1.0.1 The specifications is formulated with a view to ensuring the construction quality of asphalt concrete pavement engineering construction of civil airports and making it up to safety production, uniform criteria, advanced technology and economic rationality.
1.0.2 The specifications are applicable to the asphalt concrete pavement construction of newly-constructed, extended or reconstructed civil airports. Asphalt concrete pavement engineering construction quality control of the civil part of joint-used airport by military and civil units shall also comply with the specifications. As for general aviation airport, the corresponding construction quality control may be implemented by reference to the specifications.
1.0.3 The specifications specify methods and criteria for construction, quality management and quality inspection of hot-mixed and hot-laid asphalt concrete pavement construction of civil airports. Base course and cushion course construction shall be implemented in accordance with current relevant specifications.
1.0.4 Before asphalt concrete pavement engineering construction, detailed construction organization design shall be carried out, all preparation works prior to construction shall be properly carried out and it shall be approved by the Employer.
1.0.5 As for non-suspend air construction of asphalt concrete pavement, construction technical measures ensuring air safety must be formulated.
1.0.6 As for asphalt concrete pavement engineering construction of civil airports, it shall not only meet those specified in the specifications, but also meet the requirements of current relevant mandatory standards of the nation.
2 Terminologies and Symbols
2.1 Terminologies
2.1.1 Petroleum asphalt for airport pavements
Petroleum asphalt used on asphalt concrete pavement of civil airports and complying with the technical requirements (expressed as AB).
2.1.2 Modified asphalt (MA)
Asphalt with its or asphalt mixture performance improved through adding such admixtures (modifier) as rubber, resin, thermoplastic elastomeric polymer, levigated rubber powder or other filler in asphalt or by taking such measures as asphalt mild oxidation.
2.1.3 Content of asphalt
The ratio of asphalt mass in asphalt concrete mixture to total mass of asphalt concrete mixture, expressed as a percentage.
2.1.4 Mineral aggregate
Generic term of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and filler used for asphalt concrete mixture.
2.1.5 Coarse aggregate
Aggregate with the particle size greater than 2.36mm and formed by processing crashed stone or gravel (crushing and screening).
2.1.6 Fine aggregate
Such aggregates as natural sands, manufactured sands and stone chips naturally formed or formed through processing (crushing and screening) with particle size less than 2.36mm.
2.1.7 Filler
Mineral powder with the particle size less than 0.075mm, which is a kind of material used for filling in asphalt concrete mixture.
2.1.8 Acidic rock
Generic term of stone with such hydrophilic minerals as silicon and aluminum as main chemical composition, poor bonding performance with asphalt and prone to cause asphalt membrane stripping due to effect of water when it is used for asphalt concrete mixture.
2.1.9 Natural sand
Particle formed by rock weathering and transportation with the size less than 2.36mm.
2.1.10 Manufactured sand
Particle formed by repeated crashed stone or gravel crushing process with the size less than 2.36; also known as artificial sand.
2.1.11 Stone chips
Generic term of aggregates passing through 4.75mm sieve mesh during crashed stone processing.
2.1.12 Anti-stripping agent
Such fillers as surface active agent or lime, cement, etc. added into asphalt or asphalt concrete mixture with a view to improving aggregate and asphalt adhesiveness and strengthening the water damage resistance of asphalt concrete mixture.
2.1.13 Asphalt concrete
Asphalt concrete mixture that meets the requirements of technical standards and is formed by mixing coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and filler that meet the specified gradation with asphalt and then conducting compaction by rolling (expressed as AC).
2.1.14 Dense aggregate asphalt concrete
Asphalt concrete made by mixing mineral aggregate, of which particles in various sizes are consecutively graded and densely extruded, with asphalt and then compacting until the residual voidage less than 6%.
2.1.15 Fine aggregate asphalt concrete mixture
Contents 1 General Provisions 2 Terminologies and Symbols 2.1 Terminologies 2.2 Symbols 3 Construction Survey 3.1 General Requirements 3.2 Construction Survey Control Requirements 3.3 Survey Accuracy Requirements 3.4 Survey of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Overlay Engineering 4 Materials 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Asphalt Material 4.3 Emulsified Petroleum Asphalt 4.4 Mineral Aggregate 4.5 Modified Asphalt 5 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Construction 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Preparations for Construction 5.3 Construction Mix Proportion Design of Asphalt Concrete Mixture 5.4 Paving of Test Section 5.5 Mixing of Asphalt Concrete Mixture 5.6 Transportation and Paving of Asphalt Concrete Mixture 5.7 Compaction 5.8 Joint and Access Ramp 5.9 Penetrating Tack Coat with Emulsified Petroleum Asphalt and Tack Coat with Petroleum Asphalt 5.10 Construction of Modified Asphalt Concrete 5.11 Construction of Crashed Stone Mastic Asphalt Concrete Mixture (SMA) 6 Non-suspend Air Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Safety Precautions 6.3 Construction Preparation 6.4 Construction of Asphalt Concrete Mixture 6.5 Opening 7 Quality Inspection 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Quality Inspection during Construction Process 7.3 Engineering Construction Summary Appendix A Design Procedure and Method of Construction Mix Proportion of Asphalt Mixture Appendix B Technical Requirements for Petroleum Asphalt of Heavy Traffic Road Wording Explanation of the Specifications