1-2014 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 1: General Technical Specifications
GB 19156 General Specifications for Fire Monitors
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given in GB 6245 and GB 7956.1 apply. For the convenience of application, some terms and definitions specified in GB 7956.1-2014 are listed below.
water tank fire fighting vehicle
fire fighting vehicle mainly equipped with fire vehicle pump and water tank and adopting water as main extinguishing agent
[GB 7956.1-2014, as defined in 3.1.1]
water supply fire fighting vehicle
fire fighting vehicle mainly equipped with fire vehicle pump and large-capacity water tank and used for supplying water to fire site
[GB 7956.1-2014, as defined in 3.1.2]
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Basic requirements
Water tank fire fighting vehicle (hereinafter referred to as "water tank vehicle") and water supply fire fighting vehicle (hereinafter referred to as "water tender") shall comply with the general technical requirements in GB 7956.1-2014 and the requirements of this part.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Technical Requirements 5 Test Methods 6 Inspection Rules 7 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage