is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is one of the technical standards of LTE-based vehicular communication, of which, the composition and titles are as follows:
a) YD/T 3400-2018 General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication;
b) YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements for air interface of LTE-based vehicular communication;
With the development of technology, subsequent relevant standards will be developed.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of China Communications Standards Association.
General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication
1 Scope
This standard specifies the overall service requirements, system architecture and basic functional requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication technology.
This standard is applicable to LTE-based vehicular communication system.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
3GPP TS 23.246 Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) - Architecture and functional description
3GPP TS 23.401 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access
3GPPTS 23.468 Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE) - Stage 2
3GPP TS 33.185 Security aspect for LTE support of V2X services
3GPP TS 36.331 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Radio Resource Control (RRC) - Protocol specification
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
road side unit (RSU)
an entity supporting V2I service and capable of communicating with UE, which may be presented as an eNB or a stationary UE and, when presented as a stationary UE, may be either within or beyond the LTE network coverage
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply.
C-TEID Common-Tunnel Endpoint IDentifier
EPS Evolved Packet System
HPLMN Home Public Land Mobile Network
MBMS Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service
ME Mobile Equipment
OTDOA Observed Time Difference of Arrival
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
TMGI Temporary Mobile Group Identifier
UICC Universal Integrated Circuit Card
USD User Service Description
V2I Vehicle-to-Infrastructure
V2N Vehicle-to-Network
V2P Vehicle-to-Pedestrian
V2V Vehicle-to-Vehicle
V2X Vehicle-to-Everything
VPLMN Visited Public Land Mobile Network
4 General
V2X application includes V2V application, V2I application, V2N application and V2P application.
V2V application refers to the interaction of V2V application message between neighboring on-board UEs, and the message interaction is based on broadcast mode, for which the direct mode between UEs or the methods of the exchange of messages between UEs via infrastructure (e.g. RSU, application server) may be adopted.
V2I application means that the on-board UE sends V2I application message to RSU or local application server, and RSU or local application server sends V2I application message to the on-board UE.
V2N application refers to the communication between the UE and the application server over the EPS network.
V2P application refers to the interaction of V2P application message between on-board UE and human-held UE. For message interaction, the direct mode between UEs or the methods of the exchange of messages between UEs via infrastructure (e.g. RSU, application server) may be adopted.
LTE-based Vehicle-to-Everything wireless communication system supports V2V application, V2I application, V2N application and V2P application, which can be used to provide users with various services such as road safety, traffic efficiency improvement and infotainment. Application scenarios and requirement analysis of LTE-based Vehicle-to-Everything are given in Annex A.
5 General service requirements of LTE-based Vehicle-to-Everything
5.1 Basic requirements
Requirement 1: when the sending terminal is served by E-UTRAN supporting V2X, the message transmission shall be controlled by 3GPP network.
Requirement 2: when the V2X terminal is not served by E-UTRAN network supporting V2X, it shall be able to support and use 3GPP network to preconfigure system parameters for sending and receiving messages.
Requirement 3: whether served by E-UTRAN network supporting V2X, the V2X terminal shall be able to send and receive messages.
Requirement 4: RSU shall be able to send messages to and receive messages from the V2X terminal.
Requirement 5: 3GPP system shall support the communication between V2X terminals regardless of whether the V2X terminals belong to the same PLMN.
Requirement 6: 3GPP system shall be able to provide a method to change the priority of messages between V2X terminals.
Requirement 7: 3GPP system shall be able to provide a method to change message priority according to message type (security type or other type).
Requirement 8: 3GPP system shall be able to provide a method to change transmission rate and distance according to service conditions (such as terminal speed and terminal density).
Requirement 9: 3GPP system shall be able to support efficient distribution of information to a large number of V2X terminals.
Requirement 10: the V2X terminal shall be able to judge whether the current E-UTRAN network supports V2X communication.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Terms and definitions 3.2 Abbreviations 4 General 5 General service requirements of LTE-based Vehicle-to-Everything 5.1 Basic requirements 5.2 Effective communication distance 5.3 Movement speed 5.4 Communication delay 5.5 Transmission reliability 5.6 Information security requirements 5.7 Coverage requirements 5.8 Message sending frequency requirements 5.9 Message size requirements 6 LTE-based vehicular communication system architecture 6.1 Architecture model 6.2 Introduction of reference points 6.3 Functional entities 7 Basic functional requirements of LTE-based V2X 7.1 High level function requirements 7.2 Radio function requirements 7.3 Identifiers 7.4 Functional description and information flows Annex A (Informative) LTE-based vehicle-to-everything application scenarios and requirements
基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术总体技术要求 1 范围 本标准规定了基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术的总体业务要求、系统架构和基本功能要求。 本标准适用于基于LTE的车联网无线通信系统。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 3GPP TS 23.246 多媒体广播/多播业务(MBMS);架构和功能描述(Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service(MBMS)Architecture and functional description) 3GPP TS 23.303 基于邻近的服务(ProSe);第2阶段(Proximity-based services(ProSe)Stage 2) 3GPP TS 23.401 演进通用陆地无线接入网络(E-UTRAN)接入的GPRS增强(General Packet Radio Service(GPRS)enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E-UTRAN)access) 3GPPTS 23.468 LTE支持群组通信系统(GCSE_LTE);第2阶段(Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE)) 3GPP TS 33.185 LTE支持V2X业务的安全(Security aspect for LTE support of V2X services) 3GPP TS 36.331 演进的通用陆地无线接入无线资源控制(RRC);协议规范(Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)Radio Resource Control (RRC);Protocol specification) 3 术语、定义和缩略语 3.1 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1.1 路边单元road side unit(RSU) 一种支持V2I业务的实体,可以与UE通信。RSU可以呈现为eNB或者静止UE。当RSU呈现为静止UE时,可以在LTE网络覆盖内也可以在LTE网络覆盖外。 3.2 缩略语 下列缩略语适用于本文件。 C-TEID 公共隧道端点标识符 Common-Tunnel Endpoint IDentifier EPS 演进分组系统 Evolved Packet System E-UTRAN 演进UTRAN Evolved UTRAN HPLMN 归属公众陆地移动网 Home Public Land Mobile Network L.MBMS 本地MBMS Local MBMS MBMS 多媒体广播多播 Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service ME 移动设备 Mobile Equipment OTDOA 观察到达时间差 Observed Time Difference of Arrival PLMN 公众陆地移动网 Public Land Mobile Network TMGI 临时移动组标识 Temporary Mobile Group Identifier UICC 通用集成电路卡 Universal Integrated Circuit Card USD 用户业务描述 User Service Description V2I 车-路 Vehicle-to-Infrastructure V2N 车-网 Vehicle-to-Network V2P 车-人 Vehicle-to-Pedestrian V2V 车-车 Vehicle-to-Vehicle V2X 车联网 Vehicle-to-Everything VPLMN 拜访公众陆地移动网 Visited Public Land Mobile Network 4 概述 车联网(V2X)应用包括车—车(V2V)应用、车—路(V2I)应用、车—网(V2N)应用和车—人(V2P)应用。 V2V应用指邻近的车载UE间交互V2V应用信息,信息交互基于广播方式,可采用UE间直通模式,或者经由基础设施(如路边单元RSU、应用服务器)在UE间交互信息。 V2I应用指车载UE发送V2I应用信息到RSU或本地应用服务器,RSU或本地应用服务器发送V2I应用信息给车载UE。 V2N应用指UE与应用服务器间通过EPS 网络进行通信。 V2P应用指车载UE和人持UE间交互V2P应用信息。信息交互可采用UE间直通模式,或者经由基础设施(如路边单元RSU、应用服务器)在UE间交互信息。 基于LTE的车联网无线通信系统支持车—车(V2V)应用、车—路(V2I)应用、车—网(V2N)应用和车—人(V2P)应用,利用这些应用可向用户提供诸如道路安全、交通效率提升和信息娱乐等各类业务。附录A中给出了基于LTE车联网的应用场景和需求分析。 5 基于LTE车联网的总体业务要求 5.1 基本要求 要求1:当发送终端由支持V2X的E-UTRAN服务时,消息传输应由3GPP网络控制。 要求2:车联网终端未由支持V2X的E-UTRAN网络服务时,应能够支持并使用3GPP网络预先配置用于发送和接收消息的系统参数。 要求3:无论是否由支持V2X的E-UTRAN网络服务,车联网终端都应能够发送和接收消息。 要求4:路边单元应能够向车联网终端发送消息,并接收来自车联网终端的消息。 要求5:无论车联网终端是否属于同一个PLMN,3GPP系统应支持车联网终端之间的通信。 要求6:3GPP系统应能够提供改变车联网终端之间消息优先级的方法。 要求7:3GPP系统应能够提供根据消息类型(安全类或其他类)改变消息优先级的方法。 要求8:3GPP系统应能够提供根据服务条件(如终端速度、终端密度)改变发送速率和距离的方法。 要求9:3GPP系统应能够支持向大量车联网终端高效的分发信息。 要求10:车联网终端应能够判别当前E-UTRAN网络是否支持车联网通信。 要求11:3GPP系统应能够为应用服务器和路边单元提供控制消息发送区域和改变消息发送区域大小的方法。 要求11a:3GPP系统应能够提供车联网终端向本地应用服务器发送消息的方法。 要求12:E-UTRAN网络应能够支持高密度车联网终端通信。 要求13:HPLMN和VPLMN运营商都应能够向使用网络资源发送消息的车联网终端收费。 要求14:当车联网终端资源受限(如使用电池)时,由于发送消息而消耗的资源(如电量)应尽可能小。 要求15:3GPP系统宜采用高效的资源使用方式支持任何可辅助车联网终端改善定位精度的技术(如差分GPS、OTDOA技术)。 5.2 有效通信距离 要求16:E-UTRA应能够提供足够的有效通信距离以保证司机有足够的反应时间(如4s)。 5.3 移动速度 要求17:无论车联网终端是否使用支持V2X通信的E-UTRAN提供的车联网通信服务,3GPP系统应能够支持最高相对速度为500km/h的车辆间发送消息。 要求18:无论车联网终端或者路边单元或者行人是否使用支持V2X通信的E-UTRAN提供的车联网通信服务,3GPP系统应能够支持最高绝对速度为250km/h的车辆与车辆,车辆与路边单元和行人发送消息。 5.4 通信时延 要求19:对于支持车车和车人通信的终端,无论直接发送还是由路边单元转发,E-UTRA(N)应保证最大通信时延不超过100ms。 要求20:仅对于特殊用例(如碰撞感知),E-UTRA(N)车联网终端间发送V2V消息的最大时延宜不超过20ms。 要求21:对于车到路边单元通信,车与路边单元的最大通信时延不超过100ms。 要求22:对于经过3GPP网络实体的在支持V2N业务的车联网终端和应用服务器之间的通信,最大端到端时延不超过1000ms。 5.5 传输可靠性 要求23:E-UTRAN网络应不依赖应用层重传即可提供高可靠传输。 5.6 信息安全要求 要求24:当车联网终端使用支持V2X通信的E-UTRAN提供的服务时,3GPP网络应提供运营商授权车联网终端进行V2X通信的方法。 要求25:3GPP网络应提供一种运营商授权车联网终端在未获得支持V2X通信的E-UTRAN服务时进行V2X通信的方法。 要求26:3GPP网络应提供一种单独的、授权车联网终端使用车到网络(V2N)通信服务的方法。 要求27:3GPP网络应保护V2X应用传输的完整性。 要求28:根据监管机构的要求,3GPP网络应保护采用V2X通信终端的匿名性和隐私性,保证车联网终端在V2X应用所要求的某一个短时间之外不能被其他终端追踪或识别。 要求29:根据监管机构的要求,3GPP网络应保护采用V2V/V2I通信终端的匿名性和隐私性,保证车联网终端不能被未经监管机构或用户授权的一方在该区域追踪。 5.7 覆盖要求 要求30:V2X业务在有运营商网络和无运营商网络覆盖的情况下均应支持。 5.8 消息发送频率要求 要求31:E-UTRAN应能够支持路边单元和车联网终端最大10Hz的消息发送频率。 注:V2X应用提供给3GPP传输的消息既可以是周期性的也可以是由具体事件触发的。 5.9 消息大小要求 要求32:不包括安全相关的消息单元,对于周期性的消息,E-URTRAN应能支持的在两个支持V2X应用的UE之间传输的消息大小在50~300 byte。 要求33:不包括安全相关的消息单元,对于事件触发的消息,E-UTRAN应能支持在两个支持V2X应用的UE之间传输的消息最大为1200 byte。 注:3GPP只考虑基于具体消息特征(如时延、消息大小)的消息传输,而不关注具体的消息类型。 6 基于LTE车联网无线通信系统架构 6.1 架构模型 6.1.1 概述 V2X通信有两种互为独立、相互补充的工作模式,即基于PC5直通模式的V2X通信和基于LTE-Uu的V2X通信。基于LTE-Uu的工作模式可以是单播或MBMS方式。UE可以分别使用这两种工作模式进行接收和发送。例如:一个UE可以使用MBMS方式接收V2X消息,但发送V2X消息不使用LTE-Uu。一个UE也可以通过LTE-Uu下行单播来接收V2X消息。 下列原则适用于这两种工作模式: —V2X应用服务器之间:可以相互通信以交换V2X信息; —ProSe发现机制不适用于V2X服务; —根据区域管制规定,合法的侦听行为适用于V2X业务。 6.1.2 基于PC5和LTE-Uu的V2X通信架构 非漫游场景下基于PC5和LTE-Uu的V2X通信架构 图1给出非漫游场景下基于PC5和LTE-Uu的V2X通信架构。