is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is one of the series standards for LTE-based vehicular communication, and structures and names of these series are expected to be as follows:
a) YD/T 3400-2018 General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication;
b) YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements of air interface of LTE-based vehicular communication;
c) YD/T 3707-2020 Technical requirements of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication;
d) YD/T 3709-2020 Technical requirements of message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication;
e) YD/T 3708-2020 Test methods of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication;
f) YD/T 3710-2020 Test methods of message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this standard may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this standard shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of China Communications Standards Association.
Test methods of message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test method of message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication, and regulates the test parameters, indicators, methods and cases of message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication.
This standard is applicable to the message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB 2312-80 Code of Chinese graphic character set for information interchange - Primary set
GB 5768.2-2009 Road traffic signs and markings - Part 2: Road traffic signs
GB/T 16263.2 Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules - Part 2: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)
GB/T 27967-2011 Format of weather forecast on highway traffic
GB/T 29100-2012 Road traffic information service - Traffic event classification and coding
YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements of air interface of LTE-based vehicular communication
YD/T 3400-2018 General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication
YD/T 3709-2020 General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following term, definition and abbreviations apply.
vehicle to everything,V2X
Communication between on-board units and other devices includes but is not limited to communication between on-board units, between on board units and road side unit, pedestrian devices and network.
4 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this standard, the following abbreviations apply.
UPER Application ID
Basic Safety Message
Device Under Test
Long Term Evolution
LTE Vehicle to Everything
On Board Unit
Road Side Unit
Road Side Information
Road Side Message
Signal Phase and Timing Message
Test System
Testing and Test Control Notation-3
Unaligned Packet Encoding Rules
5 Detection environment for message layer of LTE-based V2X technology
5.1 TS architecture
The TS architecture of LTE-based V2X is shown in Figure 1. TS is mainly composed of a PC host and a system simulator, both communicating through Ethernet.
The PC host, the upper computer in the TS, realizes the operation of equipment running, system self-checking and TTCN-3 executable test case, and may automatically test and control a tested terminal through relevant command interfaces.
The system simulator realizes underlying protocol stack function of the LTE-based V2X technology, and communicates with the terminal through air interface.
If the TS needs the DUT to feed back the relevant test state or test results in the test process, the latter feeds back the relevant information through Ethernet.
Foreword ii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Abbreviations 5 Detection environment for message layer of LTE-based V2X technology 5.1 TS architecture 5.2 Test agreement 6 Vehicle BSM Test 6.1 Test of sending BSM by DUT 6.2 Test of receiving BSM by DUT 7 Test of map message (MAP) 7.1 Test of sending MAP by RSU 7.2 Test of receiving MAP by OBU 8.1 Test of sending SPAT by RSU 8.2 Test of receiving SPAT by OBU 9 RSI test 9.1 Test of sending RSI by RSU 9.2 Test of receiving RSI by OBU 10 Test of road-side safety message (RSM) 10.1 Test of sending RSM by RSU 10.2 Test of receiving RSM by OBU
基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术消息层测试方法 1 范围 本标准规定了基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术消息层测试方法,对基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术消息层的测试参数与指标、测试方法、测试用例进行了规范。 本标准适用于基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术的消息层。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅所注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB 2312-80 信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集 GB 5768.2—2009 道路交通标志与标线 第2部分:道路交通标志 GB/T 16263.2 信息技术 ASN.1编码规则 第2部分:紧缩编码规则(PER)规范 GB/T 27967—2011 公路交通气象预报格式 GB/T 29100—2012 道路交通信息服务交通事件分类与编码 YD/T 3340—2018 基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术空中接口技术要求 YD/T 3400—2018 基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术总体技术要求 YD/T 3709—2020 基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术消息层技术要求 3 术语和定义 下列定义与术语适用于本文件。 3.1 车联网无线通信 vehicle to everything,V2X 车载单元与其他设备通信,包括但不限于车载单元之间通信、车载单元与路侧单元通信、车载单元与行人设备通信、车载单元与网络之间通信。 4 缩略语 下列缩略语适用于本文件。 AID BSM DUT LTE LTE-V2X OBU RSU RSI RSM SPAT TS TTCN-3 UPER 应用标识 基本安全消息 被测实体 长期演进技术 基于LTE的车用无线通信技术 车载单元 路侧单元 路侧交通消息 路侧单元消息 信号灯相位与配时消息 测试系统 测试与测试控制第三版 非对齐压缩编码规则 Application ID Basic Safety Message Device Under Test Long Term Evolution LTE Vehicle to Everything On Board Unit Road Side Unit Road Side Information Road Side Message Signal Phase and Timing Message Test System Testing and Test Control Notation-3 Unaligned Packet Encoding Rules 5 LTE车联网无线通信技术消息层检测环境 5.1 测试系统架构 基于LTE的车联网无线通信测试系统架构如图1所示。测试系统主要由PC主机和系统模拟器两个部分组成,二者通过以太网进行通信。 PC主机是测试系统中的上位机,实现设备运行、系统自检以及TTCN-3可执行测试用例的运行,并且可通过相关命令接口对被测终端实现自动化测试及控制。 系统模拟器上实现基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术的底层协议栈功能,系统模拟器与终端之间通过空口进行通信。 测试系统如需被测实体反馈测试过程中相关测试状态或测试结果信息,被测实体通过以太网反馈相关信息。